Sally Fallon Morrell making a presentation about raw milk a few years back.
For days, I have been trying to make sense of this story of several thousand migrants from Central America descending on the U.S. How the president is sending 5,000 soldiers to the border with Mexico, no, make that 15,000, to protect us from the “invaders.” How the invaders may look harmless enough, but they are being financed by George Soros/the Democrats (take your pick) and are bringing with them terrible diseases that will sicken untold numbers of Americans. It sounds so familiar in its eeriness—the unseen mortal threat that will injure and kill us unless we mobilize and somehow repel them before they…..destroy us all.
Where have I heard that story before? I just figured it out—I have heard it many times from Sally Fallon Morrell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, during her slide presentations about the benefits of raw milk. During her presentation, she tells the story about how the American media in the 1940s—most notably a cover story in the May 1945 Coronet magazine about Crossroads, USA, entitled “Raw Milk Can KILL You”— created fear and hysteria about raw milk by falsely claiming that one in four people in the town had died from undulant fever spread by tainted raw milk. The only defense, in this narrative, was to reject raw milk and go with pasteurized milk.
In this narrative, raw milk is the barbaric outside invader preying on the innocent citizens of an ordinary American town. The implication is clear: unless raw milk is successfully repelled, many more “Crossroads, USA” will come to pass, with many thousands more deaths.
The only problem with this narrative—in particular, the story about Crossroads, USA, presented in Coronet—was that the story was false. There was no such outbreak attributed to raw milk in any American town.
Of course, once the story was published, there was no pulling it back. It showed up some months later in Readers Digest, with millions of readers, and the hysteria about raw milk was out there in full force. Before that decade was out, Michigan had become the first state in the country to ban raw milk sales, and during the 1950s and 1960s, many other states would join in banning raw milk or else severely limiting its availability.
The scapegoating of raw milk, and the farmers who produce it and distribute it, has continued on and off over the last decade. When they are targeted periodically, with searches, shutdowns of their farms, and even criminal charges, the narrative is much the same as in early years: These people care only about making huge profits on raw milk and have no concern that their product is so unsafe it could kill you.
The situation with regard to the migrants is similar. There has been little or no documentation about any threats they pose. From all we can tell, these caravans are organized locally so individuals don’t have to make the dangerous trek north alone. The migrants are fleeing terribly threatening conditions, including threats to their personal safety from ruthless gangs, and seeking asylum in the U.S., which is a legal means of entry.
From everything we can tell, the hysteria about the migrant caravan is a political stunt, meant to rile up voter insecurity and fear so as to increase votes for the president’s party, much as the mass media articles of the mid-1940s were a corporate stunt, designed to increase sales of pasteurized milk and so foster the interests of big dairy processors.
What’s surprising to me is to see how easily many raw milk advocates have fallen for the appeal to fear and hysteria, no questions asked, in their posts and comments on Facebook. Strange, for people who’ve been targets, to so easily target other unfortunates.
And here’s a prediction: The migrant story will quickly fade away, and the soldiers return to their bases, once the election is over.
further to the axiom ” nothing is so useless that it can’t at least be used as a bad example” … your latest essay is brilliant for articulating all that the bleeding-hearts hold dear.
“little or no documentation about the threats they pose”, you say? Man, get outta that Eastern Establishment chattering-classses echochamber in which you dwell, and educate thyself with the FACTS of crimes committed by such “un-documented” types as make up the caravanserai. Start with the FBI database on murder and rape, DUI broken down by race. Confer with “The Color of Crime”. Donald Trump/ his handlers realized early in the game, that White Christian Americans have good reasons to fear “the Other”. And we vote accordingly. PRESIDENT Trump is drawing 100,000 fans to his public appearances whilst Barry Soetoro couldn’t fill a high-school auditorium with warm bodies. That would tell you something, if you can muster the intellectual integrity to let in the FACTS
Correct me if I”m wrong, but I bet the town you live in is a bubble of white privilege – not all that “diversified” (yet) … which is why you prefer it, right?! Now! in order to prove how sincere you are, Mister Gumpert, please post the street address of your residence, so the invaders who do make it across the finish line, can all come live at your place. Bearing in mind there’s another Billion more, where they came from.
You know, Watson, I hate to dignify your racist drivel with space or time here. But just to give a hint how far removed you are from reality, I’ll answer some of your questions, and then ask a couple of my own. I live in Waltham, MA, a small city not far from Boston that is about one-third immigrants. I get to interact with a lot of immigrants (though never discuss citizenship) and what I do know is these people work their asses off at everything from the most menial restaurant jobs to teaching at one or another of the many universities in the Boston area, or working professionally in one of the many high-tech companies that are based here. This area benefits economically and culturally, way beyond your ability to comprehend, from the many immigrants, together with its emphasis on education, so much so it is one of the most prosperous areas in the U.S. (together with the West Coast).
I don’t hear much about crime among immigrants, but certainly it would be naive to think that there isn’t crime from immigrants, just as there is from all segments of society. The biggest crimes I hear about are mass murders at American churches and synagogues and elementary and high schools and yoga studios and at country-and-western concerts and in supermarkets…..and you know who nearly always seems to be committing those crimes? Alienated and disturbed white men. Tell me, how does that fit into your white nationalist theory of a super race?
like I said = rather than read the national statistics as compiled by the FBI and other branches of law enforcement, where the intellectually-honest can find FACTS about the race war going on in Ham-merica …particularly the color of crime… no, you get your information from the libtard echochamber.
My “white nationalist theory of a super race”? Pardonez moi?! Any theory about a super-race does not come from what I write. You’ve confused me with what’s preached by a certain ethnic group, out of their sacred book :particularly, that they’re actually human beings, but all the rest of us are “beasts created only to serve them. ” I could come up with thousands of quotes, along that line, out of their own mouths, but you’re not listening ; so I won’t go on about it here. Suffice to say = Michael Hoffman II is the reigning expert in that area.
your ilk has defined “white men” as The Problem. But that is not my problem…
you do well when you focus on raw milk, David Gumpert. Otherwise, in geopolitics, you’re just a child, ‘way over your head.
Yes, my initial instinct not to waste time and energy discussing with you was correct.
What about the black Democrat and homosexual activist (who applied to a largely Jewish Univ) vandalized/set fire to a Jewish synagogue, school and two centers in NY last week and is charged? You mention racism, yet you use the term “white nationalism”.
Last Friday, black, demoncrat and homosexual activist set fire/vandalized 4 Jewish centers
in 1973 EF Shumacher put out Small is Beautiful. The report at the URL below, perfectly illustrates its subtitle – “Economics as if people matter”. A 3000 cow CAFO dairy in Hawaii is shutting down local residents finally had enough of being gassed with noxious fumes from improper manure handling. And, seeing their waterways polluted by an unethical corporation. As Shumacher pointed out : When a system reaches its limit, it reverses upon itself. When the interest rates in Ham-merica take off … as is IN-evitable … the big dairies which are just barely surviving on cheap borrowed funds, will fail. Farmers aren’t going to work for nothing, forever. Then what? Same as happened at the end of the Soviet Union. In 1989, the population was surviving on food produced on personal plots
this is long, yet appropriate for this forum = Edwin Shanks’ testimony as to how reliance on God wrought a miracle on his family farm. From utter failure according to ‘the best practices of industrial ag.’, to a spectacular success as a truly Organic/ grass fed RAWMI dairy. I can’t figure out a way to give just the URL so I’m posting it all.
[Editor’s Note: It is long, and was being planned for publication in full on this blog shortly, so I’ve removed it to avoid clogging comment section right now.]
‘Poop vault’ of human feces could preserve gut’s microbial biodiversity—and help treat disease
dr heckman thats a form of cannibalism…there are many probiorics from fermented soli organisms that work just the same
What an interesting contrast between Gordon’s comment and Dr Heckmans fascinating Shit Bank science of Gut Biome preservation.
Both share one common concept…..human waste. One for the benefit of life and the other for the destruction of it.
Capt Sully Sulivan was asked this evening what he would say to the president. He said he did not have anything to say to the president because the president is incapable of listening or learning. Instead his message was for the American People. We must vote for a new moral and ethical compass. Our present president has none.
David, I have to agree with you, but you know what happens when you stir a manure slurry!!
I know that Gordon will see this source as left wing bias but what can you do when people are so hardened in their beliefs that no evidence to the contrary will sway them? Trump has been blowing a train whistle of racism since he took office but has really increased the volume as the elections draw close. Painting women and children driven from their homes as terrorists, rapists, drug dealers…fear heaped upon fear.
Bush played the same card during his second term election with the fear of same sex marriage. The drumbeat was incessant then as it is now.
This article is crazy. These are two totally different things. The issues mentioned with raw milk and people entering the US illegally are not the same or similar things. These people in the caravan are coming here illegally. There are legal ways to come to this country to seek asylum. These people are doing it illegally. Our country has laws and borders to protect us and the whole country. If people are breaking the law, there are consequences. These illegals in the caravan, who have already broken Mexico’s laws, make it to the US Border and attempt to enter illegally, they should face consequences. The military is there to protect the law enforcement officers and to protect us. President Trump is doing the right thing by sending the military to the border. This article is so crazy, I question whether it was even worth the time to read. As the democrats continue to act crazy like this, they will continue to look more and more stupid, and more and more people will vote republican.
This country has laws against raw milk as well. There is a federal law against shipping raw milk across state lines. Dozens of states have laws against selling raw milk anywhere except from the farm. About a dozen states prohibit any sale of raw milk. Many producers of raw milk, a number of whom I have written about and defended, violate those laws every day. Shouldn’t we be punishing them under the full extent of the law?
Yes, there are laws against selling raw milk in some states. In other states it’s legal. Laws can change though. It may not be easy, but the best course of action is to regularly try to get the lawmakers to change laws. It’s not right to break the laws that are there, whether it is illegally selling raw milk or illegally entering the USA. I drive to another state to buy raw milk where it’s legally sold since it’s not legal to sell raw milk in my state. It’s not convenient, but since the laws are set up that way, I do it that way to stay legal with things. I know someone much closer who illegally sells raw milk, but I don’t buy from him since it goes against the law. If we don’t agree with the laws, the process should be to contact our lawmakers about changing the laws. If that doesn’t work due to them being tied into special interests, work to get them voted out and work to fight the corruption. That would be much more effective than simply breaking the laws to get our way.
You’re a special man, Joe. Not in synch with most of your fellow raw milk drinkers, however.
It is a pleasure to go back and read some of your earlier blogs. This one from 8 years ago.
A Trip Up Memory Lane: As Eliot Coleman Prepares to Add Cattle to His Farm, the Food Rights Movement Will Gain an Important Voice; Raw Milk “Lotion”
Actually Trump wont allow them to enter the country until they have been vetted. They will stay in tents. But dont worry Gumpert, there a thousands of other “ILLEGAL ALIENS” , that you call migrants , crossing our border illegally every month. Now how you came up with the notion that all are great for our country and there are no bad apples, because of your raw milk analogy, is laughable. Stick to your raw milk is good stories. On a side note. Why the raw milk people would vote democrat is beyond me. This current administration is pro raw milk and will probably stay that way.
“This current administration is pro raw milk and will probably stay that way.” Ha ha ha….I can’t stop laughing, really. Where did you get your information, from the people who passed around the rumor when Trump was running for prez that he was a secret raw milk drinker? That turned out to be pure fantasy–you must have missed my blog post with the picture of him eating KFC on his plane. No, he is just as anti-raw-milk as was the Obama administration and the Bush administration before that. The FDA has been hard at work helping states crack down on raw dairy producers and distributors around the country; unfortunately, the producers who have been targeted have asked me not to write about them, for fear of making the situation worse.
Maybe try chewing on this: Early in Trump’s campaign he posted a policy statement in which he said he wanted to cut way back on “The FDA Food Police, which dictate how the federal government expects farmers to produce fruits and vegetables and even dictates the nutritional content of dog food.” His proposed policy change stayed on his site for a day or two, literally, and then disappeared, never to be heard from again. I challenge you to find any official word from Trump favoring raw dairy, or anything else related to good food. Here is news about the original policy statement (note the photo of him eating McDonald’s): https://thehill.com/regulation/healthcare/296152-trump-says-he-would-eliminate-food-safety-regulations
You have got to be kidding me, Mr. Gumpert.
“The situation with regard to the migrants is similar. There has been little or no documentation about any threats they pose.”
As already state above, How about the concept of the good ‘ol Rule of Law? How ’bout that one?
I see absolutely no comparison and no credible analogy here to the publicity stunt called the “Migrant Caravan” (right here before election time) and the political situation with raw milk.
Get real, David. When it comes to TDS, the Left has no bottom it appears.
I’d bet that the second Kavanaugh accuser who has been linked to Diane Feinstein and who now admits that she lied like a rug fell on deaf ears with the Leftist echo chamber. She is now up on criminal charges, by the way.
Same should go for people who illegally cross our borders. Of course, you folks advocate for selective enforcement, right?
Here’s to a red tsunami on November 6th.
Cheese Man, so where is the documentation about the threats? Maybe Rush has it?
Here is some honest grassroots reporting on the migrant caravan by the Rebel Media’s David Menzies.
The fear narrative inevitably ends up being used by any institution or special interest group that has a vested interest in preserving its objective and/or identity … be it government (left or right), the church, the medical profession, the media the pro or anti gun crowd, the pro or anti raw milk crowd, the pro or anti vaccination crowd, or the pro or anti abortion crowd, etc. etc. It’s an innate age-old controlling mechanism used by humans that will continue into the future…
Interesting reporting from Rebel Media, but unfortunately the reporter seems not to have been able to find out much, except that the people in the caravan seem to be very poor. I agree with you about the fear narrative. So maybe you can answer a Q: There apparently have been a number of these caravans over the last few years, but this is the first one that has gotten so much political attention. Could that be related to the fact that there is an election upcoming? As I said in my post, I find it ironic that so many readers of this blog, who have seen the fear narrative used against producers of good food, would fall for it with regard to immigrants.
Article from UK Dairy
I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the caravan was organized because of the upcoming election… that being said, I dare not hazard a guess as to who is behind it…
Ken, I asked why this caravan, a repeat performance of previous ones, has gotten so much political attention this time…..not who organized it.
Sorry about that David,
Yes, it could be and is likely related to the upcoming election… As to “why” it has received so much political attention… all the media attention and speculation speaks to that end and its exceedingly frustrating trying to make sense of all that drivel.
george . soros organized it under a different name someone told me
maybe thats why he got a bomb in the mail perhaps ?
Regarding the May 1945 Coronet magazine about Crossroads, USA, entitled “Raw Milk Can KILL You”
Article about this at Real Milk. SOWING THE SEEDS OF FEAR
The Harvest is a Barren One
Reprinted by permission from The Rural New Yorker: The Business Farmer’s Paper, Est. 1850
By Jean Bullitt Darlington
I spend a great deal of time several times each year in remote medical clinics in Mexico.
I have one question:
Where is the human compassion???
Where in the hell is it???
These people are fleeing a war. An economic war that America First ( and to hell with everyone else ) Doctrine promotes, supports and arms.
When they throw a rock, it is out of desparation. They throw a rock because they don’t have a rifle and they have no food or money. They have nothing and they are struggling to just survive.
The caravan is a movement of families and parts of families.
These families would never have left their homelands if America had invested in mid America with outreach. Instead we overthrow their duly elected governments. Remember Pinochet and Chile. He was a CIA chosen dictator. Allende was the duly elected president over thrown by CIA sponsored Coupe.
This Caravan is the direct effect of America First doctrine where the world is told to go to hell…cause all we want is the worlds resources and to hell with its people. At some point the people march to get away from the brutal oppression to a better place. Oppression that we as Americans take advantage of because it is all about America First.
Selfish greed has a dark side and sharp opposite edge. You are seeing it now.
Bless those that walk 2000 miles with babies on their backs.
Shame on those that would judge them or send our soldiers to block their best human attempt for a better life or to simply save their children.
Shame on us as Americans for electing a psychotic “want to be dictator” with no ethics or morals. None. Shame on us.
I will be again be going to Mexico in early December as a pilot for the Flying Doctors of Mercy and I will be treating and taking care of people with far less than what we have. I will be helping them anyway I can because we are all humans on this earth. By my math, the caravan might just be passing through our clinic area just about then.
Place yourself in the caravan with a baby on your back and consider walking in their shoes for just one mile or spending just one night.
What would Jesus say about all of this? What would Jesus do about all of this? Who would Jesus vote for???
Those are true questions for our American souls.
can a bunch of these migrants work on your farm marc?
The president will be spending about $300 million to deploy 15,000 army troops to the southern US border to make a political statement about an invasion that is not happening.
Can you imagine how much economic stimulus and job creation could be purchased in Honduras for just a fraction of that amount or $50 million dollars.
Meanwhile, the real crime is the US kidnapping of 700 children and the inability to reconnect them with their families. That is the true crime, the true invasion was a violation of human rights by our own president.
Praying for a blue wave! We just need 24 seats in the house and 3 seats in the senate and this nightmare is over.
“… an invasion that is not happening” ?! Even Mister Gumpert admitted that his own town is now one-third invaders / economic migrants … whatever euphemism you want to use = in the last generation. Prior to the change in policy of the US of A in 1965, were we asked whether or not we wanted the racial proportions of our society, drastically altered?
you want us to believe you actually ‘care about children’ ? your hypocrisy – paramedic Mark McAffee – is insufferable. The immigration crisis is ONLY the outworking of the policy = articulated in 1976, in the paper Global 2000, by Henry Kissinger, no less! = in which abortion on demand was to be legitimized. Since then, 40 million babies were liquidated in the womb here in the bastion of “human rights’. Some – survivors of the procedure – were executed after live birth. See the movie “Gosnell”, if you can stomach it. Point being = there would be no immigration controversy, at all, had people like you not averted your eyes from the calculated genocide.
“where is the compassion?” you ask? Look in the mirror. When we ( antiabortionists) were out on the public sidewalk, challenging the conscience of the nation with that very question, guys like you gloated while the Clintons put us in gaol for expressing our political opinion on that issue. Your role model Senator Barry Suetoro voted AGAINST a law prohibiting partial birth abortion … killing the baby when his head was outside the birth canal. And you have the unmitigated gall to chide us about lack of “compassion” ?
Immigrating To The U.S.? Get Ready For A New Gut Microbiome (And Maybe More Pounds)
Moving to the U.S. can seriously mess with immigrants’ microbiomes, according to a new study that tracked the digestive health of refugees coming to Minnesota from Southeast Asia. This new study is a good first step in solving that mystery, says Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello, a microbiologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey who wasn’t involved in the research. “I strongly believe this whole topic needs to be studied more rigorously, in more immigrant groups and people all over the world,” she says. “Because one thing is clear: Human populations are migrating, and they are increasingly Westernizing. We need to know how those changes are going to affect our health.”
My prayers and door knocking efforts have been answered!
The House is ours….accountability for lies forthwith. Lets see the taxes and expose the biggest corruption in the history of American politics.
“prayers” ? Prayers to whom? The gods you and your ilk, serve, Mark McAffee, are quite different than the One to whom Christian American prays, by his name = Jesus Christ
Bad money drives out good and bad behavior drives away people of good will. Mark McAffee’s latest insult being a handy example. McAffee’s boorishness exemplifying how movie-star prima donnas assume their every utterance is entitled to be treated as wisdom, on a topic other than the one area in which they’re successful. Perhaps his malady is a California thing?
Too bad you allowed him to pollute your formerly excellent forum with his gross hyper-partisan propaganda, Mister Gumpert. Take it back to intelligent worthwhile discussion of REAL MILK, before your audience leaves, completely.
There certainly was a lot of pollution on here around 5 AM Nov. 7th.
Keep up the good work David, no matter the distractor.
we cannot let in more people then we can handle
some will go on the welfare system…maybe all will try….
it use to be when folks came to this c ountry they worked when they got here.
many of the jobs these people will take if they do go get work will be taken from americans that have been waiting for work..its nic e to help those in need but after a while one has to rest and pass on the offered help or there will be a “collapse”
some are saying this whole “invasion” has been staged
not sure why they are saying this…anyone have any ideas
Not sure if anyone here has listened to the Munk debate in Toronto between David Frum and Steve Bannon… If not its worth setting aside an hour and a half to do so…
You’d better watch out for this autocrat Mark, Raw milk is likely next on his hit list…
I am well aware of Dr. Pan.
He is quite the “sterile is better” kind of doctor. I tried to reach out to him about the GUT BIOME years ago and he would hear nothing of it.
His kind care is causing all sorts of genomic GUT biome damage, and he does not even care and or understand the relationship between antibiotics and gut biome destruction.
Lost ball….very high weeds.
I had a woman come visit us at OPDC today. She had been recently diagnosed with Crohns. Her doctor could do nothing for her accept more drugs and she was getting worse! She came to get help because of the videos and CASE STUDIES at http://www.farmersoverpharmacies.com
She was elated to find out that food does matter, and that there is a real treatment that is based in deep nutrition and gut BIOME regeneration. Her doctor had said that foods don’t matter and there is no cure.
BS on both accounts!!
Doctors that only read USA PUBMED and discount all the EU studies and those that do not wake up when they hear about fecal transplant effectiveness at 92% with near fatal C-Diff infections…I call them PHARMA puppets. That’s our Dr. Pan. A true tragedy.
Findings from romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak; FDA’s plans
Watched most of the Munk debate in Ontario Canada.
Very interesting. Worth the time for sure.
For some reason, we have had a string of so many tours at OPDC and all them have had a connection to a Crohns patient.
All of these Crohns patients are very upset and unhappy with the choices being provided by their doctors and are reaching out to learn more about bone broth and Raw Milk Kefir!! The end point of western pharma therapy being a colostomy bag !
Something is going on…finally traction. Rebuilding the gut biome is a nutritional process and not a pharmaceutical pathway. You don’t get Crohns from a lack of Remacade or Humira!!!!
Here is a video from our friends at LIVE AWARE.
If you want to know more about raw milk and its role as the “first food of life”, our immune system builder and GUT BIOME creator try this presentation. Please share with others.
Teaching about raw milk…is how you sell raw milk. Until a consumer understands raw milk and its powerful position as our “first food”…there would be little reason to drink it. There is no mention of OPDC in this presentation. It is all generic. Brand promotion is not permitted at LIVE AWARE.
Scientists are so grateful to raw milk….they named the Universe after it. Hence…the ” ( Raw ) Milky Way!” if you watch the video…you will get this.
We are in such trouble ( we can not call Houston— Apollo 13 space mission debacle ) to get help, we must call a farmer.
Six years ago, back in 2012, you wrote an article about the FDA and John Sheehan and they restricted and limited the acedemic freedom at UC Davis as expressed in the IMGC Splash Newsletter. They did not want truth in raw milk science and benefits to be shared with the public. It freaked them out!!
Tommorrow, Blaine and I will attend our Seventh IMGC conference. This year it is being held in Sacrsmento CA. We have been all over the world chasing the best science behind raw milk. Aarhus Denmark, Sydney Australia, UC Davis, Quebec Canada….we have made Phd friends at these conferences as they discuss the science behind breast milk and raw milk and all of its genomic variants.
This year I am proud to attend once again. I will bring with me the recent PubMed and peer reviewed article that completely exposes the corruption behind the CDC and FDA collusion and bias against raw milk. The British Columbia study ( Whitehead and B Lake ) shows that with the growth of 350 more permited raw milk dairies, there was a steep 74% decrease in raw milk illness. Much of this decline was attributed to standards, training and mentoring provided by RAW MILK Institute org.
Many of the Phd friends I know at IMGC privately enjoy raw milk themselves but publicly would never speak of it for fear of the loss of grant funding.
What a weird world we live in !
Meanwhile, the UK is actively engaged in plans for RAWMI to train 170 of their permited raw milk dairies. They want world class raw milk for the UK and recognize the data that has come from RAWMI Listed and trained dairies.
My big question, when will Sheehan retire and allow some young blood to breath life into the FDA, freeing it from corruption and oppression of the truth.
My head is swimming in raw milk research and breast milk fatty acids and Human Milk Oligosacarides. What a dizzy three days of very deep IMGC milk research.
Here are a couple of take aways:
1. New pathogen testing technologies will be available in the next few months to allow for safe, cheap and quick on farm testing of campylobacter, salmonella, listeria, and ecoli 0157H7. In just 30 min very accurate results will be available on farm. This is completely revolutionary for campy which still takes about 3 days. Now it can be 30 min !!
2. The role of milk sugars and sugar protein elements are really critical to growing the right bugs in the gut. It’s the food that encourages the right bacteria. When asked how do babies get Bifidobacteria bacteria from being dekivered via the vaginal tract…. the answer was, there are no Bifidobacteria in the birth canal, those bacteria come from being close to fecal contact during delivery. So this answers Mary Martins ongoing comment about nature’s bad engineering. It is not bad engineering, instead it is brilliant evolutionary design. If a baby did not get a little poop from mom during delivery, those babies failed to get innoculated with Bifidobacteria that are essential to properly functioning immunity plus a million other things driven by Bifidobacteria!! Mary, it is fecal oral transmission during delivery that when missing is terrible for human health.
3. Fecal transplants are life saving. But that’s old news for most of us
4. Because of gene sharing between cells, antibiotic resistant genes are everywhere. This was a big deal and is a very serious threat to life!!
5. One last thing: baby formula companies are cheating babies. Low fat depresses baby brain development, spray dried proteins are so badly denatured that they no longer work. Nearly all baby formulas are may from skim milk or vegetable oils, with spray dried proteins. It’s unethical and yes….immoral, given that we know that full fat and proteins in natural form are critical to baby development. Yet corps do the opposite!!!
There is a place in hell for the greed that runs through the veins of those that fail to do the right things when they know better. The science is clear. Crystal clear.
If you consider all that you correctly stated in numbers 2,3,4,and 5 then the “New pathogen testing technologies” you mention in number 1 will have their work cut out for them… Indeed, attempting to stay ahead of campylobacter, salmonella, listeria, and ecoli 0157H7’s innate ability to adapt and survive despite all the manipulation we subject them too, will be an ongoing challenge for testing technologies.
In #4 you state, “Because of gene sharing between cells, antibiotic resistant genes are everywhere. This was a big deal and is a very serious threat to life!!”
I agree, and to elaborate on your statement, because of forced antibiotic gene sharing via genetic engineering whereby antibiotic resistant marker (ARM) genes are unnaturally manipulated into plants, animals, fish, insects and bacteria etc. for the sake of advancing GMO technology; this has certainly been a big deal for quite some time now and is without question a very serious threat to balanced healthy living… That being said, inherent processes that were established when life was first created are more then capable of overcoming these man made perverted intervention. Unfortunately “life” is going to have to deal with the negative consequences of these unnatural and disruptive interventions until ecosystems sort themselves out.
Mark, fascinating stuff. Your #1 take away especially intriguing. You have a link to the company/product(s) that will have this 30-minute pathogen test for raw milk available in the next few months? I think there’d be lots of interest from the raw milk community.
Mark, you seem to get things confused…getting mixed up about the different poops. Let me make it clear……E.coli 0157:H7 comes from animal poop. If it gets into raw milk, it can cause severe damage to the human body. Young children are the most at-risk. The low infectious dose makes it extremely dangerous. What the hell does this have to do with a woman giving birth to a child? Nothing!
i never knew number 5. thtas freally scarry .thanks for the info on that.
Amen brother. Playing God has serious consequences. Our playing God has been somewhat ignorant but now we know and we must change our behaviors or pay an ultimate price. A price to be paid unfortunately by the innocent of future generations.
Let me start by aplogizing to my grand kids.
The thin good news is that “we the raw milk conscious producers and consumers” are way ahead of this biome injury and recovery curve. With every swallow of raw milk we consume the seeds and foods of life. That act is highly protective of our gut biome and all it does to protect us from modern day effects of our First World errors.
At the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense – the fund raiser held in Baltimore in assocation with the Wise Traditions Conference, in a nut shell I said that if you just look at the science, raw milk is winning the debate. As an examples I urged those in attendance to look at my review published about a year ago (easily found on web with search for: fresh food from fertile soil raw milk).
Or use this link: Securing fresh food from fertile soil, challenges to the organic and raw milk movements
Solar and pastures may go together:
Remarkable agrivoltaic influence on soil moisture, micrometeorology and water-use efficiency
Neglected pastures thrive under solar panels
Remarkable agrivoltaic influence on soil moisture, micrometeorology and water-use efficiency
Neglected pastures thrive under solar panels
Cattle Praise Song
By Scholastique Mukasonga
We Need a Global Bank of Germs
With modern medicine killing off whole categories of bacteria and viruses — including benign ones that promote health — scientists propose a way to preserve microbes that may save us one day.
We need more then a “global microbe vault” if we want to get beyond the current catch 22 situation we have created for ourselves in health care. Indeed, the need for a global microbe vault as stated in the article is a testimony of man’s insane arrogant obsession with control… a bizarre mix of fact and fantasy as if to suggest that mankind is in control and can in fact control the microbial world.
In her summary of the following article written by Dr. Viera Scheibner she states,
“Despite the long history of failures and tragedies arising from their observed derailing effects on the immune system, outdated procedures for both disease prevention, i.e. vaccination, and disease management, i.e. treatment hostile to the body’s defences, such as antibiotics and anti-pyretics, remain standard practice to this day. The damage already done will continue to affect future generations for some time to come.
The unscientific standard procedures should be abandoned and the natural processes and the innate intelligence of the immune system respected. Medicine should adopt a common sense attitude to natural infectious diseases and their vital role in priming and maturing the immune system, for children’s long-term benefit.”
Over the last 100 years since 1913 populations of Bifido bacteria found in infants guts have fallen sharply. Along with that drop there has also been a rise and change of PH in the gut. We are losing the generation by generation transfer of critical bacteria.
How can breast milk glycan’s and oligosaccharides feed Bifido bacteria and suppress the growth of bad bacteria, if that good bacteria is missing. For the last 100 years, we have changed the birthing process away from fecal-oral transfer to C-Section and attempted septic delivery which avoids and demonizes fecal-oral transfer.
Some on this blog have demonized the anatomy of mammalian evolutionary engineering ( feces located above udders etc ). There is a very good reason why birth-canals are located directly adjacent to fecal sources. There is a very good reason why evolutionary pressure preferred this anatomical trait. It is fecal oral transfer that allows inheritance of Bifido bacteria from mom to newborn. It has become so bad that Evolve Biologics has now patented EVOOO1 Bifido bacteria to allow for an artificial inoculation for newborns to simulate this transfer.
What a real mess. In 100 years we have changed our biome and it is not for the better.
The best outcomes for the future will be a marriage of modern medicine with a big dose of old biome! It is no wonder that fecal transplants are now regarded as the best and most definitive treatment for a messed up gut ( C-Dif ). Feces to the rescue!! Mary are you still there?… or did you faint?
We must stop the anti biotic over use and abuse, it is costing lives…
All of this research is brought to you by Phds at the IMGC at UC Davis.
Read all about Bifido bacteria and its role in life.
HEY MARC …QUESTION FOR YOU WHERE DOES THE LAbratory that sells it culture to the cheese and yogurt makers get their BIFIDUS culture from…whats its origin?
I know where my raw milk comes from …just not sure where the bifidus culture (use to be called infantis) culture comes from.
It would be interesting to see a study conducted comparing gut microbiomes of raw milk drinkers versus pasteurized milk drinkers.
Another theoretical assessment of risk for consumption of raw milk. No underlying data to support the hypothesis. Just models to estimate and guess the probabilities of illness.
This is supposed to be science ? These models are an excuse for deeply erroneous bias to mascarade as science.
We just saw how the CDC estimates of increasing illness with increasing access to raw milk were completely in error. In fact the exact oposite occurred. With an increase of 350 permitted raw milk dairies there has been a 74% decrease in illnesses.
There has been close to zero illness at the RAWMI Listed dairies. None in the last three years. Zero!!
With multiple centers focused on the human genome, more work is being done on breast milk and its role in initiating the immune system / gut BIOME. All of these studies cross support one another.
I expect that all of these breast milk studies will support what we know about raw milk from cows. We saw this at IMGC last week. Not one research element found in breast milk conflicts with raw milk from cows! As interested American raw dairy consumers and farmers, we need to learn how to read these breast milk studies in CODE. There is no money being spent on raw cows milk research…conversely, lots of money being spent on breast raw milk.
One of the IMGC PHDS told me years ago to learn to read the breast milk research in code….it is code for cows raw milk data. They compare favorably on nearly all elements.
There is an age old question. It goes like this :
why do some people get sick when they consume a pathogen and others do not? Very timely considering romain lettuce and turkey is making so many sick ( among a host of several more foods on recall right now )
The answer on the surface is this, three things must align to become sick.
1. The host must be susceptible ( that means you don’t have resistance or immunity )
2. The pathogen must be virulent ( the bad bug must have potent genes that trigger illness )
3. There must be a load of pathogens great enough to trigger quorum sensing, creation of a biome film or other virulent pathway to illness in the host.
The answer to why hosts are susceptible just got a little more understood.
There is a deep mucosal layer in the intestinal lining of a healthy gut biome. That mucus completely covers the villi and creates an essential layer that protects the intestines and forms an essential layer of gut biome biosphere.
When this mucus is thin, missing or eroded in many people and especially those that have gut biomes that have been exposed to the modern medical system, antibiotics, processed foods with preservatives etc….roundup etc….protection is missing and pathogens get the advantage!! A big one. Bugs can connect directly with the intestinal human tissues and do not have to deal with the protective mucus layer.
This missing mucus layer is a first line of defense and creates the living barrier to bacteria that may not be your friend.
I heard all about this at the IMGC last week. There are so many factors that interplay with this mucus barrier….literally more is being discovered every month as scientists uncover more and more about how the gut biome actually works. Bacteria, the specialized sugars that starve some bacteria and feed others, proteins, antibodies, fats, minerals. It is all extremely complex, but yet uniquely simple and all play a role with this mucus layer.
Eat whole foods and plenty of biome building raw dairy and your host system will be strong. Nourish your mucus layer.
That’s a tall order when you try to actually do this.
Finding a whole food is not easy anymore. There are secret ingredients that are messing us up!!!
Food for thought as we try our best to have a happy thanks giving and “feed our inner bacterio sapien” and love one another on this special day.
Let’s go to our favorite resource. The cdc
Ecoli STEC 0157H7 are found in both animals and humans. They can be found in most warm blooded mammals.
The reason I bring this up is because in the romain lettuce harvest fields, hand washing and toilet management are intensive. Why… because human feces can definitely transfer ecoli0157H7 into the food chain!!
The blame game against animals is nearly over. The medical and scientific community now tell us that moms feces are critical to transfer of immunity and essential bacteria to the birthing baby. Those motherly microscopic poop gifts are essential to immune transfer and biome development. Sterile births are something from the last century !
The idea that ecoli 0157 is only found in cows is not correct and the CDC says it.
So in the future let’s be accurate when pointing fingers.
On the bright side, we are nearing a time ( mid 2019 CibusDX) when ecoli 0157H7 can be detected in 30 minutes with extreme accuracy, cheaply and on the farm. There will be no more raw milk blaming…. that will something of the past. The same with listeria, salmonella and the elusive campylobacter.
The CDC, FDA, lawyers and other blamers will have to pick on other things. Raw milk will finally have detection technology to match prior to consumer access. Risk will be near zero. And the benefits will stand alone with no detractors.
Don’t get me wrong, in our modern day world most city folk are missing the rural immunity that most all farmers have. So us raw milk producers must be very dilligent to assure that our consumers are protected from things they can not deal with. What burns me up is the notion that animals and farmers are to somehow to blame for human illness. The bottom line is this, organic farmers have never used antibiotics and have never screwed around with GMOs. That’s exactly where antibiotic resistant STEC came from.
Quite convenient to blame an organic farmer when it was the CAFO operator and abuse of antibiotics that are directly to blame.
It’s a sick and unfair world and we must work hard to fix it quick!
It would be glorious for the medical field to take on the burden of responsibility for abuse of antibiotics and bad outcomes they have caused by ignoring the human biome. 20,000 deaths each year from C-Dif!! ??
That’s not going to happen anytime soon. Until then, us raw dairy producers will use the best practices and most advanced technologies and rescue awakened humans with biomes that are in deep trouble. Raw milk is the first food of life and that is its role. It builds gut biome and immunity like no other food on earth. Any processing destroys this gift and it’s function.
The germaphobe’s reductionist approach to healthy living is a disservice to humanity and all living things. The ability to identify a microbe, be it 30 minutes or 30 seconds will only mitigate at best this complex deep rooted problem of immune malfunction… it will not solve it.
Allopathic physicians are the purveyor of immune disrupting rituals, beginning with their “holy water of modern medicine” vaccines, followed by other common rituals such as their use of antibiotics, anti-pyretic drugs and the removal of tonsils etc.
Tonsils for example are an individual’s first line of defence against infection and illness. They, along with the digestives system, censor all microbes that enter the body through the mouth, nose, eyes and ears, including those that an infant is exposed to at birth. The practice of removing tonsils impairs an individual’s ability to nurture and establish long-term immunity. Bypassing the tonsils (if still intact) via the injection of toxic vaccines, destructively overrides and likewise impairs the ability to develop lasting immunity… The practice of vaccination contributes to gut dysbiosis leading to conditions such as crohns, colitis and autism.
Consider reading the following two GreenMedinfo articles entitled, “VACCINE INJURY: First the Gut, Then the Brain” and “The Microbiome and the Vaccine Industry”.
The germaphobe’s reductionist approach to healthy living is a disservice to humanity and all living things. The ability to identify a microbe, be it 30 minutes or 30 seconds will only mitigate at best this complex deep rooted problem of immune malfunction… it will not solve it.
Allopathic physicians are the purveyor of immune disrupting rituals, beginning with their “holy water of modern medicine” vaccines, followed by other common rituals such as their use of antibiotics, anti-pyretic drugs and the removal of tonsils etc.
Tonsils for example are an individual’s first line of defense against infection and illness. They, along with the digestives system, censor all microbes that enter the body through the mouth, nose, eyes and ears, including those that an infant is exposed to at birth. The practice of removing tonsils impairs an individual’s ability to nurture and establish long-term immunity. Bypassing the tonsils (if still intact) via the injection of toxic vaccines, destructively overrides and likewise impairs the ability to develop lasting immunity… The practice of vaccination contributes to gut dysbiosis leading to conditions such as crohns, colitis and autism.
Consider reading the following two GreenMedinfo articles entitled, “VACCINE INJURY: First the Gut, Then the Brain” and “The Microbiome and the Vaccine Industry”.
Mark, you are really a work of art in the way you present information. Pathogenic E.coli is harbored in the intestines of animals, both CAFO and wild. Of course if a human ingests this pathogen, they can now pass it to other humans. It is called a secondary infection. There have been multiple cases of children becoming ill with HUS after being exposed to a child who drank contaminated raw milk. This also happened in the 1993 Jack in the Box outbreak. One little boy died after the E. Coli passed to him from a little boy in daycare who did eat the hamburger and developed an E.coli infection. Pathogenic E.coli is dangerous and can kill, but you know that and it is why you founded RAWMI. Stop acting dumb. I hope you don’t need a 4th lawsuit to help jog your memory.
In rest my case. It is now Farmers over Pharmacies!!
Antibiotics and now Nutrition is being directly tied to levels of risk of C-Dif infections and death.
30,000 deaths per year caused by antibiotic resistant infections and C-Dif. Are now occurring outside of hospitals!
Ok, Mary picking on you again. Researchers now find that biome disruption is directly related to risk of C-Dif infection and deaths.
30,000 deaths per year ??
Why isn’t anyone calling Bill Marler to hate on doctors and hospitals ? They were directly responsible for the scourge of hundreds of thousands of people’s deaths! Now researchers find that the weakened gut biome is directly related to CDiif death rates.
I knew this for the last 10 years, but now finally the science shows it to be reality and data backs it up! Why is it that Farmers get blamed and sued when doctors abuse of drugs are the real problem? Pharma….the sacred liability protected territory is eroding and the veil on the truth is showing through.
Drink your raw Kefir….it will save your gut biome ( life ).
Once again, this has nothing to do with pathogens getting into raw milk and causing severe illnesses.
Bone broth, fermented vegetables, kombucha, yogurt, and probiotics, along with a non SAD diet, all promote a healthy microbiome.
Save the Germs
With modern medicine killing off whole categories of bacteria and viruses — including benign ones that promote health — scientists propose a way to preserve microbes that may rescue us one day.
Brilliant idea. A bug diversity and preservation bank.
How about this: How will it be important for bugs to be locked up in a vault? Their essential value is found when they are engaged in nature. We need microbes in our soils and our guts. Not in a microbe vault.
In a dooms day scenario I guess this may be smart ….but aren’t we supposed to be smart humans and prevent dooms day ?
Bugs in action prevent dooms day. Bugs in a vault…what good will they do when we are biome denuded or dead?
Trump denied climatic change today.
He denies the facts contained in the 1600 page official report written by our best scientists.
Put an absolutely crazed psychopath “me first idiot” in office and what do you expect.
I feel like a passenger on the German Wings jet over the alps. The cock pit door is locked and the man with the controls is taking us all down and we can not get to him behind the locked door. Count down to the Mueller report.
This is insane.
take a good hard look at the 1600 page report to which you allude, Mr McAffee. It contains precious few FACTS substantiating the theory that “global warming” is caused by human activity. What you will find, is = surmise upon surmise in support of a pre-determined political position… tricked-up in official-ese, that’s still NON-sense /the very opposite of real science. your word “insane”is better applied to that rank piece of political propaganda.
anyone sincerely caring about the FACTS of the matter, ought to pay attention to what’s happening with the trouble Professor Michael Mann is in … he’s the guy who came up with the “hockey stick graph” pretending to show global warming, but who cannot now locate the data upon which he based it! Pay attention especially to his lawsuit in Washington DC against Mark Stern. The facts will come out in that one.
In the last round of his lawsuit in Vancouver where Mann is suing Prof. Tim Ball, The Supreme Court of BC directed Mann to “put up or shut up” his supposed “evidence” re; anthropogenic global warming : he didn’t. You and millions of others are entrained in one of the major myths of the modern era
best concise undoing of the entire thing, is what Ottmar Edenhoffer had to say about on August 23 2017. This co-chair of the UN’s Panel on Climate change admitted “We redistribute the World’s Wealth by Climate Change” quoted in an interview by Germany’s NZZ AM SONNTAG
get the FACTS … then see if you’re a big enough character to admit a mistake. rather than using so-called “climate change’ as another punching bag to allieviate your Trump De-Range-ment distress.
I recall you boasting “Pence by Xmass!” about a year ago on this forum. Having made his point that white people still own America, the Donald won’t run again. What we shall see, is >>> ‘Pence by Christmass of 2020’
Latest global warming report has 133 scientist authors from 40 different countries. Based on 30,000 studies. It comes on the heels of previous studies pointing in the same direction. Main change now seems to be that the global warming and resulting catastrophes are speeding up. More areas will become uninhabitable. Farming will change drastically, with some productive areas becoming unproductive. Once again, all you in the face of reality is point to some crazy conspiracy theory or some fringe character who expresses doubt….and accept that as fact.
Mr Gumpert … since you’ve decided to throw in your lot with the political agenda of the United Nations please allow your subscribers to at least find out that there are dissidents from the Central Party Line. Particularly = this excerpt from the extensive comment by Ed Berry at URL
Dr Berry has a Ph.D.in theoretical physics with minors in atmospheric physics and math, so he does know a thing or two about this topic. He says
The Fourth National Climate Assessment violates scientific integrity
When the U.S. government began to support the global warming agenda
In 1988, the Environmental Protection Agency called a meeting of atmospheric scientists. I remember well the meeting in a theater-like lecture room in the San Francisco Bay Area. I knew the atmospheric scientists from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute, and local colleges.
A man in a suit walked up to the lectern. He told us:
• Global warming is a new national problem. Human CO2 emissions cause dangerous global warming. Future research funding will focus on predicting climate disasters.
The room was silent. I raised my hand, “How can you support your global warming hypothesis when you omit cloud cover which affects heat balance more than carbon dioxide?
• He answered, “I know more about the atmosphere than you people do.”
I responded, “How do you know more than the atmospheric scientists in this room?”
• He said, “I know more about the climate because I am a lawyer for the EPA.”
Thus the U.S. government announced its support of the global warming fraud. Government agencies began giving absurd “research” contracts to ecologists, but not physicists and engineers, because ecologists would support the government’s global warming agenda.
obviously, you didn’t even read the critique to which I pointed you by one of THE world’s experts on the topic. Or else you = the Hahvahd grad = don’t have reading comprehension sufficient to grasp it?
key point being : local anecdotes do not good science make. The bit about ” islands drowning” is especially comical. I dare you to read “The Biggest Lie” by Nils Moerner – merely THE world expert on sea-rise – and say the same thing, again.
if you can point to one single place on the planet, evidencing the notion that the level of the sea has risen, please do. Evidence … you know … such as can be tested objectively. Exactly the opposite of the UN climate models… every one of which is an epic fail
there is nothing new under the sun. The Carbon tax racket is the same thing as the ‘dispensation’ practiced by the Roman Catholic Church. Paying in advance to get a permit to sin, ie. exhale CO2. Called “simony” by Martin Luther. the name of the goddess worshipped by the globalists is “Gaia”. Her acolytes issue a licence to pollute to corporations which simply pay the sintax and carryon with business as usual. Get it?
It’s amusing to watch how you = The eerstwhile True Believer and Hahvahd Grad, Mr Gumpert = have been so badly hornswoggled by the ridiculously-bogus propaganda put out by the climate alarmists. People go crazy in herds. They come to their senses one at a time. So I look forward to the day when it dawns on you = how badly taken-in you were ( past tense ) then REALLY! do a number exposing the hoax, like you’ve done with raw milk.
I have to remind myself that I am arguing with someone who denies the breadth of the Holocaust or that the murders at Sandy Hook (and other mass murders) were real.
please try to stay on-point, on your own blog, Mr Gumpert. You started out with the bleeding-heart pitch re the invading Caravan-eers, now you’re ‘way over to playing the ULTIMATE emotional trump-card, to avoid rebuttal of the non-sense about “islands drowning” from climate change.
surely you have enough respect for your readers to allow mention of someone whose opinion cannot be sneered-at as “a crazy conspiracy theorist” =
But if there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. And the uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story.
This focus on global warming as a “catastrophe” and “speeding up” is indicative of a doom and gloom alarmist attitude that has taken hold, yet has no basis in objective science. That being said and assuming that global warming is indeed speeding up (a questionable scenario that I have failed to observe in my neck of the woods)… apart from areas becoming ‘uninhabitable” and “farming changing drastically”, many areas will become more habitable and more productive. As an organic farmer who recognizes the value of crop rotation I view this a way of introducing renewed vitality to earth’s ecosystems…
One need only sit back and observe how the mainstream media and the powers that be treat individuals, scientists and politicians who dare to question the global warming and/or climate change narrative in order to get an accurate picture off its acquired precept!
In a derisive statement in 1950, Fred Hoyle referred to the hypothesis of the primeval atom” as the “Big Bang” and so the theory acquired its popular name. He argued eloquently against that theory and out of those arguments came this statement, “Be suspicious of a theory if more and more hypotheses are needed to support it as new facts become available, or as new considerations are brought to bear”. Indeed, and so it is with theories and ideologies that govern macroevolution, vaccinology and pasteurization of milk… as well as “anthropogenic global warming”.
Climate change is inherent to the history of the earth; like it or not it is a natural cyclical event that is largely governed by many other factors apart from human activity and will continue to be influenced by those factors despite human activity and intervention.
It’s really difficult to have a rational discussion with you climate deniers. In addition to the science (which shows an acceleration of the warming trends), you just have to look around. California just had its worst fires ever, and could before long have areas that are uninhabitable. On the East Coast, major cities like Miami and Boston (where I live) are regularly being flooded, even when there are no hurricanes. I know someone who had to move out of her apartment near the ocean in Revere (just a few miles north of Boston) because the building’s parking lot flooded twice in the last few winters, and she lost two cars. Many of her neighbors followed her out and that’s just a few people in one building. There are huge amounts of other anecdotal examples, from the problems facing the polar bears and penguins to other coastal areas and inhabited islands being close to drowning. I used to wonder at what point the deniers would say, “you know, maybe there is something to this….” But now I realize, the water or fire could be inundating their homes, and they’d still be denying.
whats the latest geoengineering report related to global warming and global drought?and global fires?
As for Trump not running again, not a chance. Being prez is his main hope for staying out of jail. Once he leaves office, he could be subject to serious prosecution from feds and NY state. He’s looking at Manafort right now, in jail, and in further trouble with the special prosecutor, and not liking what he is seeing.
David, I would suggest you and all the other Trump deriders here (like Mark) google “Trump crimes” and then google “Hillary crimes” Let me know your assessment of how they compare.
David…..breathe deep brother….breathe deep.
I did a search as you suggested, nothing but opinion pieces on both, no facts.
Like I have stated a few times on here, you can fix ugly, but you cannot do a thing for stupidity.
Ora, the stuff about Hillary’s “crimes” is meaningless, because it’s all speculation and accusation. The only thing that counts when it comes to “crimes” for someone investigated as much as Hillary Clinton is convictions. I won’t ask you how many crimes she’s been convicted of because we all know that the answer is zero. What’s important in comparing Hillary and The Don (if you must) is that Hillary has been intensively investigated by the FBI (at least twice), a special prosecutor (remember Whitewater?), Congress (over the terrorist murder of American diplomats in Libya) since arriving in Washington in 1992…..while The Don is just having his first run-throughs. Now, perhaps the special prosecutor (Mueller) and NY State will give him a clean bill of legal health. I doubt it, but I am prepared to be proven wrong. Right now, the score is Hillary: zero convictions after many intensive investigations. The Don: TBD, since his investigation cycle is much more recent.
BTW, I love the way you Trumpers, as the heat increases on your man, always start stammering….and, and, and….what about Hillary. I call it “whataboutitis”. You know Trump still encourages the “lock her up” chant at his rallies, even though it’s all his guys who have been locked up, or are about to be locked up. He’s trying every trick in the book to divert attention from himself, including appointing a new AG with the express purpose of diverting or ending the investigation. All I can say is, What a bunch of whiners.
no change in weather hgere
only many geoengineering planes up above for the last 25 years causing man made storms (RAIN AND SNOW) AND DROUGHT .harriet fels said there were no real clouds left in the sky …..she was right
california …..”geoengineered fires” were intentionally set…read and watch videos on agenda 21..no its not conspiracy if there is tooo many facts to back it up.you wont be forwarned by your television programmers either.,fireman interviewed saying how it was extremely bizzare how 18 fires can happen at once and SPECIFIC targets were burned while 10 feet away trees were still standing….bizzare
Therein lies the problem for the last 50 or more years… unreasonable, unelected, unaccountable elitist bureaucrats are running the USA and Canada. Their accumulated power is profoundly hostile to liberty.
Indeed “More harm was done in the 20th century by faceless bureaucrats than tyrant dictators”. Dennis Prager
Fortunately, with respect to the following case the judicial system in the US ruled on the side of common sense.
No doubt, faceless bureaucrats create crazy problems. We’ve seen it any number of times in the world of raw dairy and small farms. In the end, though, the fellow building the pond you linked to prevailed, because we live under the rule of law. Sure, it isn’t always pretty and it doesn’t always work out, as several farmers (like Michael Schmidt) will attest.
After the last couple of years, though, seeing the attacks on the rule of law in the U.S., I think I’d rather have elitists in charge than common criminals and criminal enterprises.
David, the rule of law has been under attack in the US for much longer then the last couple of years!!!
Hypocritical contempt for the law by political elites is “systemic” as Newt Gingrich pointed out in the aftermath of the House banking scandal in 1992, “This is about systemic, institutional corruption, not personality. To ask the Democratic leadership to clean things up would be like asking the old Soviet bureaucracy under Brezhnev to reform itself. It ain’t going to happen”. Indeed, and the American public’s growing awareness of that fact was likely the main reasons why they voted the way they did in the last election.
Consider Dennis Prager for example who previously said that Trump was “unfit to be a presidential candidate, let alone president”, yet, turned around and voted for Trump because in his words, “We hold that defeating Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, and the Left is also a principle. And that it is the greater principle.”
This certainly appeared to be common sentiment among voters in the last US election.
Microbiologist Presentation on Raw Milk, Adelaide
The heated topic of raw milk
Unpasteurized milk has a devoted following despite safety concerns, varying legality\
That article by the AVMA really upsets me. The recent PubMed published research from Dr Joanne Whitehead from BC Canada directly refutes the claim made by CDC that raw milk illnesses are increasing. The facts are exactly the opposite. They have declined by 74% while there has been an increase of 350 permitted dairies that produce raw milk in the USA.
In more direct language, the CDC is lying and the AVMA is perpetuating those lies.
When food production and medicine become politicized and therefore focuses on indoctrinating the public using fear tactics, scientific truth is ignored and negatively manipulated, common sense is no longer relevant and liberty is usurped.
Such professional organizations do themselves a disservice and lose credibility. I know lots of veterinarians that like to drink raw milk. It remains for us to teach real milk.
Mark, please write to the AVMA on behalf of RAWMI. If they do not reply, then release the letter publically on the internet. Or maybe Dr Cat Berge of Berge Veterinary Consulting can write to them?
Fertilizer to grow hay to feed cows:
Fertilizer from Urine
Clean Rivers. Sustainable Farms.
Organic Dairy Score Card. There are some really good raw milk dairy farms rated in the top category.
At the NOFA-NJ Winter Conference (Jan 26-27, 2019) Pete Kennedy will be speaking on legal aspects of cow shares and goat shares for raw milk. See program here: https://nofanj.org/winter-conference/
Today I was contacted by one of our RAWMI Listed dairies. The veterinarian that provides service to that raw milk dairy was quite upset by the bias and unscientific policies and statements taken by the AVMA.
That vet is speaking with me tomorrow about data and other research links that RAWMI can provide to help educate AVMA and bring its opinions into the modern world.
Advances in technology, advances in farmer training are being ignorred while information from 100 years ago is still considered state of the art and modern science. RAWMI will try its best to educate the vets and get policy change. Our data is very clear. Risks become very low when healthy cows are kept in good conditions and milked cleanlly, with that milk kept clean, rapidly chilled and tested routinely.
As a further tool to educate the AVMA, show them laboratory test results that prove that raw milk produced for direct consumption is not the same as raw milk produced by conventional means: http://docs.google.com/document/d/1UA81Pm-o668XQ2UQy7tkzn4AIxPSAMHDce3MONQROqU
Also, only 17 states have bacterial testing standards for raw milk farms. Only 4 of these states mandate pathogen testing. No states have mandatory training requirements (contrast with all Canadian commercial dairy farmers who must be CQM/ProAction trained even though their milk is headed for pasteurization). With RAWMI training and appropriate testing standards, the outbreak rates from raw milk could be significantly decreased in the U.S.
Maine’s Food Sovereignty Law Is a Hit
Farming the Fruits of the Spirit
There is already strong evidence that farmer training has had a very positive impact. A combination of Dr.Ted Beals work with his family cow raw milk book, RAWMI standards and training of farmers in Oregon, Pennsylvania and California, FTCLDF workshops and other efforts have resulted in an increase of 350 more permitted raw milk producers in America and a concurrent decrease of 74% decline in raw milk related illnesses. Sure makes the CDC data appear highly suspect, biased and unfounded.
I say that is a powerful win for raw milk! See the Dr. Whitehead, Bry Lake BC Canada PUBMED peer reviewed study to prove it! http://www.rawmilkinstitute.org see links page. The CDC used some kind of wild theoretical “maybe and what if” equation for their theory. Dr. Whitehead used the hard CDC data and facts.
The two datasets complement and support each other. The Whitehead study shows nation-wide trends. The BC Fresh Milk Project shows farm-specific test data.
One study is nation-wide, the other focuses on individual farms. Not only have all test results in the BCFM project been pathogen-free, but other than one instance (Farmer 705 who then quit the project), all “high” coliform and SPC counts (being, any above RAWMI Common Standards) have been nailed down to specific reasons (such as a cracked inflation) and then corrected – proving that there is no such thing as a randomly-high test result.
Besides showing that RAWMI training produces milk which is different from “conventional dairying”, this project also shows that all “bad test results” have a specific cause, and are controllable. The CDC claims that pasteurization is the only way to assure safe milk — this project shows evidence that the CDC is again wrong, that RAWMI methods can control test results.
In fact, outside of this project, eccentric genius “Farm 705” began experimenting with increasing lactose-fermenting bacteria in milk while keeping coliforms and SPC low, by varying production methods. Another interesting experiment, likely never done anywhere else in the world. But proving the precise control that raw milk farmers can have over the microbiology of the milk.
vera you never answered my question to you a month or two go.there was a farmer that was told by the state that he had l.monocytogenes.in his milk.why is it that many folks did not get sick they were eating and drinking this famers milk for weeks.you had mentioned that l.monocytogenes is very serious.not one person sick.why is this vera? please can you answer me.thanks
Vera well said
I find it very curious that the FDA claims to be the bedrock foundation of food safety and then uses words like “safe and the only guaranteed safe process” and then associates those words with pasteurization. Laying claim to some promise of perfection or certainty.
How can the FDA look anyone in the eye and make these claims? They are patently false. Pasteurized dairy products have killed about 84 people since 1972 by CDC count. Mostly by Listeria.
With new rapid test systems coming on in 2019, one must wonder if the FDA and the NCIMS PMO board will endorse use of pathogen testing in post pasteurized milk to test for listeria? The Cibusdx technology can return data on site in 30 minutes with a high degree of accuracy.
I bet not. I was at an NCIMS meeting in 2008 when a question was asked about testing pasteurized dairy products for pathogens. The FDA said this ” no way, what if we found something, what would we do then?, pasteurization works!!”
Truly exposing their moral and ethical fibre. Not much there when it is exposed. Yet….raw milk is subject to “do or die” pathogen tests all the time. Being a raw milk producer truly tests the limits of human tolerance of bias. It is really unjust.
Then take the data from Cornel University that looked at the potential increased deaths from pasteurized dairy products if the heat of processing was turned up a few degrees and you wonder if the CDC data is off and death numbers are suppressed. They say many more people die every year than our counted in the CDC official data.
What is real ? Makes you wonder.
No person has ever been made ill because milk was pastuerized ,if an illness occured it was due to the fact the milk was handled improperly after pastuerization ,such as not being chilled properly .Raw milk is contaminated as soon as it enteres the environment or from a animal that is ill.Pastuerization kills harmful bacteria while raw milk can contain harmful pathogens that can cause serious illness .The comments on this blog about raw milk being more nutrious are simply anecdotal nonsence.pastuerized milk is a safe way to get the nutrition milk supplies without the added risk of possible illness raw milk can cause .This country has the safest food and health laws as good or better than any country on earth.Claming the FDA ,USDA or other entities are harming the citizens is simply a way to pacify the raw milk fanatics. One last thought milk other than breast milk should not be given to infants under 1 year old ,commercial formula should be used if breast milk is unavailable.
Mr March = consider the source! … a guy who cannot even spell “Pasteur-Ized” properly, your opinion is laughably out of touch with the facts …
do your own homework : since Vitamin K2 was identified as Weston A Price’s X-factor, it is becoming clear that par-boiling the milk eliminates the suite of Vitamins K2 and D3 which are critical for proper mineralization of bones and teeth. Requiring milk to be cooked was a major blunder … akin to medical professionals being mis-informed about cholestrol.
The epidemic of atherosclerosis and heart disease is PROVE-ABLY traceable to lack of Vitamins K2 + D3 in the Standard American Diet
Are you the same Bill March of Maryland who retired recently from working at the U.S. Department of Agriculture?
way to go elastigirl
In its raw state milk is an excellent living (probiotic rich) self-preserving food that nurtures overall good health. Pasteurized milk on the other hand lacks the complex array of microorganism and enzymes necessary for self-preservation and to provide good health.
Raw milk = living microbes = vitality (wholesomeness and growth)… Pasteurized milk = little dead microbial corpses = death (corruption and decay).
The following Health Impact News article states, “David Gumpert recently published an insightful blog post demonstrating how the mainstream media treats outbreaks of illnesses due to milk. If there are illnesses due to drinking fresh raw milk, it is presented as a public health hazard and something that should be banned, even though there have been no recorded deaths due to drinking raw milk in the past 15 years.
When illnesses and deaths occur due to pasteurized milk, however, it is glossed over in the mainstream media, and the fact that the milk was pasteurized as commercial processed milk is not even mentioned in the story. The official position in the mainstream media is that fresh raw milk directly from the farm is dangerous, while store-bought pasteurized processed milk is safe. This is a false belief not supported by the data.
As we have previously reported, the raw milk debate is not a debate about food safety as the government, Big Dairy, and the pharmaceutical industry would like you to believe. The most dangerous foods in your local grocery store, causing the most outbreaks of deaths and illnesses, are in the fresh produce department, and the meat sections. And then if you want to include deaths due to FDA approved prescription drugs, the comparison becomes even more absurd. (Current estimates number raw milk drinkers in the U.S. at between 9 and 15 million.)”
Vera Iam not the Bill March that retired from the USDA but I wonder why that would mean anything . Gordon Thank you for noticing my spelling prehaps I was sleeping when Sister Mary Joseph taught spelling in the six grade .The one thing I did learn was science and spent years working in an area of a major pharmaceutical co studing bacteria and sterilization with a man at time was considered the worlds formost expert on these subjects .As far as Dr.Westin A .Price is concerned I would not have used him for a dentist or agree with what he said about nutrition bach in 1920.Vitamin K was discovered in Germany and was called Koagulations vitamin thus vitamin k.Dairy products are a poor sorce of vitamin K.Vitamin K is also produced in gut by bacteria and is found primarily in formented foods .The K vitamins must be studied further to define their role in human health .As Vitamin D3 goes again dairy products are lacking in the D vitamins ,the best sources for vitamin D is many types of fish ,also eggs ,mushrooms and fortified foods such as soy milk pasteurized milk and orange juice .As far as the health in this country Americans are living longer than ever although the doomsday crowd would not agree.Back in the early part of the last century 30% of the annual deaths were chrildren under 6years old so I would say we have made some progess with with our health system and food laws .As I am sure you are aware we are now visiting MARS and we are getting pictures back from over 300 million miles this is called scientific progress.Things have changed in the last 90 years since Dr.Price was around we call it progress .Thats why most people want pasteurized milk for there chrildren they want a safe product.The claims that raw milk is a super food is all anecdotal any benefit of raw milk if any is not worth the risk,as nutrition in milk can be found in many food sources. It is not necessary for an adult to drink milk although I do drink a glass at night because I enjoy it.I would like to know if anybody can tell me the dose needed to get all these wonderful benefits of raw milk .I hope you have learned something from what i had to say ,and again thank you for teaching me how to spell.
Remember this about pasteurized milk:
Outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes Infections Associated with Pasteurized Milk from a Local Dairy – Massachusetts, 2007
From CDC’s MMWR:
On November 27, 2007, a local health officer in central Massachusetts contacted the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) to report listeriosis in a man aged 87 years. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) performed on the patient’s Listeria monocytogenes isolate produced a pattern indistinguishable from that of isolates from three other cases identified in residents of central Massachusetts in June, October, and early November 2007. MDPH, in collaboration with local public health officials, conducted an investigation, which implicated pasteurized, flavored and nonflavored, fluid milk produced by a local dairy (dairy A) as the source of the outbreak. This report summarizes the results of that investigation. In all, five cases were identified, and three deaths occurred. This outbreak illustrates the potential for contamination of fluid milk products after pasteurization and the difficulty in detecting outbreaks of L. monocytogenes infections.
And this:
Responding to Bioterror Concerns by Increasing Milk Pasteurization Temperature Would Increase Estimated Annual Deaths from Listeriosis
Journal of Food Protection, Vol 77, No. 5, 2014, Pages 696-705.
“Conservative estimates of the effect of pasteurizing all fluid milk at 82 C rather than 72 C are that annual listeriosis deaths from consumption of this milk would increase from 18 to 670, a 38-fold increase”
(page 703) “These changes to the potential for outgrowth have been calculated to increase the risk of death from listeriosis due to consumption of pasteurized fluid milk by approximately 40-fold. Such an increase would have an appreciable public health impact if all milk in the United States were processed according to the increased pasteurization temperature based on the fact that milk is estimated to be responsible for approximately 18 listeriosis deaths per year in the United States.”
Dear Bill,
I was profoundly intersted to hear the newest frustrations being shared at this years IMGC conference in Sacramento. These were research PHDs talking for three days!
Breast milk banks pasteurize their donated milk supplies. But there is a huge problem, all of the elements that are critical to neonatal babies in the Hospital are missing in this processed donor bank milk!!
The most progressive banks now test the mother donor and their raw milk for pathogens and take health histories. The outcomes for the infants and babies is dramatically different and so much better.
With the advent of rapid testing of coliforms and pathogens the same can be done for cows milk. In fact that is exactly what RAWMI has done and it works great. Raw milk is a whole complete food….processed milk is not at all. In fact it is highly allergenic. Check it out yourself at the FDA, it is the most allergenic food in America! Allergies to pasteurized milk has killed many! Raw milk none!
Bill, you really to get caught up,on your research reading. Raw milk is super food for the gut biome. Pasteurized milk does not even compare. There are stacks of PubMed EU studies that show the incredible and powerful immune building value found in raw milk!
Bill, you are discounting the purpose of the first food of life. It builds the gut biome when it did not exist before. You give no credit to a million years of evolutionary pressures that created this highk
In the USA our gut biomes are in a huge mess. Raw milk is the food to rebuild that destruction.
Go to farmers over pharmacies and watch the videos and come back here and tell us all this was anecdotal. The 20 or more EU studies were not anecdotal and neither are the real people that avoid death from asthma or colostomies ( recovery from Crohns using Raw Milk Kefir )
If you want to see even more science see http://www.rawmilkinstitute.org.
We have entered the “human genome, gut biome, and post antibiotic period.” Its farmers over pharmacies.
Add another heritage dairy farmer death and suicide to the long list of deaths caused by the waste basket of low value created by CAFO over supply of milk.
Bill Pratt 45 years old killed him self a few days ago in Southern Ohio. He was the last dairy in the county after 100 years of proud American dairying.
Is this the way America treats its farmers and its food sources? Pretty pitiful.
Last week the Farm Bureau in Wisconsin made a huge departure from its past policies when it endorsed support for Supply Management and empowering farmers to control their dairy prices.
It is tragic that farmers are forced to give their lives to save their families and heritage farms.
This life lays at the door step of processors profits at the expense of theft of farm equity.
The solution is farmer empowerment by the three legged milk stool of farmer controlled… Price, Supply and import export. If any one of these legs is missing, farmers die off.
There is room at the dairy table for conventional, organic and raw.
Peace and grace this Christmas as we awaken to a world that requires cooperation among farmers ( and nations ) and not canabalization with hyper consolidation for progress. No one needs to step on someone else’s neck to thrive!!
We don’t want a country fed by a few 50,000 cow CAFO operations. We are speeding in that direction.
The three Legged Milk Stool fixes this dive towards and into dairy hell. See the plan at
as articulate as you are, on this topic, Mark McAffe = you are oddly still oblivious as to why the dairies are dying ; because the consumers reject what those dairies produce. Consumers have learned – consciously and Un=consciously via allergies – that cooking the life out of the milk by Pasteur-ization, ruins the nutrition. That’s where the theft originates. Until and unless those dairymen learn that lesson they are wasting their time. Re-arranging the chairs on the Titanic, in the form of a business model predicated on price-fixing, will not resolve that illogical premise. Let the dead bury the dead
Gordon, on this particular subject I must agree with you. However, if America is going to make pizza with cheese on it, that cheese is not going to be artisan farmstead raw organic cheese. Pizza is cooked at 400 degrees F and raw wont matter much.
Donald Best is a former Sergeant (Detective) with the Toronto Police responsible for investigating Canadian police, lawyers, and politicians involved in organized crime, and a leading Canadian anti-corruption whistleblower and activist. He recently received the 2018 OCLA (Ontario Civil Liberties Award). The following is his acceptance speech. He states, “I cannot overstate… the importance of the award in drawing attention to the great dangers to our civil liberties when corruption invades our justice system and becomes normalized, as it has.”
Indeed, his observations speak volumes as to the shenanigans surrounding the prosecution and harassment of Michael Schmidt and others in Ontario and Canada….
In Canada with such a vibrant, well funded ( by farmers ) research program at $1.50 per CWT and thriving dairy supply management system that raw milk can not be recognized as a cottage industry quota niche.Just like organic milk is permitted. Really sad.
This teaches a lesson in herd mentality. The dairymen refuse to listen to consumers and produce raw dairy products that are in demand. Instead the dairymen circle their wagons and stay in lock step with tradition refusing to innovate or serve their consumers or think about new things.
Its really boring. No innovation ? No consumer contact.? No kids recovering from asthma or strengthening immunity with low risk ( safe ) raw milk? No hugs from moms?
Canada …..a country of contradictions. So very nice but yet so stuck in their ways against raw milk with a queen that loves raw milk.
The reason why the dairy producers won’t listen to consumers is that they figure that consumers are idiots. They listen to the U.S. CDC and its constant message that raw milk is too dangerous to legalize.
The U.S. government has the National Outbreaks Reporting System (NORS) to report all outbreaks connected with food, water, soil etc. Canada has nothing similar, so it relies on the U.S. gov’t for direction on foodborne diseases.
Thus, the U.S. government says that raw milk is incredibly dangerous and Canadian governments believe this without question. That’s why the DFC isn’t going to budge, because Health Canada’s policy, based on CDC messaging, is raw milk is too dangerous to legalize.
I am very proud to share that Peg Coleman of Coleman Scientific has started a go fund me campaign to raise money for publishing data about raw milk. This will be done as part of her work in the Society for Risk Analyis.
Hard data does not lie. It is not theoretical. Hard data does not use theoretical models to predict what ifs.
Hard data used real world information and then looks it right in the eye.
Peg and her fellow investigators are doing just that. Her project looks at the raw milk data on both the risk side and the benefits side and makes a risk assessment.
RAWMI and it’s raw milk food safety data partners are sharing data with Peg. My prediction is this: when farmers use clean practices and engage in routine testing for indicator bacteria and pathogens, the result is ultra low risk raw milk. That raw milk is directly related to dramatically improved gut biome function. Hence… raw milk is a super food as medicine.
Please donate to this raw milk truth study. It is landmark and critical to our emerging raw milk market using real data.
I will find the GO FUND Me link and post it here.
The defense of the truth about raw milk in hard science terms. Please donate