The regulatory news is becoming ever more ominous for Amos Miller, the Amish Pennsylvania farmer who serves many hundreds of food club members around the country with fresh dairy and meat products. Or maybe not.

It’s tough to be sure about the timing and nature of the difficulties he’s facing as a result of demands by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that the farm be shuttered via a permanent injunction because it insists on providing its meat directly from the farm, outside USDA-mandated inspection.
The buzzards are definitely circling, beginning with the USDA. It has the services of the U.S. Justice Department and a very aggressive U.S. Attorney trying like heck to shut Miller down.
And Food Safety News has been joining in on the fun. In a late-October article reporting that the USDA is seeking a permanent injunction to shutter Miller’s Organic Farm, it stated: “The United States began its current round with Miller in April. This time it just wants a federal judge to acknowledge that Miller ‘cannot genuinely dispute’ that he and the organic farm are violating the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Poultry Products Inspection Act. Miller, after all, distributes misbranded, non-federally inspected meat and poultry products and obstructed USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) oversight of Miller’s Organic Farm’s meat and poultry operations.”
The judge may not be fully cooperating in the fun-fest. In a report to members earlier this month, Miller indicated he’s trying his hardest to shoo the buzzards away, suggesting that the federal judge overseeing the case, Edward Smith, is showing signs of flexibility and encouraging some kind of compromise. According to Miller, “The USDA/FSIS government inspection group….was hoping that Federal Judge Edward Smith would grant them an injunction against Miller’s Organic Farm, meaning we would stop selling our meat without having a Federal license plant facility, meaning an inspector would have to be on site everyday that processing and packaging meat is taking place at the farm. Applying for a federal license is an extreme burden on a small scale like we are here. The paperwork, HASSUP plans, etc. & equipment that are required you could say are brutal. If I’m not mistaken, a local federal plant just got set up a year ago had an approximate cost of $200,000 to $300,000, which is an extreme amount for a small-scale operation like we have here. The good news is that the ruling Judge Smith made on Nov. 12th is not requiring us to set up a federal license plant here at the farm.
“So, then USDA was hoping to get a ruling from the Judge for us to go to the local federal plant, but I expressed my concerns to the judge that they do not have the ability to keep special parts of the animals such as brains, etc. and also they (his food club members) don’t like the idea of processing meats without any solutionized, rinsed preservatives, which most of our members do not want because of preservative sensitive reactions that our members have. So, the good news again is the judge is not requiring us to do that either. He rather asked the USDA if they are willing to work with us on a custom exemption facility, which is what we have been negotiating with the USDA the past few months. So far they weren’t willing to accommodate our needs, but at this time when the judge asked them, they did say ‘yes.’ We’ll see how they’ll do on that.
“What custom exemption means is that our members would agree to own a share in our animals or flock of chickens, etc. Then we would supply you the service of processing and packaging the meat rather than selling the meat itself….”
Miller also reported “some very intense negative news that is coming with the court order that USDA has gotten the judge to enforce upon our farm…..Although the judge acknowledged that he feels he doesn’t need to shut us down, that we have an important business in place where members are dependent on our foods and he also acknowledged that we do have a clean record, meaning nobody has filed a complaint regarding food quality which we are grateful for. But for some reason, USDA/FSIS has little to no respect regarding that. In the meantime, until we are able to work out the details of the custom exemption, according to the court order, they are coming very likely with full force. In 60 days, which would be around the middle of January, they would have the right to seize or fine Miller’s Organic Farm for selling meat products. This is a great concern to us because we know how many of our members depend on our chemical-free, citric acid-free, preservative-free meats. Many of our members have come to us as their meat supply for this reason.”
As a result, Miller is encouraging his food club members to write in with stories and examples of how his farm’s meat, produced without caustic chemicals present at USDA facilities, has helped their health. Letters can be emailed to
Where will this all end up? It’s hard to know. Amos Miller has survived numerous federal attacks on his operation. The current legal assault has been going on for more than three years. My guess is he will work out some kind of compromise, either an exemption or via use of a USDA facility. I sure hope so. The buzzards are getting a little too close for comfort.
Hard boiled eggs kill! Huge Recall. What ever happened to boiling your own eggs at home.
No FDA ban on interstate sales of eggs.
“Raw Butter“ is still at zero illnesses and no deaths in 60 years and going strong.
The immune system does not work that way. Annual vaccination for specific strains of whooping cough very by season. Even though 100% of students vaccinated the school is awash with sick kids. !!!
The immune system is gut based and is based on the biome. The more diversity of Bacteria that form your human biome, the more immunity you naturally develop. This is adaptive. A strong immune system With a diversity of experience addresses all threats. Even if a new threat is not known by your body the new threat is less of a threat because of the underlying immune system strength and Healthy system structures.
Drink your raw milk kids. Thrive !!
What would Jesus drink ? The church based school should know better.
Since the gut bacteria is putrefactive, it’s optimal to infuse your bowels with bacteria found in fermented raw meats and intestinal fecal matter from bio-environmentally-organic animals. Raw milk is certainly a necessary alkalinizing aid in helping to bind with toxins so you can regenerate the body with the raw meats. Is that why they are going after Amos? Is he not buying the necessary tons of toxic feed-lot “nutrients” for his livestock? HOw will our chemical fertilizer/feed industry survive without growing customers?
Thinking in terms of the “immune system,” which is just a concept(not a “real” object), actually enforces the “defense industry” outlook, where your body is viewed as “under attack” at all times, so learn to destroy & defend when necessary. Your lymph system, not the “immune system,” is there to clean up dead cells w/ “weapons” like parasites, bacteria, mold, virus & tumors I guess. You could say there’s a defense mechanism when you are “spiked” by modernized b.s. like Vaccines…industrial contmination.
N.J. Senate calls off vote to eliminate religion as reason to skip child vaccines as protestors roar
Hmm, I wonder why the people that know best are refusing the medicine they give others…
The problem is the use of the word “selling.” Can Miller’s Organic Farm strictly rely on private club members “acquiring” their leased foods to survive instead of engaging in commerce, which puts them under FDA jurisdiction? Is he using herdshares or lease agreements in his membership contracts? Herdshares have been struck down in many states.
The fact is that private arrangements, no matter what they are called, are opposed by federal regulators. There’s been no legal challenge yet to change that. At the state level–Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado–there has been either regulator, legislative, or legal recognition of herd shares or similar. So it is possible, and happening in a number of states for raw milk.
Responding to Crisis: Farmer Mental Health Programs in the Extension North Central Region
Easy answer.
Because when you get the damn flu shot ….you get the damn flu !!!!
Drink up your Raw Milk Kefir and stay Immune strong.
Merry Christmas ?
I hope Amos Miller is able to keep providing clean food to the members of his group. It seems as if there is a glimmer of promise that this judge recognizes the value of small farms in keeping our agricultural system strong.
A new entry (don’t think I’d heard of this brand before) in the wannabe milk market, wonder how they stack up nutrition wise with the real thing. Funny that some Boston Globe writer thinks it might make raw milk or even conventional, obsolete:
If milkadamia catches on at all, I suppose it will make macadamia nuts even more expensive than they are now.
If you still believe that vaccines are “safe” you might want to consider listening to this interview… The fact that retroviruses were making their way into vaccine preparations captured my attention over 30 years ago and what prompted me to reject the vaccine paradigm in its entirety…
“Vaccines: Science vs. Corruption”
Ken, great interview. It reaffirms my desire to totally avoid any vaccines, but I know the tidal wave of making vaccinations mandatory will wind up engulfing the adult population too.
Our family physician looked incredulous when I declined a tetanus shot a couple of years ago, and told him I’d rather take my chances with catching the disease than get the vaccine. But it’s my body, my choice, a free country at least for now. Enjoy the Holidays.
… and I agree, Lynn. Great interview, thanks for posting it Ken.
How about they do a study of how many unvaccinated health workers don’t get the flu, versus how many vaccinated health workers don’t get the flu? Or would they just call the flu the vaccinated health care workers get by another name, the way they won’t label the disease that polio-vaccinated kids get as polio, and instead call it non-polio acute flaccid paralysis.
Here’s recent article examining the issue:
“In fact, according to CHD’s article the vaccine itself may be driving increased risk for whooping cough”
And now off to open some presents…
David, I’m not sure there is a connection between Sysco and milk, but perhaps with your investigational prowess you could enlighten us?
I’d like to introduce my cousin for future discussions, please welcome Enor Moose. Take a bow and cower before the Enormity.
(it’s my cousin, she’s shy but bright and loves raw)
An aside
testing to see if I’m shadow-banned from this forum
here’s the URL to an important article, asserting that the Impossible Burger contains high levels of estrogen … seriously dangerous to men.
“Amid the growing popularity of plant-based products, a doctor of veterinary medicine has suggested that the Burger King’s Impossible Whopper has so much estrogen from soy that it could make men grow breasts.
In a report in Tri-State Livestock News, Dr. James Stangle of South Dakota rails against the alternative burger, made by Impossible Foods, and its use of soy protein as a main ingredient.
Strangle compares the soy-based Impossible Whopper to the beef Whopper, claiming that the plant-based version has 44 milligrams of estrogen while the original only contains 2.5 nanograms”
The Impossible Burger is a conspiracy to sell Men ManBras !
Happy New Years !
It’s a New Year Gordon, what’s your resolution? And don’t say 1040p or 4k or ban yourself we need dissent.
Breasts yoou say? Hmm, who needs women when you grot chicken fingers.
Best thing about you other than thick skin is, have a sense of humor need that. HNY everybody! You too MMM.
taht comment was intended for Mark IYCT (if you couldn’t tell)
Who wants chicken fingers when we have women!
Love the female side of humanity. The soul lives on the female side. At least in our house.
I think all of us have a very close connection to women, especially if you were born. And yes, the soul we all have comes from that.
You might notice, and may be surprised that raw milk is not even mentioned here:
according to the food laws for Israel-ites, we ought not to be eating swine’s flesh, at all, yet this article is worthwhile for detailing how the fraud was perpetrated = Crisco brand denatured cottonseed oil merchandised to replace animal fat.
a review of Kristin Canty’s new restaurant in Boston
Us Gentiles here will stick with making our own lard and butter,Thank You!! Good article Watson.
don’t come crying to me, when you come down with all the diseases contracted from eating swine’s flesh.
Similar to the way the scientific studies of harms consequent from par-boiling milk = Pasteur-ization = went down the memory hole, the science proving how detrimental pigmeat is, has been hidden too. Have a look at photos of folks from a century ago … a fat person was rare. Today, over 40% of Americans are clinically obese.
Gordon, the real reason why so many people are overweight or obese is, lack of self discipline. Same as alcoholism, religious overzealousness or opioids, I should know and maybe you too.
“Emerging science is giving fair warning that, like with vaccines produced for human use, there are significant gaps in scientific knowledge about the known and unknown risks of veterinary vaccines, particularly those administered to animals eaten by humans.”
Ken, Thanks for that article, I am so glad we raise our own food, no vaccines for my cattle,sheep,goats, hogs. I do buy day old chicks that are vaccinated, not sure if I can get them any other way from a hatchery in this state. All this talk about cattle and methane, read this today:
Funny that “only bison” can help the environment,LOL!! Someone should inform these folks that bison belch and fart too, just like cattle, cattle would do the same thing if they were not in a CAFO somewhere being fed a very unnatural diet instead of “Grass”!!
Ora Moose, you must have overlooked this article.
Mary, you as usual completely misus the point, that being exposure to is the cure, and that’s what vaccines are. Go back to your bubble and keep your kid, you know, safe. Don’t drink raw milk it might kill you! Don’t eat, period.
Also, this:
HNY to you and all
Mary you make an excellent point. At that same meeting, there was no comment about resulting illnesses if any.
If exposed to low level pathogens, that is exactly how vaccinations are designed to work. except raw milk uses the proper pathway to build immunity.
In the USA our host immunity and gut structures ( mucosal linings) are so messed up that we do get sick when others may not. In the EU, Listeria is allowed a threshold and its not zero tolerance like in the USA.
Bacteria phobic paranoia is a self fulfilling medical prophecy. The more you run from bugs the worse they get.
Add anti biotics, processed foods, sugars, obesity, preservatives….GMOs and you got one very rich Bill Marler and very weak immunity as a culture and nation.
Immune depressed Americans must eat pathogen free foods. In the EU they must be a little closer to the soil and embrace real whole foods. ever been to their farmers markets. They are impressive!! When they get sick, society pays for health care and liability litigation is rare. Our totally sick broken very elite, exclusive and expensive medical system is bankrupting us all.
Next time I am in the EU I am seeking out a street raw milk vending machine. I want to try some yummy pathogens to get my immune system revved up. Clearly they are not causing a pandemic or epidemic. Host immunity must be much better!! Maybe there is a lesson here.
For sure there is.
Raw milk seminar scheduled for Rutgers on Jan. 15
Well I do hope Mark tells both sides of the story about raw milk products coming from his dairy. Despite having a safety plan, pathogens are still getting in the milk.
so the best you can come up with is a press release from 2 and a half years ago? May 2016 ?! Give it a rest, Mrs Grundy, with your obsession with REAL MILK. Apply your relentless energy to an issue with a worthwhile payoff = helping people. for instance : Find out the damage Gardasil vaccine did, and is doing, to young women. Start there
Organic Pastures customers drink 70,000 portions a week – per week – of raw milk. If you can find someone who got sick from the milk since that press release, name him. Failing demonstrable harm from raw milk directly attributable to Organic Pastures, you’re very close to defamation with malice.
“Is Overuse of Antibiotics on Farms Worsening the Spread of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria”
The growing problem of antibiotic resistance is much more entailed then the mere simplistic notion that it is primarily resulting from the overuse of antibiotics…
From the prophylactic use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture to the manipulation of a microbe’s traits via genetic engineering etc., the list of reasons as to why antibiotic resistance is becoming more widespread is extensive. For example, scientists in the medical and agricultural industry are purposely developing antibiotic resistant genetic material for commonly used antibiotics that are then incorporated into genetically modified vaccines, crops and bacterial soil inoculants etc. Indeed, the complications that likely stem from these unnatural, invasive interventions extends far beyond the problem of antibiotic resistance!!!
Re: Bridging The Raw Milk Gap
The last sentence of this section in this article is very clearly false. See references pasted below that document that is false. There is no way to ensure the safety of any food, including pasteurized milk.
Selling milk that has been pasteurized is safer and more reliable for the producer, processor, and consumer than marketing raw milk. Drinking raw milk does pose a bacterial threat, however small. Pasteurization, though, quite easily eliminates this threat.
Massive outbreak of antimicrobial-resistant salmonellosis traced to pasteurized milk
C. A. Ryan et al., JAMA. Vol. 258 No. 22, December 11, 1987
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA 30333.
Two waves of antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella typhimurium infections in Illinois totaling over 16 000 culture-confirmed cases were traced to two brands of pasteurized 2% milk produced by a single dairy plant. Salmonellosis was associated with taking antimicrobials before onset of illness. Two surveys to determine the number of persons who were actually affected yielded estimates of 168,791 and 197,581 persons, making this the largest outbreak of salmonellosis ever identified in the United States. The epidemic strain was easily identified because it had a rare antimicrobial resistance pattern and a highly unusual plasmid profile; study of stored isolates showed it had caused clusters of salmonellosis during the previous ten months that may have been related to the same plant, suggesting that the strain had persisted in the plant and repeatedly contaminated milk after pasteurization.
Outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes Infections Associated with Pasteurized Milk from a Local Dairy – Massachusetts, 2007
From CDC’s MMWR:
On November 27, 2007, a local health officer in central Massachusetts contacted the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) to report listeriosis in a man aged 87 years. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) performed on the patient’s Listeria monocytogenes isolate produced a pattern indistinguishable from that of isolates from three other cases identified in residents of central Massachusetts in June, October, and early November 2007. MDPH, in collaboration with local public health officials, conducted an investigation, which implicated pasteurized, flavored and nonflavored, fluid milk produced by a local dairy (dairy A) as the source of the outbreak. This report summarizes the results of that investigation. In all, five cases were identified, and three deaths occurred. This outbreak illustrates the potential for contamination of fluid milk products after pasteurization and the difficulty in detecting outbreaks of L. monocytogenes infections.
This is statement of convenience. No one did their homework.
Pasteurization is not a bit easier for the farmer unless you think that going out of business is easier for the farmer??
I heard something interesting yesterday when I spoke at the NOFA Mass conference.
A couple of raw milk farmers,one with a permit and the other that was flying under the radar, both said that the fda ban on interstate commerce was a good thing because it created a local niche.
They both said that they could not compete with larger Amish producers out of state.
The FDA policies have created local niches. No question. However, when considering the “consumer” the FDA policy has been horrible. It causes lack of choice, long drive times, and economic pressures in the raw milk market place.
In the future, it will be very important that farmers actively develop their markets.
In the future it will be critical that educational outreach be performed or there will be downward market pressures on raw milk producers.
Like in all businesses, efficiently, marketing, Food Safety practices and branding will be important.
If farmers do a great job of building local consumer relationships and educate more and more consumers, there will enough consumers for everyone
If however, farmers are lazy and rely on FDA bans, there will be troubles.
I prefer cooperation and education.
Let’s build markets and not restrict them.
The entire population needs high quality low risk raw milk for health. We have work to do.
Raw fresh fruit and vegetables move across state lines. In the case of fruit and vegetable production there are markets for quality produce from large and small farms alike. Here again, quality produce finds a market and small farms can compete.
Having lunch with Kristin Canty at her Boston Pier restaurant today. Very excited to see her.
Lots to catch up on.
Mark, if you’re still in town and my post shows within 24 hrs, you must try the original Regina’s Pizza on Thatcher St in the North End. Just expect a line at the door unless or even if you sit at the bar.
Thx Ora, leaving for Rutgers. Maybe next time.
No problem Mark, They’ve been there for decades and will still be there when you come back. Love the video of your farm
Romaine outbreak declared over; safety efforts up
The FDA news release continued:
“As we mentioned in our last update, it is important to remember that millions of servings of fresh leafy greens are safely eaten every day by consumers, although the repeat nature of these outbreaks linked to leafy greens – and more specifically to romaine lettuce – remains a concern.
Makes one wonder, is there any feasible protection alternative such as bird netting, electric fencing or whatever works? I’m sure it wouldn’t be cheap, but when compared to the cost of these outbreaks and losing all them crops. Would they be safe for livestock feed, or is it worthless trash?
Here is an interesting new article on E. coli contamination and the FDA response, or lack thereof:
“The Globe review found that the FDA still sometimes seems more concerned with preventing panic than fully informing the public about health hazards in the food supply.”
On the other hand, they are usually quick to cause shrill alarm over a relatively safe food such as raw milk…
“Each day it seems like another piece of human soul is ripped out of the human experience by the juggernaut of government oversight and litigious threat. We’ve done it to ourselves, of course. We have no one to blame but ourselves. When we award big compensation claims to people who voluntarily went someplace or bought something as if accidents don’t happen and nobody bears personal responsiblity, it drives paranoia on a million fronts.”
“Must everything be sacrificed to sterility and money?”
(Not a) Surprise: Glyphosate-based Herbicides are Bad for Your Mental Health
Thank You for the article, I have read several studies claiming that, saw one recently( will try to find it) about Malathion causing problems too.
Hmmm, electronic algorithmic censoring has had some unexpected effects…
“AAPS (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons)
Sues Rep. Adam Schiff for Censoring Debate on Vaccines”
““According to the AAPS, within 24 hours of Rep. Schiff’s letter to Bezos, Amazon removed the videos Vaxxed and Shoot ’Em Up: the Truth About Vaccines from its “platform for streaming videos, depriving members of the public of convenient access.”1”
““On Facebook, a search for an AAPS article on vaccines, which previously would lead directly to the AAPS article, now produces search results containing links to the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),” said the AAPS. “Visits to the AAPS website have declined significantly since March 2019, both in absolute terms and relative to the decline that would result from a story’s losing its recency.”1”
Indeed, ““Who appointed Congressman Adam Schiff as Censor-in-Chief? No one did, and he should not be misusing his position to censor speech on the internet,” said
…said AAPS General Council Andrew Schlafly.”
Ken, No one made them remove it, there was no law stating they had to, so the removal was “Strictly voluntary”. So Bezos caved to political pressure, whose fault is that “Really?”
Law or not, it is unscrupulous and arrogant on the part of Adam Schiff to even suggest that the media sensor freedom of speech in your country… and it is the epitome of unscrupulousness spinelessness on the part of the media to capitulate. Both are more or less equally culpable and have demonstrated a lack of accountability to the First Amendment of your United States Constitution.
Freedom of expression is a fundamental inalienable human right…
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) states and this statement equally applies to the United States, “When government actors are allowed to decide which opinions can be expressed and which cannot, an open, vibrant and diverse society quickly breaks down. Similarly, when our court system is used to silence those with unpopular views or those who oppose powerful actors, we all lose the opportunity to hear all sides of an issue and come to our own conclusions. Freedom of expression is the right to speak, but also the right to hear. Informed political debate requires that this right be strongly protected, and it is only through free expression that individuals can take action to ensure that our governing institutions are held accountable”.
Bill Marler is not a bad guy, really. He truly is fighting for food safety for the public and that’s a very good thing (although most of us here think he is misguided in the raw milk issue.)
Meet Bill:
I read this article a few days ago and I couldn’t help but shake my head…
E Coli 0157, listeria and salmonella have now joined the ranks of The Outlaw Josey Wales??? He’s not only mislead, he is living a false paradigm with respect to all foods…
Soil, sunlight, water and microbes are the bases for nutritious healthy food… “Outlawing” bacteria such as E coli, listeria and salmonella that reside in the soil and can then translocate into the cell structure of the plant would require that the food supply be sterilized… an asinine and menacing notion at best!
“Growth and Extended Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Soil Organic Matter”
“E. coli is not thought to survive for long periods outside the host intestine, so produce-associated outbreaks have widely been ascribed to recent fecal contamination… Our results showed that E. coli O157 can grow using nutrients available in soils (Figure 1). There have been countless studies reporting numbers of E. coli O157 in soils over time, and some have suggested growth in soil. Survival of E. coli in soil has been reported by many researchers; more than 200 d under natural environmental conditions and 500 d in frozen soil and on plant roots (Gagliardi and Karns, 2002; Islam et al., 2004). This is the first report showing definitively that E. coli O157 is able to grow using water soluble nutrients in soil.”
“Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 Survival in Soil and Translocation into Leeks (Allium porrum) as Influenced by an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (Glomus intraradices)”
“Significant findings of this study include that (i) EHEC (Escherichia coli O157:H7)
is capable of translocation and persistence within the leek shoot for up to 22 days in the presence of AM fungi but for only up to 8 days in the absence of AM fungi, (ii) the survival of Salmonella and EHEC in the leek model seems to be favored more in the presence of AM fungi than in its absence, and (iii) innate survival mechanisms may allow Salmonella to internalize and persist better than EHEC within the leek model. Future studies should address the influence of AM fungi on Salmonella and EHEC in other fresh produce commodities, and under larger-scale greenhouse and/or field conditions.”
Back to beyond meat and beyond belief
Rhizophagy cycle: An oxidative process in plants for nutrient extraction from symbiotic microbes
Amazing isn’t it…
The more we learn the more we realize how little we know…
“I don’t get it. If you want to eat plants, just eat plants. Why disguise them as meat?” Niti Bali, Farm to Fork Meat Riot Food Church
The dairy industry faces trouble, but raw milk is on the rise
“I suppose this is yet another conundrum for our complicated times: to save our farms, are we willing to contract dysentery?”
Talk about a shallow, narrow-minded and absurd question… No one is willing to contract dysentery and they are considerably less likely to do so if they inoculate their gut daily with living foods such as raw milk… If our times are complicated it is because of this foolish obsession with controlling everything and everyone from A to Z!!!
just another example of how sophisticated the lame-stream media are … pretending to be in the information business, when – in practice – they’re highpriced press-titutes … Ending her propaganda piece with the insult to the readers’ emotional wellbeing hanging in the air. As IF ! that’s the only possibility.
This fool needs to be reminded that 12 million American drank REAL MILK today, yet did not get sick. Compare that to stats. for any other foodstuff you can name in commerce
Eaten any Romaine lettuce, lately, lady?
Would you like brain damage with that? America’s favorite cooking oil causes neurological changes, says animal study
New research has shown that despite being marketed as a healthy alternative, soybean oil, America’s most popular oil, causes neurological changes in the brains of mice, and may contribute to autism and dementia in humans.
Extracted from the seeds of soybeans and used in everything from fast food to animal feed and even baby formula, soybean oil is easily the most widely consumed oil in the US, ubiquitous in the national cuisine.
It’s in McDonald’s fries, Pizza Hut crust, and the “healthy” 9-grain bread used for your Subway sandwich.
A research team from University of California, Riverside has been studying the impact of soybean oil for several years. They previously found that it induces diabetes and obesity in mice, hardly surprising given that vegetable oils are high in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. By now, most people know that eating too much fried food is bad for your ticker.
Also on If new gene-edited cooking oil is a scientific marvel just say so – but don’t secretly feed it to us
But what is really shocking about their latest findings is the effect soybean oil seems to have on the brain.
From Alzheimer’s to autism
The study is published in Endocrinology, a scientific journal, and it shows that when soybean oil is fed to mice it has major impact on their hypothalamus, an area of the brain crucial for regulating mood and behaviour.
Also on What are toxic ‘forever chemicals’ & should Americans be worried there are more of them in the water supply than we thought?
More worryingly, it even affected over 100 of the mice’s genes, including one for controlling oxytocin, the love and bonding hormone. Soybean-fed mice showed lower levels of oxytocin in the hypothalamus. Other genes affected had to do with metabolic and hormone pathways, including the insulin pathway, synonymous with diabetes. There was also upregulation of genes associated with anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.
Considering the evidence, the authors believe that soybean oil could increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism. However, there is no concrete proof yet that soybean oil causes these conditions, since this research was conducted on male mice only. But mice are used as a model organism for human health for a reason, as a mammal species they have similar tissues and genetics to us, and it is reasonable to provisionally project some of the authors’ health warnings onto humans.
Lead author Poonamjot Deol said: “If there’s one message I want people to take away, it’s this: reduce consumption of soybean oil.”
Is the GM version better?
There is a genetically engineered form of soybean oil that has a lower linoleic acid (LA) content, and this form is healthier for the heart. The authors also fed mice this form to see whether the results would be any better, but the low-LA form had a similarly detrimental effect on the mice’s brains.
Also on Canada launches major class-action lawsuit against Monsanto’s Roundup & owner Bayer
It is produced from what are called Roundup Ready soybeans, designed for use with the signature product of bought-out agrochemical firm Monsanto, which is embroiled in a controversy of its own.
Peter Andrews is an Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Genetics.
Soybean oil is used as an excipient in numerous drug products…
Top Medications with this excipient
Absorica 35 mg
Absorica 10 mg
Absorica 20 mg
Absorica 35 mg
Absorica 40 mg
Amantadine Hydrochloride 100 mg
Drisdol 50000 units
Ergocalciferol 50,000 USP units
Ergocalciferol 1.25 mg (50,000 USP units)
Folcal DHA prenatal multivitamins with folic acid 1.25 mg and docusate sodium 55 mg
Myorisan 40 mg
Myorisan 10 mg
Nexa Plus with DHA Prenatal Multivitamins with Folic Acid 1.25 mg and Docusate
Taytulla ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg / norethindrone acetate 1 mg
Tums Chewy Bites calcium carbonate 750 mg
Virtprex Prenatal Multivitamins with Folic Acid 1.2 mg and Docusate
Vitafol Ultra Prenatal Multivitamins with Folic Acid 1 mg
VP-CH-PNV Prenatal Multivitamins with Folic Acid 1 mg and Docusate
Zatean-PN DHA Prenatal Multivitamins with Folic Acid 1 mg
Zenatane 30 mg
Soybean derivatives such as lecithin and soy peptones are also used in injectable antibiotics and vaccines…
In Canada, it’s beyond argument that we have a right to self-medicate. The proposition that food is medicinal is one of the main arguments in the raw milk Court challenge now underway in Ontario. The growing popularity of raw milk is driven by consumers seeking more and better information in order to care for our own health, once we figured out “the system” is failing. Upon realizing that we’ve been cheated out of essential nutrition, we go looking for food of the quality we prefer. Trouble starts when official-dom pretends ‘Big Brother knows best’ … dictating what shall / shall not be put in to our very bodies.
The vaccine and raw milk issues intersect when the government tries to compel vaccination predicated in its so-called “expert opinion”. For us babyboomers, that often includes elderly parents for whom we are guardians. We have not only the right, but the duty to be fully informed about the consequences of medical treatment upon those in our care.
I have just returned from viewing the documentary VAXXED 2. At the outset, the host warns “get your handkerchief ready”. It was a struggle to sit there in the audience watching the story of a gloriously-healthy teenager who submitted to an injection of Guardasil, just about died, then deteriorated so that she’s now in a wheelchair. Another ‘adverse reaction’ that the professionals won’t admit was caused by the poison. I lasted ‘til about 15 minutes in … where a couple relates what happened to their triplets. Presenting the kind of hard evidence that stands up in Court … photographs of their beautiful lively babies who had been perfectly healthy up ‘til the moment they were injected with the MMR vaccination … who, then – literally within hours – became statistics in the plague of autism in America … dismissed by the medical system as only “adverse reaction”
There is plenty of evidence that whole fresh raw milk, especially, kefir made with it, has dramatic good effect in people with autism. Saying to me-self ‘I already know most of this stuff’ I decided that, rather than sit there weeping, the better thing to do with my time, was > go home and get on with making my next cowshare happen … get REAL MILK into the hands and guts of people who need it so they can remedy the damage done by bad medicine.
My old man was a cop. He taught me ‘always count the house’. On February first, there were about 75 people at the Victoria BC showing of VAXXED 2. 60 + women / about a dozen men. Plus 2 babes in arms. I’d put the median age as 40, with most of the distaff side being in the 20 to 40 bracket. That matters because of what Mark McAffee determined re demographics of the demand for REAL MILK. Part of his genius, is, going to farmers’ markets all over the US of A. advertising Organic Pastures dairy, listening to what the People say about their experiences with raw milk. Such feedback is market research money cannot buy. He educated us > the engine of the demand for raw milk is “the young moms”. Back in 2007 to 2013, when our cowshare was going in Vancouver BC, we saw the same thing … overwhelmingly, it was families with young children who were willing to pay a high price to get the good stuff.
“Like the sound of a distant army on the march, there is no stopping an idea whose time has come” … Knowledge about the harm done by vaccines, is going viral. At sessions like VAXXED 2 young moms get the facts and think for themselves … then publicize what goes on in the vaccine scandal. As they do so, they learn another important lesson : that the LugenPress is a propaganda outfall for the Pharmaceutical industry : not to be trusted.
Although I didn’t stay for the whole movie, I know how it ends = hopeful. It was a joy to be part of the movement as this nation regains common sense and starts putting overbearing statists back in their proper place = as public servants… not dictators.
I most strongly urge every one of you to take in VAXXED 2, somehow. Go to a screening locally, or buy the CD. Persuade everyone you know to watch it. The next screening in the Victoria area is at 7 pm on Saturday February 15th 2020 at the Unitarian Church on West Saanich Road. $20 with lots of free parking. Many thanks to the Unitarian church folks. Their hall is a perfect venue.
Go to for more info.
New publication of interest to readers of this blog:
Raw milk producers with high levels of hygiene and safety
Berge AC, Baars T (2020).
Raw milk producers with high levels of hygiene
and safety. Epidemiology and Infection 148,
e14, 1–7.
There is world-wide increasing interest in the consumption of unprocessed, natural food
commodities including fresh (unpasteurised) milk and milk products. Consumers are actively
seeking out raw milk, partly due to health reasons, but also for taste, freshness, closeness to the
producer and to support local agriculture. The need for high levels of hygiene and safety in
farms producing raw milk for direct consumption has long been recognised and has led to
federal and industry-initiated systems for safe raw milk production. Raw milk producers in
North America and Europe have demonstrated that raw milk, intended for direct consumption,
can be produced safe and hygienic. The aim of this paper is to describe practices that
have been developed for safe raw milk production. The German Vorzugsmilch is a federally
regulated programme for legal raw milk production that was established already in the 1930s
to provide raw milk with high hygienic standards controlled for zoonotic diseases to consumers.
The Raw Milk Institute is a non-profit organisation established in California that has
developed a voluntary safe raw milk programme in North America. RAWMI has developed
a risk analysis and management system for raw milk dairy farmers to assist farmers in making
individually tailored solutions for various production systems. In British Colombia, Canada,
small herd share farms have employed good manufacturing practices, a risk management
approach and performed monthly samples for pathogens and indicator bacteria to demonstrate
safety and consistency. The major components of the raw milk systems applied, and
the results of regular milk microbial indicator bacteria are presented. For the German system,
the results from standard monthly pathogen tests are compared to zoonotic pathogen tests
from other milk sources. The overall results indicate that raw milk can be produced with a
high level of hygiene and safety in various systems.