The two main agencies charged with overseeing food health issues have been on the warpath against raw dairy.
Let’s begin with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. It’s made a federal case (quite literally) out of a single instance of illness last November from the RB51 vaccine that wound up in raw milk produced by a Pennsylvania farm. The CDC and state agencies have issued multiple press alerts about the illness, which is their job, but then last week, the CDC put out a media alert saying that the farm’s milk had turned up in 19 states, suggesting there had been some kind of large-scale outbreak. While it never used the term “outbreak” (an outbreak is when there are two or more illnesses from a particular incident, and in this situation, there was only one illness), its language was vague and provocative enough that media lacking the expertise to properly interpret what was happening fell into the intended trap and made a huge deal out of possible exposure to disease in 19 states, one even erroneously reporting that people had been sickened in 19 states.
According to the Real Food Consumer Coalition (RFCC), a food rights advocacy group that has been supporting the farmer whose raw milk caused last year’s illness: “The statement that ’19 people across the country have gotten sick from drinking [MBF raw milk]’ is reckless and false. Again, to the best of our knowledge, since the early 1960s to date, there are only three known cases of the RB51 vaccine related illness recorded. This information comes from multiple state and federal agency sources. Again, the milk from MBF has been thoroughly test multiple times by the PDA (Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture).”
The CDC’s warning is reminiscent of an FDA warning in late 2017 that anyone who drank milk distributed by Udder Milk, should be examined by a physician. This warning came after a single illness as well from the RB51 pathogen.
In other words, it’s business as usual at the CDC and FDA. No surprise, you might say, except during the 2016 president campaign, there was talk that we might see change on the food rights front, since candidate Donald Trump was so outspoken about reducing regulation. Indeed, he put out a policy statement during the campaign that came down hard on “the food police” at the FDA.
Here’s a link to one article describing his position, about how he saw the food police unnecessarily clamping down on small farms.
This had the potential to lead to real change, since the FDA sets the agenda for state farm and public health regs. While many regulations affecting the environment and workplace rules and consumer banking have been loosened considerably, I challenge you to try to find Trump’s “food police” policy paper online today. Big prize if you do.
What happened? My guess is someone (or a few someone’s) had conversations with Trump and let him in on the facts of life. In any event, his only references to food since then have been in the form of photo ops of him eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and putting out a spread of Quarter Pounders and fish filets at the White House for the Clemson football team a few weeks back. (Great free advertising for fast-food makers, for sure.)
Something similar happened with Barack Obama after he was elected in 2008. He had gone around Iowa during the primaries promising to help smallfarms, to break up the meat oligopoly. After he was inaugurated, he felt some obligation to follow through on his promises. He had his people begin drafting legislation to help small farms. Then he heard from some powerful Senators that that wasn’t a good idea, and if he pursued such outlandish ideas, he wouldn’t get anything done in Congress. He took the hint, and abandoned the ideas. (It’s all spelled out in the Intro of “The Meat Racket”, which is an excellent book.)
Big Food apparently continues to have an outsized amount of influence on the regulators. Some things, it seems, never change.
Totally agree, the CDC and FDA have been reckless and not very accurate with their reports and their feckless bias.
One thing I can say, raw milk continues to grow in consumer popularity and science continues to grow in support of the gut biome and building immunity. Underlying this raw milk growth is farmer interest in doing it safely. This must really upset the Feds. How dare farmers and their consumers know more than they do!!
Meanwhile, pasteurized milk systems from CAFO farms to processed milk brands are going bankrupt. I guess there is a certain justice in all of this. Cheaters, lies and liars get what comes due….it just takes a little time. Cheat nature and she is not happy. Cheat the gut and it isn’t happy either. Cheat the people and there is payback. A time of reckoning. That’s what we have. No amount of CDC or FDA bullying will work. Consumers just ignore them. They have cried wolf once too many times.
One big lesson….stop lying to consumers and we the people. A time of truth is coming.
Hi Mark, how do I get in touch with you about a new farmer in here in KY who would like to be a RAWMI farmer? Thanks!
Sally Oh, sallyoh@pm.me
This is another reason I’m grateful for the Wyoming Food Freedom Act that was passed a few years ago. We are able to secure Raw Dairy in Wyoming at Farmers Markets and other venues. Unfortunately they still cannot sell raw milk at the grocery stores. Idaho’s laws are even better. Sometimes I drive over Teton Pass to get my raw milk in Victor, Idaho. Also (if I choose) I can get raw milk delivered to my doorstep from Idaho’s Paradise Springs Farms (Biodynamic Farm) and they were recently listed as the top raw milk dairy in the country. I am a bit nervous that if I get my raw milk delivered and I’m away from the house that it might freeze this time of year before I can take it inside.
Who listed the Idaho dairy as best raw milk in the country? Would very much like to know the criteria for that ranking. Congrats to them. That’s awesome.
Would love to get them listed at RAWMI.
Hi Mark,
I see the listing on https://www.cornucopia.org/scorecard/dairy/
Your dairy is also listed and I’m not sure the criteria.
The Cornicopia website ranks dairies based on 5 Cow rating. They list the criteria for earning a five cow rating.
Organic Pastures has a “5 cow rating” also, see https://www.cornucopia.org/scorecard/dairy .
They recently got a “5 cow rating” from the Cornucopia Institute – maybe this was it? More at https://www.tetonvalleynews.net/news/agriculture/paradise-found/article_a8790548-9977-11e7-8cb2-ef117acdd539.html .
“How dare farmers and their consumers know more than they do!! ”
Because farmer/consumers life and health depends on it, unlike some others whose bank account or job depends on it.
Thank you, David, for keeping us aware of the continuing assault on raw milk availability. It’s sobering, to be sure, but we need to keep sharing what’s happening. I, for one, am very grateful to have access to delicious raw milk which is a crucial part of my family’s diet.
Why isn’t all over the news about the raw turkey dog food recall from salmonella? Why does raw milk always get the hit?
I’ve been following your blog for years and express my deep gratitude for your commitment in terms of journalistic integrity and nutrition/ food rights. I always learn so much and respect the (mostly) civil debates engendered by your research and reporting. Your blog is truly a great microcosom of the messy business of democracy at its best.
Thank you, Caroline. That is very much appreciated.
This is why the Center for Diease Contrrol and state agencies put out a warning on the Brucellous RB51 illness in NY State .This bacterial infection can cause illness in as little of 6 days or can remain dormant in an infected person for 6 months,if you drank the milk from the infected farm .If you are the person that won the Brucellous lottery you can possibly have a serious problem .Some of the problems from this illness are arthritis, enlargement of the liver or spleen, meningitis etc.If you do not get a serious case it will still take 6 yo 8 weeks of antibiotic treatment ,by the way it can also cause infection of lining of the heart valves or a bad liver abscess. This milk was sold in 19 states that is why the heavy media coverage .The parents that would go “NUTS” if a cigarette was smoked near their child ,would let the child drink raw milk with all the possible outcomes. As for President Trump let him eat what he likes he probably won’t get Brucellosis from his BIGMAC.
You know, Bill, you explain the rationale for possible long-term vigilance much more clearly than the CDC. With three RB51 illnesses since the 1960s, though, the dormancy issue doesn’t seem to have come up much in the last 60 years.
Are the 3 you are referring to the 3 from raw milk since 2017?
I am referring to the three illnesses noted in my post by Real Food Consumer Coalition (RFCC). Its leaders have done a huge amount of research in the process of working with the farmer whose milk was identified as the source of the RB51 in the latest illness. They have also worked closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture in isolating and identifying the cow giving off the RB51.
Edwin Shank of The Family Cow, a Pennsylvania raw milk producer, gives the most succinct explanation I’ve seen of the RB51 pathogen in his latest newsletter:
“The RB51 strain of Brucella is an antibiotic resistant, modified live strain of Brucella that veterinarians give to cows as a vaccination.
Yes… RB51 is a direct transfer of unintended consequences of a brucellosis vaccination. It does not exist in nature. RB51 is a mutant, rifampicin-resistant bovine Brucella vaccine strain developed in a laboratory specifically for vaccination. That is why it is so traceable. It is unique. There is nothing else like it out there in nature.
Still Don’t Believe Me?
I understand. That’s why I’m linking the official letter which PA Department of Agriculture sent out to all PA raw milk farmers when it first became apparent that this RB51 vaccine had jumped species lines. Notice: toward the bottom of the letter, the state actually goes on official record advising raw milk farmers against using this Brucella vaccine. Here are their exact words: “PDA recommends that producers who sell raw milk stop immunizing their cattle for Brucella.”
The challenge for farmers, then, is different than with other pathogens. The challenge is to keep cows that have been vaccinated for brucellosis out of their herds, or better yet, to be testing the herd regularly for brucellosis.
David I agree all raw milk farmers should test their milk prior to sale .
David, when and where did the other 2 illnesses occur?
Indeed, and this is exactly what I have been trying to hammer in about RB51 in my last several comments with respect to these last three so-called outbreaks… So where is the recommendation and outcry to stop administering this genetically adulterated RB51 bacterium.
The RB51 vaccine was licensed “conditionally” in 1996 according to the following 2004 article. “26” reports of exposure to RB51 were documented. None of them resulted from the consumption of raw milk.
As I previously noted on several occasions with respect to RB51, it is a live attenuated genetically engineered B. abortus strain that was developed as a vaccine and is a variation of the naturally occurring B. abortus wild strain. Unlike the wild strain it is resistant to the go-to antibiotic treatment of choice by physicians for brucellosis because an antibiotic resistant marker (ARM) gene was encoded into its genetic sequence.
And the above novel technology is not an isolated occurrence… An antibiotic/tetracycline resistant gene is added as a biomarker into rabies vaccine baits that are airdropped across the countryside… and then there is the addition of antibiotic resistant marker genes for streptomycin and spectinomycin”into the bacterium used in soil inoculants that has resulted in the establishment of GM microbes in the soil of millions of acres of cropland, where it can spread antibiotic resistant genes for the above antibiotics that are extensively used in medicine and agriculture.
And let us not forget recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbSt) a genetically engineered biosynthetic version of the naturally occurring pituitary hormone (BST) in cows. From the DNA of cows is taken the specific gene sequence that carries the instructions for making BST, and inserting it into E coli, which can then produce large amounts of rbST. Also inserted are antibiotic resistant gene markers tha are resistant to ampicillin and tetracycline resistant marker gene to determine if they have been successful at inserting the gene that they are trying to transfer.
You can all go ahead and continue to harp about the need for licensing and testing. Such protocols however are little more then band aid solutions that in the end will cease to be effective if we do not address the root of the problem… namely, our arrogant unnatural interventions that demonstrate contempt for God’s created order.
here’s the best explanation, from Edwin Shank at The Family Cow. Another man-made problem, originated by Big Brother, yet again! … with untoward consequences layed at the feet of producers of REAL MILK. The URL cited for authority, did not come through
Vaccination… Source of Infective Brucella RB51
Good morning folks!
Recently, you have seen scary headlines something like this.
“People in 19 states exposed to Brucella from drinking raw milk.”
You probably saw these headlines on your own… but if you didn’t, I’m guessing that some concerned family member or friend has made sure you heard about it. And they may have even rubbed it in like, “See… we told you that raw milk is terribly dangerous!”
So what is the truth? Is your family at risk? Are you at risk? Is Family Cow raw milk a risk? Where did this Brucella infection suddenly come from?
Well, we all know that truth is stranger than fiction. But this truth is SO strange that you might not believe me even if I tell you. Let’s try you out!
Here’s the TRUTH:
The RB51 strain of Brucella is an antibiotic resistant, modified live strain of Brucella that veterinarians give to cows as a vaccination.
Yes… RB51 is a direct transfer of unintended consequences of a brucellosis vaccination. It does not exist in nature. RB51 is a mutant, rifampicin-resistant bovine Brucella vaccine strain developed in a laboratory specifically for vaccination. That is why it is so traceable. It is unique. There is nothing else like it out there in nature.
Still Don’t Believe Me?
I understand. That’s why I’m linking the official letter which PA Department of Agriculture sent out to all PA raw milk farmers when it first became apparent that this RB51 vaccine had jumped species lines. Notice: toward the bottom of the letter, the state actually goes on official record advising raw milk farmers against using this Brucella vaccine. Here are their exact words: “PDA recommends that producers who sell raw milk stop immunizing their cattle for Brucella.”
Family Cow Raw Milk is NOT at risk.
Why? Well, one reason is that we do not vaccinate our cows for Brucella. And that decision was in place a long time before the PDA issued their warning. In fact, we have not vaccinated for Brucella on our farm since my father’s day, which, next year, will be 30 years. The second reason is that we have been testing our Family Cow herd every year for over 11 years specifically for Brucella. We have never had a positive. And we really do not expect to since Pennsylvania has been classified as a brucellosis free state since April 1, 1983.
4 Crucial Points to Understand this Brucella Story
1st: ALL cows in PDA approved raw milk herds are annually blood tested by a licensed veterinarian specifically for Brucellosis. The test is mandatory. There is a zero tolerance. As I stated above, we’ve tested our Family Cow herd every year for over 11 years. We have never had a positive.
2nd: The farm in this brucellosis case was not licensed or permitted by PDA for raw milk sales. Therefore, prior to this incident, these cows were not required to be blood tested for brucellosis. I do not take the position that all farms must be permitted and licensed. There is a place for private clubs and herd shares… but… folks who choose to source their food from private arrangements such as these will need to be responsible to ask more of their own questions about testing (or the lack thereof) and make their source selection accordingly.
3rd: We never endorse selling raw milk from untested herds. And neither does RAWMI, the high integrity raw milk farmer group that we support and are a part of. Even if a herd is not going to be state permitted because they sell via a private co-op… annual blood testing of every cow, and regular lab testing of the milk is, in my conviction, an absolute must. You all know where we stand on this.
4th: It is important to read the news very carefully. Even though we do not advocate untested raw milk herds… even in this case we are still disappointed at the way the news media is misrepresenting this.
There is one person from NY ill that is linked to Miller’s Biodiversity farm. The milk was sold to customers in 19 states but people are not sickened in 19 states. The sneaky word here is ‘exposed.’ “People in 19 states were exposed” just sounds so bad. Yet in most industrial food contamination events which happen all the time, often the whole nation and even other countries are exposed! Most folks hear “19 states exposed” and understandably are led to believe there is a huge, scary, imminent, apocalypse of epic proportions.
And if that is not bad enough… some media have actually twisted it further to announce headlines like this: “People in 19 states infected with brucellosis after drinking raw milk.” This is totally irresponsibly false! There is one ill person with a link to the farm in question.
And how often is the word ‘outbreak’ used? Is that for max fear effect too? It certainly works that way. Something big and bad has broken out and it’s coming our way! With only one ill person, this case does not even fit the CDC definition of an outbreak. To call an incident of any illness an outbreak, long accepted epidemiology standards require there be at least two links to the suspected source.
It’s almost enough to make a person wonder… Do you think it’s possible that the media in conjunction with the CDC maybe even want to make raw milk look bad? Hmm…
To be continued…
All the best of food and blessings…
Your Farmer ~ Edwin Shank and Family, and the whole Family Cow Team
God Designed it. We Respect it. That Explains it!
Exposure of fluid milk to LED light negatively affects consumer perception and alters underlying sensory properties
I hear all this about raw milk is bad, but CDC and FDA never speak of the over 100,000 death from payola approved Pharmaceutical poison drugs that cure nothing & murder by these same people the CDC & FDA. Why? Just so the payola from the Pharmaceuticals can grease them and the palms of the Politicians. I am 90 years and when young on the farm I drank raw milk straight from the cows. Now, I think a couple of shots of good bourbon is better than the approve poison pasteurize milk.
If your cows have been vsccinated, or not?!?!
You have the responsibility to test the milk. A simple Brucellosis Milk Ring Test says it all. Cheap and easy. Do it often and you are covered.
Your naive optimism, doesn’t take into consideration that genetically engineered vaccines are inherently unpredictable and dangerous. Perhaps you should consider why Stephen Hawking suggested that genetically engineered “viruses”, indeed all microbes, could “wipe out humanity”?
Rather then serve as caretakers humans have preoccupied themselves with casting themselves as gods and creators, arrogantly manipulating life and human freewill for power-hungry and/or financial gain. A paradigm shift in thinking and attitude among scientists and medical doctors, as well as politicians and the public at large is badly needed. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn concluded in the final sentence of his speech entitled, “Men Have Forgotten God”… “If we perish and lose this world, the fault will be ours alone”.
Hello Mark Mcaffee, Are your cows vaccinated? That’s something I’ve never thought of. (adjuvants,etc getting into the milk) Although I realize, your farm may have little or no options in compliance issues / FDA, etc.
I’ve seen your very informative interview on Dr. Mercola’s site. We are raw milk consumers, and get our milk from a small Amish family farm, and I am guessing that they are unvaccinated. I know vaccines do create anti-bodies, but after years of researching it for our children, I found it’s far safer to ‘build the fort’ with nutrition than to vaccinate. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Andrew Wakefield etc, were instrumental in my growing that direction, as I was very pro-vaccine.
I am very grateful for your efforts in the raw milk movement!!
also when they first spoke in the media about brucellosus rb51 they spoke of a ‘woman coming down with a rae form of brucellosus.when one thinks of rae tou think of death …nothing can treat it.well it turns out its rare to get it.they reversed the word rare.when i called a milk tester in pennsylvania to see if he could sart testing our milk twice(as the farmer tests it as well(colliform count as well)i asked him we wanted to test for the usual…somatic cell count,salmonella,ecoli…and brucellocus rb51.he asked me well miss we only test here in pennsylvania for brucellousus only but once a year as its been erradecated.i was shocked.not only did they report that is was a “rare form” of a disease its not tested in cattle just but once a year not once a month along with the other importiant tests.kathy from uddermilk.
sorry typo meant to type rare where it says rae
its rare to get it…they reverse the words and write article swaying the reader with tricky words where they are not suppose to be and lead you to believe something else.
hey does anyone know the name of the lab that manufactured this rb51 vaccine .please let us all know.my guess is it came from a lab in new jersey .please can anyone find this out for us all to know..did it come from the cdc,merck,pzfiezer ?
I don’t completely agree with the nutritional advice, but they get the implications !!! I have been teaching this for 15 years. Medical leaders are so late to the show.
By the way, raw milk continues to grow where it is safe!!
Raw milks greatest challenge is Safety. When safety is addressed it flourishes and nourishes!
The Raw Milk Institute has addressed the safety issue. All of its Listed farmers have reduced their risk profiles to very low levels. That is where raw milk grows.
I have fought this battle for 20 years.
Raw milk will grow and be embraced when it is safe.
The entire idea that there is a “winter of discontent” is not accurate. We have seen record sales in CA for raw milk.
Correction….with safety and RAWMI it is definitely a “Raw Milk Spring”.
By the way, progress at RAWMI is not measured by numbers of Listed producers. It is measured by CDC data and decline of illness. With a 357 % growth of raw milk permits and a 75% decline in illnesses, this is evidence of a “raw milk spring!!!”
( Whitehead and Lake PLOS 2018 )
The “Winter Chill” is over pasteurized milk sales. Dollar votes can be easily counted.2% decline each year can not be denied.
It is highly inflammatory, allergic, hard to digest and sales dropping like a rock.
Facts are so inconvenient. Don’t eat the BS. Look at the hard facts.
RAWMI is meeting with the highest levels of DC government admin in the next few weeks. We will be seeking a grant to assist farmers to adopt the newest AOAC FDA approved technologies to reduce raw milk risk. When testing is added to good RAWMI RAMP type practices, raw milk becomes “all benefit and practically zero risk”.
I am not saying who I am meeting with but lets just say,…a person at the highest level of food safety regulation in one of the ABC regulatory agencies. Times are changing rapidly.
“the highest levels of the DC government admin. …. ” ? Well! that would HAVE TO BE! the Donald, his-self!! Love to see the expression on your face, Mr McAffee, when PRESIDENT TRUMP walks in the room!!
but … but … but … what brought about this epiphany? For the last 2 years, on this forum you’ve been ranting that Donald Trump was personally responsible for everything that ails the nation … ESPECIALLY!! the plight of the dairy industry … Yet here you are – about to shake hands with the Devil himself, or, at very least His minions – and it’s all green pastures and sunny days.
oh, I get it now … THE determining factor, is : MORE govt. intrusion into the market. MORE disbursements from the public purse. So all your previous hyper-partisan bluster is just water-under-the-bridge from the Republic as it once was, into the utopian vision of Socialist States of Ham-merica, where Big Daddy Central Government can fix anything … given enough of other folks’ money to throw at the problem
Gordon, you may not be aware of this, but Federal standards are the only alternative to the current ban on interstate sales. And, why not look at RAWMI’s Risk Analysis and Management Planning (RAMP) system and standards as the basis for these standards?
Organic Pastures sells over a million gallons of raw milk in California each year, and is the #3 organic daiary in the U.S. by volume of sales, but is not allowed to ship over their own state border.
Meanwhile, these unlicensed-and-uninspected “buying club” farms such as the two “Millers” outfits based out of PA are flagrantly violating this interstate ban and now 19 states are on alert for a potential Brucellosis outbreak. Never-mind the Listeria issue in 2014.
If the Federal government will look at developing national standards for safe raw milk production, similar to how they have national standards for pasteurized milk production (the PMO), then all the better. This interstate ban on sales is both ludicrous and ineffective.
Vera = I guess that sarcasm I’d directed at Mr McAffee was too subtle … thus, you missed my point. MORE govt. intervention which demands MORE funds from the public purse, is the socialist’s answer to everything. That goes back to the very most basic premise of communism : vis = that people are un-able to govern ourselves. And so need a commissar standing at our elbow, directing our every move.
RAWMI is a trade association, whose members are free to follow its best practices, if they so choose. Sure …. it would suit h’Orgasmic Past-times (c) Dairy to have a federal diktat permitting it to ship its product from Kernan Cal. all over the country … but the LAST LAST thing artisanal producers * need, is : more meddling bureaucrats with carte blanche to come on the property.
* I’d be surprised if there’s even one producer of REAL MILK, anywhere in the whole world, nearly as large as McAffee’s operation. What he’s doing, is, lobbying govt. to suit his own corporate interests, not the local small holders.
vera you missed a BIG point..shouldnt all fingers be pointed toward the vaccine manufacturer.no one is talking about this on this blog .I find it a bit disturbing.even the pda (pennsylvania department of agri) sent letters out to farmers advising them not to vaccinate anymore.its not so much crossing state line….its getting to the first domino that fell and I thought that would be the vaccine itself and the companies that are promoting this crap to the farmers>
I haven’t missed it Kathy. I like your idea of tracking down the name of the manufacturers. I suggest calling the farmer and asking them who they bought it from, and then tracing the supply chain back.
I think that various parties along the supply chain (vaccine manufacturer, distributor, vet, etc.) should be sued by raw milk dairies for lying to them that this vaccine is safe in raw milk production. It’s obviously not.
It sounds like the vaccine company assumed either that (1) the bug couldn’t end up in the milk, (2) it would be all milk would be pasteurized anyway, or (3) it doesn’t matter if people got sick because the farmer would be liable, not them.
See the CDC MMRW report published today at https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6807a6.htm?s_cid=mm6807a6_w
“Lying” is an understatement and a way of life for those who are responsible for manufacturing and regulating vaccines… Research clearly demonstrated 18 years ago that the genetically engineered, antibiotic resistant RB51 showed up in milk at least “69 days following vaccination”. “https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12482535_Effect_of_Vaccination_with_Brucella_abortus_Strain_RB51_on_Heifers_and_Pregnant_Cattle
Good luck in your attempt to litigate against the “various parties along the supply chain”…
In the case of harm caused by human vaccines various parties along the supply chain have been granted by the US Supreme Court immunity from liability. Anyone that attempts to tackle that juggernaut better prepare themself for a long drawn out and costly battle with the likely scenario that they are going to loose.
Vera ; for a real-world test of how it would work, if the FDA / the USDA were to impose a federal standard for raw drinking milk, consider the situation now, with the word “organic”, as applied to milk in commerce. The mega-dairy CAFOs use that word, knowing full well they don’t come within a country mile, of meeting the legal standard.
The Cornucopia Institute has proven beyond argument, how the mega-dairies are cheating. Yet what does your all-powerful federal bureaucracy do about it?
I go back to the mid-eighties, when the term “organic’ was just coming in to fashion. Serving the little health-food stores in Vancouver BC, I watched as producers of genuinely organic products … basically hippies / health food fanatics etcetera like Aajonus Vander Planetz…. worked their hearts out, for a noble ideal : educating the public in the most practical way = putting the real thing in their hands / on their kitchen tables.
along came the exploiters, mis-using the term “organic” on labels, shamelessly taking the significant profit margin, the goodwill value of which had been created by hard-working pioneers.
the most insulting mis-use of the term, being … produce flown-in from Red China, presented at “farmers markets around Vancouver, as “organic” when the very boxes it came in on, are there to be seen under the tables…. stuff grown on “night soil”. by slave labor.
last year British Columbia passed a law which requires anyone using the term “organic” in commerce to qualify a some govt. body. And good luck with that … closing the barn door after that horse is long gone.
enforcement of regulations? … it is to laugh
the reason I am so hard on Mark McAffee is, he personifies the self-induced stupor in to which Americans retreat, re the nature of the enemy : communism
Gordon, how is a hypothetical federal standard in the US any different from the set by the respective federal governments of Britain, France, Germany, NZ etc?
Meanwhile, let’s compare:
The UK went over 11 years with zero reported outbreaks: “There were no reported cases of illness associated with RDM in the UK between 2003 and August 2014.” – https://www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/media/document/fsa150704%20%281%29.pdf
Over that same period, the US had 128 reported outbreaks resulting in 1,586 illnesses, 140 hospitalizations, and 2 deaths (CDC data download from the NORS Dashboard website).
Maybe the UK is on to something.
Very funny again old chap!!
Vera ; the government of the United Kingdom is a unified federation, so an overall Regulation works for them. But, after confederation failed, the united States of America was convened as a Republic. In which each state is “master in its own house.” The federal legislation here, to do with shipping raw milk across state lines in America, is bad law. The answer to which is not ‘more law’. There is a good argument to be made that the inter-state prohibition is un-constitutional ab initio. But who cares? Do what you do best … outflank the nattering Nabobs of negativity by putting the good stuff in the hands of folks who appreciate it
REAL MILK is very delicate ; it does not ship well. Small is beautiful….Better to have many artisanal dairies doing an excellent job of serving their local counties, than a few large producers shipping lesser-quality milk hundreds, even thousands, of miles.
I have not yet visited h’Orgasmic Past-times (c) dairy in Kernan Cal. … from what I gather, it’s reached a limit as to economy of scale. Mark McAffee is a genius when it comes to REAL MILK, but I think he / the directing mind of his business, are making a blunder, spending time + $ lobbying the feds. to change that law. Better to set up another small dairy in each state, under the same brand name. .
Gordon, you forget that the Pasteurized Milk Ordnance is an existing set of federal standards. See https://www.fda.gov/downloads/food/guidanceregulation/guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/milk/ucm513508.pdf “The PMO is a comprehensive regulatory framework that is jointly written by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Public Health Service (USPHS)”. Dairy standards for both raw and pasteurized can easily be set on the Federal level, the latter already being in place.
As for state lines – many communities exist within 30 minutes drive of state lines. Raw milk certainly can be transported that length of time without going bad, especially in a cooler or refrigerated truck.
Typo – meant “ordinance”. Although I imagine it could be seen as being “ordnance” as well, by those opposed to any form of regulation. But if all U.S. states had got their outbreaks rates under control, then such a thing would not be necessary. Each state having its own approach to regulating a product which is readily crossing state lines, and which is associated with a number of outbreaks, isn’t working too terribly well.
Gordon, are you aware that in some states, it’s perfectly legal for farms which produce milk for pasteurization – by methods appropriate for such — to also do “incidental sales” of raw milk to the public? A 1000-cow CAFO dairy might be selling its dirty milk at the farm-gate. Milk which may never have been tested for bacteria, because state law doesn’t mention such. Milk containing manure, passing through dirty 50′ pipes coated inside with biofilm. The standards in some states for raw milk production are ridiculously low.
Just too funny Watson!!
Mark, that is exciting! Please do keep us informed and how we can help?
If there was a kit or easily accessible protocol? So that a wave of new young organic farmers can storm the countless empty barren small family farms here in Ohio by selling profitable TESTED raw milk straight to the consumer!
The CDC has discreetly changed who should AVOID the MMR vaccine. I Wonder how many doctors, health care providers and polititians are paying attention, let alone bringing this info to the attention of the public at large?
Added to the list of people who should not get the MMR vaccine, ANYONE that “Has a parent, brother or sister with a history of immune system problems”…
Here is the list from the above CDC website of those who should avoid the MMR vaccine.
“Has any severe, life-threatening allergies. A person who has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of MMR vaccine, or has a severe allergy to any part of this vaccine, may be advised not to be vaccinated. Ask your health care provider if you want information about vaccine components.”
“Is pregnant, or thinks she might be pregnant. Pregnant women should wait to get MMR vaccine until after they are no longer pregnant. Women should avoid getting pregnant for at least 1 month after getting MMR vaccine.”
“Has a weakened immune system due to disease (such as cancer or HIV/AIDS) or medical treatments (such as radiation, immunotherapy, steroids, or chemotherapy).”
“Has a parent, brother, or sister with a history of immune system problems.”
“Has ever had a condition that makes them bruise or bleed easily.”
“Has recently had a blood transfusion or received other blood products. You might be advised to postpone MMR vaccination for 3 months or more.”
“Has tuberculosis.”
“Has gotten any other vaccines in the past 4 weeks. Live vaccines given too close together might not work as well.”
“Is not feeling well. A mild illness, such as a cold, is usually not a reason to postpone a vaccination. Someone who is moderately or severely ill should probably wait. Your doctor can advise you.”
And what exactly is an “immune system problem”? Here is a list…
* Achalasia
* Addison’s disease
* Adult Still’s disease
* Agammaglobulinemia
* Alopecia areata
* Amyloidosis
* Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs)
* Ankylosing spondylitis
* Anti-GBM/Anti-TBM nephritis
* Antiphospholipid syndrome
* Autoimmune angioedema
* Autoimmune dysautonomia
* Autoimmune encephalomyelitis
* Autoimmune hepatitis
* Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)
* Autoimmune myocarditis
* Autoimmune oophoritis
* Autoimmune orchitis
* Autoimmune pancreatitis
* Autoimmune retinopathy
* Autoimmune urticaria
* Axonal & neuronal neuropathy (AMAN)
* Baló disease
* Behcet’s disease
* Benign mucosal pemphigoid
* Bullous pemphigoid
* Castleman disease (CD)
* Celiac disease
* Chagas disease
* Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
* Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO)
* Churg-Strauss Syndrome (CSS) or Eosinophilic Granulomatosis (EGPA)
* Cicatricial pemphigoid
* Cogan’s syndrome
* Cold agglutinin disease
* Congenital heart block
* Coxsackie myocarditis
* CREST syndrome
* Crohn’s disease
* Dermatitis herpetiformis
* Dermatomyositis
* Devic’s disease (neuromyelitis optica)
* Discoid lupus
* Dressler’s syndrome
* Endometriosis
* Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)
* Eosinophilic fasciitis
* Erythema nodosum
* Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
* Evans syndrome
* Fibromyalgia
* Fibrosing alveolitis
* Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
* Giant cell myocarditis
* Glomerulonephritis
* Goodpasture’s syndrome
* Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
* Graves’ disease
* Guillain-Barre syndrome
* Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
* Hemolytic anemia
* Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)
* Herpes gestationis or pemphigoid gestationis (PG)
* Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) (Acne Inversa)
* Hypogammalglobulinemia
* IgA Nephropathy
* IgG4-related sclerosing disease
* Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
* Inclusion body myositis (IBM)
* Interstitial cystitis (IC)
* Juvenile arthritis
* Juvenile diabetes (Type 1 diabetes)
* Juvenile myositis (JM)
* Kawasaki disease
* Lambert-Eaton syndrome
* Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
* Lichen planus
* Lichen sclerosus
* Ligneous conjunctivitis
* Linear IgA disease (LAD)
* Lupus
* Lyme disease chronic
* Meniere’s disease
* Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)
* Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
* Mooren’s ulcer
* Mucha-Habermann disease
* Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) or MMNCB
* Multiple sclerosis
* Myasthenia gravis
* Myositis
* Narcolepsy
* Neonatal Lupus
* Neuromyelitis optica
* Neutropenia
* Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
* Optic neuritis
* Palindromic rheumatism (PR)
* Parkinson’s disease
* Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD)
* Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
* Parry Romberg syndrome
* Pars planitis (peripheral uveitis)
* Parsonage-Turner syndrome
* Pemphigus
* Peripheral neuropathy
* Perivenous encephalomyelitis
* Pernicious anemia (PA)
* POEMS syndrome
* Polyarteritis nodosa
* Polyglandular syndromes type I, II, III
* Polymyalgia rheumatica
* Polymyositis
* Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
* Postpericardiotomy syndrome
* Primary biliary cirrhosis
* Primary sclerosing cholangitis
* Progesterone dermatitis
* Psoriasis
* Psoriatic arthritis
* Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA)
* Pyoderma gangrenosum
* Raynaud’s phenomenon
* Reactive Arthritis
* Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
* Relapsing polychondritis
* Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
* Retroperitoneal fibrosis
* Rheumatic fever
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Sarcoidosis
* Schmidt syndrome
* Scleritis
* Scleroderma
* Sjögren’s syndrome
* Sperm & testicular autoimmunity
* Stiff person syndrome (SPS)
* Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE)
* Susac’s syndrome
* Sympathetic ophthalmia (SO)
* Takayasu’s arteritis
* Temporal arteritis/Giant cell arteritis
* Thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
* Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (THS)
* Transverse myelitis
* Type 1 diabetes
* Ulcerative colitis (UC)
* Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD)
* Uveitis
* Vasculitis
* Vitiligo
* Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease
Rethinking the Future of Food Recalls
Yet the pharmaceutical industry is by far the biggest lobby group in Washington and exerts tremendous influence over health related policies… Why else would the US Government grant them immunity from liability in regards to the damage caused by vaccinations?
“Is the pharmaceutical industry like the mafia?”
“The piece that follows is my foreword to a new and fascinating book by Peter Gøtzsche, the head of the Nordic Cochrane Centre, entitled Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare. I hope that this piece might prompt you to read the book. I was not paid for my foreword and will not receive any payment from the book.” Richard Smith
HERE ARE SOME FACTS In 1900 the death rate per 100k persons was 1790 today the death rate is about 798 deaths per 100k persons a real significant achievement. In 1900 40% of the deaths were children under 5 years old .The reason for this drop is improvement in sanitation ,public health, vaccination development ,good delivery and methods of treatment. Since the year 2000 over 20million deaths have been prevented by the measles vaccine. The anti vaccination crowd on this blog astounds me ,how can educated people think this way about vaccination to prevent illness .This year alone 80,000 people in this country will die from the flu among them many chrildren even thought many deaths could be prevented by a small injection .I worked for a large pharmaceutical company and I saw the dedication of the reachers. Yes health care is expensive but a long illness or death costs more .Consuming large amounts of probotics, or bacteria will not cure any disease it might help to prevent but will not cure it .Talk of raw milk being a super food or a cure all is all antedotal.A balanced diet organic or conventional, along with good medicalcare healthy living ,good health practise , and vaccines will help us enjoy life. A blogger recently suggested that he uses unwashed eggs because the bacteria on the shells is good, and infact he dips the unwashed shells with chicken crap on them into his eggs while they are cooking ,I suggest using salt and pepper . This obsession with probotics is really out of control . The biggest problem with food in this country from a health problem is WE EAT TOO MUCH .
Bill March,
Food doesn’t satisfy hunger because it does not have the nutrients that we crave.That is the problem with modern industrial agriculture.Quantity is rewarded over quality.
Bill, The CDC’s own website states that it does not count how many adults die from flu each year… That 80,000 figure is a generous estimate with no solid science and accurate monitoring to back it up.
In a “Summary of the 2017-2018 Influenza Season” the CDC states that it began using a “new methodology to classify seasonal severity”… It goes on to state, “While flu deaths in children are reported to CDC, flu deaths in adults are not nationally notifiable. In order to monitor influenza related deaths in all age groups, CDC tracks pneumonia and influenza (P&I)-attributed deaths through the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Reporting System. This system tracks the proportion of death certificates processed that list pneumonia or influenza as the underlying or contributing cause of death. This system provides an overall indication of whether flu-associated deaths are elevated, BUT DOES NOT PROVIDE AN EXACT NUMBER OF HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED FROM FLU”. Emphasis in upper case letters is mine…
The influenza vaccine is notoriously ineffective with the CDC herself telling us that the flu shot is only going to be “at least 20% effective” this year… which means, it’s going to be at least 80% ineffective. The influenza vaccine is a crapshoot at best and a toxic mercury laden one at that; no wonder nurses, paramedics and other front line health care providers are battling for their right to refuse the vaccine.
This is a sobering testimony by Kevin Barry at a public hearing in Connecticut on February 25th 2019 opposing SB 858 in regards to a mandatory HPV vaccine. Barry is a former federal lawyer and author of the book “Vaccine Whistleblower”, a book that talks about fraud and vaccine research at the CDC.
In regards to a question asked at the hearing by Senator Hennesy about these so-called 80,000 deaths from influenza, Barry gives a brief explanation as to why this figure is not true and the statistical gymnastics that the CDC goes through to achieve that number…
Note where he states that the American Academy of Pediatrics offers philosophical and religious exemptions to its members yet opposes it in all 50 states… Indeed as he suggests, “if that is not the height of hypocrisy I don’t know what is”.
“Breaking down the walls of cognitive dissonance at the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)”
I am at the Nutritional Therapists Association convention in Portland Oregon for three days. RAWMI has a table and is actively engaging with NT Practioners to teach raw milk and it’s benefits as a gut biome rebuilding nutritional tool. The feedback is tremendous. Linking with doctors that are using food as medicine is powerful and so effective.
The wholesale fraud of medical school training with its total lack of gut biome education and total disregard for food and nutrition is appalling. The poor outcomes caused by Pharma and the western medical paradigm reflect this negligence and disregard for health and good care.
It is dumbfounding and deeply concerning. Not to mention damn expensive and costly in real human terms.
Farmers over Pharmacies!
25% of the food you eat sustains your health. 75% of the foods you eat sustain your doctor!! Great quote!
Welcome to America.
The Uber driver that carried me from PDX to the Hilton and the NTA conference had a deep accent. His name was Yasha. He was from Georgia in the old Russia. I asked him about the food he consumed back home.
He said…. I love the Raw Milk Kefir and if I was sick, I would add smashed garlic into my raw milk Kefir. I was never sick.
Owe…. the golden lessons from the Uber drivers.
Yes Mark, “The Complete Patient” is one who uses food as their medicine…
Dairy farmers club together to protect raw milk sales
The link you provided has a back story. The enhanced raw milk safety training is being brought to the 170 raw milk producers by Dr Cat Berge and Dr Ton Baars
Both were directors at RAWMi for many years.
I am very proud of their efforts and the impact Internationally on raw milk safety. Good job Cat and Ton!
The truth is indeed difficult to handle by those indoctrinated in one of conventional medicines most sacrosanct rituals.
“Anti-vaccination billboards in Toronto being removed, company says”
Nutrients 2019, 11(2), 469; doi:10.3390/nu11020469
Raw Cow’s Milk and Its Protective Effect on Allergies and Asthma
Barbara Sozańska
1st Department of Pediatrics, Allergology and Cardiology, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw 50-367, Poland
Received: 3 February 2019 / Accepted: 18 February 2019 / Published: 22 February 2019
Living on a farm and having contact with rural exposures have been proposed as one of the most promising ways to be protected against allergy and asthma development. There is a significant body of epidemiological evidence that consumption of raw milk in childhood and adulthood in farm but also nonfarm populations can be one of the most effective protective factors. The observation is even more intriguing when considering the fact that milk is one of the most common food allergens in childhood. The exact mechanisms underlying this association are still not well understood, but the role of raw milk ingredients such as proteins, fat and fatty acids, and bacterial components has been recently studied and its influence on the immune function has been documented. In this review, we present the current understanding of the protective effect of raw milk on allergies and asthma.
In a study published by a group of Canadian researchers from the University of Manitoba they “examined the connection between asthma and vaccines in one of the largest studies ever to address the question. What they found was clear and striking. The earlier children received their DPT shots, the higher their odds of developing asthma by their seventh year of age. To be more precise, among children born in Manitoba in 1995 who received their first shot on time (on or before two months of age), nearly 14% subsequently developed asthma. By comparison, among children who received their first shot late (six months or later), less than 6% developed asthma. That’s a “crude odds ratio” (before statistical adjustments for “confounders” that might bias the result) of 2.6, meaning that a child vaccinated on schedule is over two and half times more likely to develop asthma than a child vaccinated late.”
You may recall this article or one similar to it a while back where the CDC was advising “nursing mothers to delay breastfeeding in order to boost vaccine efficacy…
And again, there is another study from the University of Manitoba describing, “How bacteria and breast milk could be our best allies against allergy and asthma”.
“Allies” yes, but there is a huge obstacle to overcome, namely the toxic medical assault presented to children prior to and following birth. Research shows not simply that vaccines cause asthma and allergies, but that the sooner you give your child certain vaccines the higher the odds that your child will develop immune related problems such as asthma and eczema. Raw living foods such as breast milk and cows milk etc. could very well mitigate and perhaps cure these immune related disorders. But that seems to me a kind of backwards approach to the problem.
Unfortunately, due to the huge bias that favors vaccination there is an overall reluctance to admit what many parents of vaccine damaged children are convince of… that vaccines, which are purposely designed to have a direct inflammatory effect on the body and the immune system do indeed cause asthma, eczema and allergies…
midwive/master herbalists have known this for years
“you eat where your heart beats”
same thing with taking pollen 2 weeks before the sdpring or fall bloom.same thing with poison ivy…when the tiny poison ivy leaves start sprouting in the spring you eat one or 2 every day .you will not get poison ivy.this later one i reserve to the master herbalists as im not that brave enen though they taught us this in class
Dr Joe,
Keep the education and peer reviewed truth coming!
I just spent hours reviewing one paid Phd opinion letter that is being used in the Michael Schmidt case in Canada. The Phd denies that the more than 20 EU pubmed NIH listed studies on raw milk benefits actually make a case for raw milk benefits.
It is very upsetting to me that giving a paycheck to a Phd can purchase alternative facts.
A study and 20 more that back it up are based on data and facts. Data and facts don’t change by definition.
Politics and science have no place sleeping with each other.
It is about time that the Canadian dairy board dairymen start to realize that consumers not only want raw milk….they also cannot drink pasteurized milk. It makes them very sick. They also need to recognize that modern technologies can now test for multiple human pathogens in 30 minutes on farm. By gone are the days of guessing about the risk profile of raw milk.
It is now a low risk food. In fact, with RAWMI, RAMP and rapid testing one of the lowest risk and highest benefit foods on earth.
Taking responsibility for your health and your gut biome.
I must ask. In America with our freedom to eat garbage and destroy our gut biome, when will the day come that each citizen will be made responsible for their food choices? Food choices drive our health and cost on others that pay dearly for health care ( sick care costs ).
My guess. It will be a while. There is too much money being made on sick people.
There is fascinating book about a Certified Milk Dairy operating for many years in New Jersey entitled: Walker-Gordon, One of a Kind by Edward E. Tindall, MS, DVM and C. Stanton Clark. Note that Certified Milk is carefully produced raw milk under supervision of a Medical Milk Commission. It is a beautiful book filled with many historical photographs. The book is available from amazon.
This place does the same thing
Dogs are lactose intolerant….but they can sure eat raw dairy !
Open Farm sells raw organic Kefir for dogs. They love it! They call it a pet food topper.
thanks joesph
Raw organic pet foods
Now it is difficult to choose a useful product. A large variety of products greatly confuses consumers 🙁
the latest Food Poisoning Bulletin is good for a laugh. Story is : Centres for Disease Control figured out that pasteurized chocolate milk was the source of a couple of listeria “outbreaks”.
when there’s an outbreak attributed to raw milk, boy oh boy, to we get the facts … names, dates, farm county, etc, regardless if it’s only two or 3 people, which it usually is. But in this report, where – most likely – THOUSANDS of people were affected, officialdom deems it not important to identify the companies responsible. ??????? ‘why not’ = because radio-silence on that point makes it nigh impossible for those sickened to call down Marler & Co to sue the bastards … The so-called “health authorities” know which side their bread is buttered on.
Real Organic Milk Maine
Commentary: New histories of the Indian Green Revolution
Glenn Davis Stone
First published: 21 February 2019 https://doi.org/10.1111/geoj.12297
The Green Revolution continues to be a touchstone in debates on food production. Accounts generally cite “high‐yielding” dwarf wheat and rice spreading through Asia and particularly India, resulting in lives saved, agriculture modernised, and under‐utilised workers moved off farms. This Commentary examines the forces that popularised this version of events and then reviews a significant new body of writing, comprising five major works by historians. The new work provides a fundamental rethinking of many key aspects of the revolution, including the motivations behind it, the merits of the agricultural science in India that it displaced, whether the new seeds actually led to increased food production, and how concepts of desirable plants changed.
“Association of measles and mumps with cardiovascular disease: The Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) study.”
Naturally acquiring “Measles and mumps, especially in case of both infections, were associated with lower risks of mortality from atherosclerotic CVD”.
This is not the first time I’ve read about this type of a relationship… Read “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History” by authors Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk.
How do you feel about raw milk?
A. It’s a healthful product and farmers should be allowed to sell it if they want to.
The last 9 deaths from dairy products were all pasteurized.
Blue bell ice cream
Cravens cheese
Another brand of cheese
Listeria is the big killer in pasteurized dairy products.
As far as Millers Organics and listeria. That remains a big mystery to me.
It was illegal, untested, unregulated and contained chocolate.
What kind of chocolate?
Chocolate is not allowed in legal raw milk. It would be considered adulterated and misbranded. So I don’t know where to put the two listeria deaths ( elderly cancer patients that consumed Miller’s chocolate raw milk ) from that unknown raw milk. In my book, it’s an unknown.
One more thing about Millers.
It’s as if the FDA has encouraged Millers to “Keep On Sellin”
They have done nothing to stop his sale or interstate shipment of raw milk in his clubs.
When I asked the FSA about enforcing interstate raw milk laws… their official position was…”we have broad discretionary authority to chose to enforce or not”
Some country we live in.
The FDA sued me until my cows came home for interstate shipment of pet food 10 years ago. “Millers…. not so much….”Keep on Shippin”
Fairness does not exist. Life lesson taught to me by the FDA.
Could it be that the FDA operates on a “complaints-driven” basis? I.e., if no-one files an official complaint, they don’t take action? That’s how many government offices with limited budgets operate. They prioritize investigation and enforcement to cases where a member of the public has filed a formal complaint, even a frivolous one. Maybe someone has to first file a complaint against Miller before they will act. BTW, I’ve heard that “Millers Organic Farm” sources milk for interstate distribution from several different unlicensed and un-inspected Amish farms, but I will stand corrected if someone can prove this rumor to be wrong.
Vera, that could be it. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know for sure, since FDA is very secretive. One other possibility is that the FDA doesn’t want to see a court test of the private food issue. Miller supplies many private food clubs, and it’s highly likely a number of them would react badly to harsh government action against Miller’s farm, and force a legal test of the private food issue. A court loss may be more than FDA is willing to risk.
Mark Mcafee I think you are completely right, but what can we do? 🙁 After all, it worries many people.
Death of Dairy
This is a well written article that I can truly relate to … That being said, subsidies are still very much a part of the Canadian dairy system and Canadian-style controls on milk price and supply have done little to maintain Canada’s family farms…
When all is said and done, the erosion of Canada’s family run dairy farms has been gradual and consistent in contrast to the United States boom and bust scenario… Indeed, “The consolidation of dairy and the continual shrinking of profit margins have led to drastic changes to the industry over the years” in Canada as well, with both Canada and the US experiencing a similar overall rate of decline in the number of family run dairy farms.
“When we work with the natural world, when we honor and acknowledge what is unknown about the complex web that we all share, we will bring back a vital health that now seems so far out of reach. When we engage technologies positioned in the war against germs and organisms, however, we are doomed to fail and to cripple not only our species but our home.”
After enjoying 40 years of the “highest” vaccination rates in the country, Mississippi’s kids ranked “dead last” in 2018 in regards to infant mortality and overall good health…