Perhaps my heading should have said, “FDA Swats Away Raw Milk Labeling Petition Like a Pesky Mosquito.”

When you think back on the buildup for the petition, including at this blog, the FDA’s brief rejection note concluding that the citizen petition submitted by the Real Food Freedom Coalition (RFCC) didn’t really qualify as a subject for citizen petitions is definitely anticlimactic (and even that may be giving the FDA’s response too much credence).
Why the swatting away of the citizen petition after signals that the timing might finally have been right for some sort of grudging federal acceptance of raw dairy? A little background:
Back in early 2017, not long after Donald Trump took office, a group of raw dairy proponents decided the time was ripe to challenge the long-standing federal ban on interstate raw milk shipments. The group, which had organized several years previously as the Real Food Freedom Coalition, had come up with a creative approach for making the interstate ban less urgent: It proposed to use labeling of raw milk products with a highly informative label alerting consumers to raw milk’s potential safety risks, and providing instructions for doing their own pasteurization.
The labeling approach was developed by RFCC working together with a well known lawyer, Jonathan Emord, who had extensive experience dealing with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which administers the federal ban on raw dairy shipments.
The fact that Donald Trump had just become president was important as well, He had come into office as a big proponent of deregulation throughout the federal government. The FDA might just take the labeling proposal seriously, went the thinking.
After many years of conflict with the FDA, it seemed as if the time might finally be ripe for some kind of mutual acceptance.
There was just one little matter…..of money. RFCC was advised by a number of Washington professionals that it would improve the petition’s chances immeasurably if it engaged lobbyists with the right connections to the FDA as well as to Congress. The cost? Tens of thousands per month for up to a year.
The thinking at RFCC was that raw dairy farmers around the country who stood to benefit from peace with the FDA over interstate raw milk sales would bankroll the effort. That turned out to be erroneous thinking. For reasons that weren’t clear to me—I wasn’t directly involved in the fundraising effort with dairy farmers and eventually severed my ties with RFCC—the fundraising effort never really got off the ground. My suspicion: Raw dairy farmers who might have benefited from new markets across state lines decided that the possibility of getting the FDA to change its mind, even with the lobbying, remained too remote to justify such a significant investment. And those raw dairy farmers who have long shipped across state lines decided that potentially opening the marketplace to all kinds of new competition probably wasn’t in their interests.
So the citizen petition thus went through the FDA without serious prodding from lobbyists to its seemingly inevitable swatting away, or torpedoing, or whatever you want to call the rejection. Here is the actual wording from the one-page FDA response:
“Specifically, your petition states that we should exercise our enforcement discretion
‘to avoid taking, and to cease taking, enforcement action against those who distribute unpasteurized milk and milk products in interstate commerce when the milk products bear labels that include in conspicuous bold face type prominently displayed under the statement of identity for the product: (1) a warning regarding the health risks of unpasteurized milk and milk products; and, when applicable, (2) instructions for safe handling, including self-pasteurization. (Petition at page 2)’
“Requests for the agency to exercise enforcement discretion are not within the scope of FDA’s citizen petition procedures. As stated in 21 CFR I0.30(k), § 10.30 does not apply to ‘referral of a matter to a United States Attorney for initiation of court enforcement action and related correspondence . . . .’ Agency decisions to take, or refrain from taking, enforcement actions are related to referral of a matter to a United States attorney for the initiation of court enforcement action for violations of Federal law. Therefore, we are denying your request.”
The people running RFCC declined to provide official comment, but from what I understand, the group could try doing a re-worded petition, or even go to court to challenge the FDA’s response. Either approach would likely take at least a couple more years, and maybe longer. And there’s no assurance of financial backing for any of it.
Sometimes in our idealism, we forget that to get pretty much anything done in Washington, the deal is pay to play.
Thank you for the information & uodate.
First of all …..Donald Trump loves fast food hates exercise gulps down Coca Colas. He loves money and the influence it buys. His allegiance is to mega dairy policy if anything. His USDA has reigned over total lack of enforcement of organic policy and now 15,000 cow non pasturing organic dairies are normal.
Donald Trump is not the friend of Organics or less processed anything.
He is a fraud and a fake. His treatment of the Kurds is outrageous.
He loves Putin and any other dictator. He will be lucky to avoid treason charges when he is impeached.
The only wall that will make us safer, will be the wall he is Locked behind very soon.
so sorry to see your Trump Delusional Syndrome flaring-up again, Mr McAffee … just when this forum was regaining serenity
perhaps look back through your day-book and see if you can find what triggers that psychological dyspepsia.
free advice is worth what you pay for it ; thus >>> no-one on this forum gives a rat’sass what you say … it’s just more of the same Deja moooo = the feeling we’ve seen this bullshit before
get back in your casket now, Mister Hyde … at least ’til Hallowe’en
Cannot keep your mouth shut can you Watson, very similar to trump.
And, Watson, you are wrong about one thing, most folks don’t give a rat’s ass what YOU have to say. Mark does good, you do ????, continual harassment of folks that do not hold your “out of this world viewpoints”.
I should have qualified my last post = “most people on this forum don’t give a rat’sass what Mark McAffee has to say about Donald Trump”. And I stand by that observation
when says something intelligent about milk = sure… he’s an expert on the topic. But Mr McAffee’s pattern of swinging from sunny platitudes re “love all serve all judge no-one” to hysterical non-sense about PRESIDENT Trump, indicates a serious mental problem.
we do have sympathy for mentally-ill people, but we don’t facilitate their delusions.
McAffee’s tribe had their boy in the Oval Office for 8 years prior … O’Bongo never lifted a finger to remedy the problems with the FDA. Yet McAffee piles all the blame on PRESIDENT Trump for half a century worth of bureaucratic bungling?
during the run-up to the Presidential election, Mark McAffee burst on this forum with his vitriol re Trump. At first it was so over-the-top that I thought it was a put-on. But he persisted and got worse. After the election results were confirmed, Mark McAffee declared he would keep on ranting on this forum. That’s when I promised I’d dish it back to him every time. So I do.
curiously … he’ll go through a lull of a few weeks when he sticks to milk, making eminent sense. Then his Mister Hyde the TrumpHater personality manifests … unloading more of the same old same old. Watching him disgrace his reputation this way, it occurs that this is the only place in all of cyberspace, where he gets away with unloading his pain. Thus : what I do is simply shove back against his idiocy. He stops … I stop. See how that goes?
Donald Trump is the obnoxious, cunning and resilient wascally wabbit (Bugs Bunny) and the Democrats are the blundering and obsessive Elmer Fudd who keeps shooting himself in the foot…
I second what Mark McAfee said. I too had hoped he meant his words when he spoke them. Instead, he thinks of himself as a showman. He’s a phony and I pray people wake up and vote him out in 2020. You know for damned sure the Senate won’t impeach him – too many feeble power hungry guys who are kissing his butt and they seem to want to go down with the ship. God help us all.
As to the FDA, they are a rubber stamp for pharma and NCIMS.
They refuse to allow medical claims for foods that are proven by huge piles of peer reviewed studies and hard evidence. They refuse to allow publication of research on labels or product websites that is sitting in the literature approved by CDC !!! And NIH.
That’s a fraud on its face.
Every day I do a prayer that in our next political world, that “we the people” wake up and recognize this fraud and when big pharma is reduced to a powerless sniveling worm that it is….medical claims for foods proven by research to be beneficial can be promoted. Instead of being actively suppressed.
It’s a sick world. Because being sick is a Money Maker!!!!
I especially look forward to the FTCLDF raw butter fight. I will share more soon.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. Kicked out of historic Riverside Church: Vaccine Censorship Rolls on…
Today a legal team hired by the Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund filed suit against the FDA to force a response to a citizens petition filed in 2016. I was the initial author of the FDA Citizens Petition which compels the FDA to allow raw butter to be sold over state lines.
Much credit is given to FTCLDF and their lawyers that took my petition and transformed it into a masterpiece of science, CDC data, human genomics, congressional history recitations, and other extremely compelling arguments. There is zero rational basis that raw butter should be classified as a risky food.
I will send David the complaint tomorrow so he can look it over.
It is an impressive read. The FDA has 30 days to respond or face the wrath of a federal judge.
This time around…. we are not messing around. Top notch legal team, well funded and dedicated to the long fight. We are going to drag the FDA into the Federal court system for as long as it takes. Raw butter is totally innocent and consumers deserve access across America.
We will post the complaint tomorrow so everyone can read it.
Wish you and your team the best of luck!!
Thank you for persisting with this effort, Mark. Wishing you well!
Mark, thanks for the suit. I’m not sure if your strategy of going through the courts will yield much, but it definitely has a better chance than waiting for something constructive from the FDA.
David, as always thank you for reporting on events related to food rights. It’s terribly disappointing that the FDA isn’t even considering the petition. I hope the RFCC keeps trying!
My dear friends at RFCC ( Liz and all ) gave it their best shot. We are using a different strategy.
We discovered that the FDA totally overreached and added raw butter into the CFR 1240.61 prohibition. The word butter and cheese were never mentioned in the 1987 court order and findings. Not one word.
Acts of Congress as early as 1906 prohibited the early FDA from making any Standard of Identity for some vegetables and butter!
CFR 1240.61 is unconstitutional as regards to butter.
There are many other compelling arguments, like zero illnesses from properly prepared raw butter in the last 50 years!! This data coming from the CDC via FOIA data.
The FDA will be lying to the court if they make any kind of food safety argument. It would have no basis. None.
We have the FDA in a box and its a box made up of their own data and their own science. We even included information from very recent Human Genomics that was published via FDA PUBMED pathways.
This is a winner. We don’t expect the FDA to have any respect for our petition or the science. We already know how they treat science and or the truth. In our raw milk petition years ago, the FDA responded saying that the EU peer reviewed studies were not about raw milk….they were about “farm fresh milk!!”
That kind of defiance shows where their heart and minds live. Its not a normal place.
We do however believe that a federal court judge will clearly see that the FDA is highly biased and will rule to overturn the FDA and narrow the CFR 1240.61 regulations to exclude raw butter just as the FDA did with the other class 4 food….raw cheeses.
Its going to be quite a ride! It would be awesome if they just capitulated and saved us all from the battle, but we are ready and funded to drag them all the way. We have a very smart and very dedicated legal team.
Raw butter outbreak
Pasteurized butter outbreak
To read and view the FDA Raw Butter FTCLDF Complaint see:
Organic farming promotes biotic resistance to foodborne human pathogens
Organic farms conserve a dung beetle species capable of disrupting fly vectors of foodborne pathogens
RAW MILK Institute has been invited to present at NOFA Mass in January 2020, NOFA NY in January 2020 and PASA in February 2020.
The presentations will feature information about low risk raw milk production and the health benefits of raw milk.
With the organic milk supply debacle and with the Mega CAFO organic milk over supply ( caused by non pasturimg of cows and lack of enforcement of the USDA organic pasture rule ) farmers are seeking different pathways to add value and connect directly to consumers.
All are invited to attend.
Mark, can you please give us some insight as to how the CA fires are affecting your business? I don’t think your farm is in the direct path but what about transportation as in deliveries to your customers, receiving feed etc? Godspeed to all Californians.
I asked our team today about that very question.
The fires have had little effect. Life just goes on. Much of this is due to the incredible work done by the firefighters and air tanker crews.
In northern CA only two stores did not get deliveries on their delivery day. In Southern CA, all stores received deliveries.
This could change, but that is the most current status.
These fires are strange. They are driven by fuel and wind. They can jump long distances and catch a non adjacent structure on fire with a tinder roof material.
Fingers crossed
Here in the San Joaquin Valley where we are, orchards don’t burn and neither do alfalfa fields. We are safe. So are the cows and the raw milk ??
My heart goes out to our friends in both Northern and Southern CA. We have offered space at the dairy for them to camp or park their RVs if needed. ❤️
Glad to hear you continue to supply the goods under stress, and I’m sure your customers are too.
It seems incongruous that PGE likely started the fires, and now turn around and punish their customers by shutting down service. I do understand that they don’t want to start further fires but if people are isolated due to road closures and don’t have backup power, goodbye perishable foods.
Maybe PGE should start a “backup generator borrow” program, it would cost less that what’s happening now and help a lot more people in distress.
An Unappetizing Analysis from the FDA
California’s Oldest Dairy Farm Shutters to Focus on Growing Almonds
alifornia-based Giacomazzi Dairy—known as the oldest operating dairy farm west of the Rocky Mountains—is exiting the dairy business after more than 125 years to focus on growing almonds. “Over the last five years, it’s been very difficult to make money in the dairy industry [with] regulations, increased cost of labor, low milk prices,” Giacomazzi Dairy owner Dino Giacomazzi told ABC. “We’ve lost probably like 500 dairy farms in the state in the last ten years,” fellow dairy farmer Cornell Kasbergen said. “You’re better off putting your money into trees … almonds, pistachios, grapes. There’s a lot of alternatives that provide a higher return than milking cows.”
I have been working very hard to try and gather support for a sustainable answer to the collapse and loss of conventional dairies.
I have spoken all over the USA as VP of the California Dairy Campaign and part of the NFU.
The problem is simple. Dairymen have embraced a culture of “get big or get out”. They also refuse to cooperate with other dairymen to control “over supply”. That means continuous low prices. Processors love the low prices, but it kills off smaller dairies. This effect has also effected the organic dairy market.
If you would like to see our SMISA project see.
Our three legged stool capitalized on the best of the Canadian Supply Management system. We call it Growth Management.
It will require an act of Congress but stops all subsidies while increasing prices to farmers. The control over supply and prices would be under the control of farmers by regional boards staffed by farmers.
Canadian system has one fault. They need to legalize raw milk. They got the rest right.
It has worked very well in Canada ?? for 55 years. Meanwhile in the USA our crazy system has killed off 2800 dairies in the last year. It’s insane.
The future of dairy in the USA trends toward huge CAFO operations and small organic raw dairies
If only dairymen would see each other as brothers and not economic enemies. Our future would be much brighter. When dairies fail entire communities around them suffer.
In Canada communities and their dairies thrive !!
your punchline = “in Canada communities and their dairies thrive” shows how badly out of touch you are, with what goes on here.
in fact,
over the last 55 years – as the dairy supply quota racket has been underway in Canada – 90 % of the farms which were operating then, went out of that business. Except in Quebec. There, the dairy supply racket is one of the major vectors for conveying bribes to the French, and so pay off the Jesuits ( who run Kaybeck ) to keep quiet. Part of how this sorry Dominion has operated since the Treaty of Versaille circa 1755.
In fact : the dairy industry co-ordinated ALL its members to become instant members of the Conservative Party so they could prevent Maxime Bernier from being its leader. After which all those instant members never showed their stupid faces again. It is not too far-fetched to say that the sabotage of the Conservative party leadership contest, was THE major factor in the Conservatives failing to oust the LibTards in the federal election last week. The so-called leader of the so-called Conservatives = Andrew Sheer = personifies the milk he hoisted to drink onstage the night he was annointed ‘leader’ … a thin, pale, ersatz de-natured soyboy Conservative-in-name-only. A jamtart lacking the testicular wherewithal = the “royal jelly” = that it takes to truly lead a country. The knives are out, so Mr Sheer is about to be just a footnote in Canadian history.
you ignore what I’ve posted on this forum, more than once’t… the Quota racket is an aspect of the Progressive Economic Plan concocted by the Fabian Society which your pal FDR implemented it as the National Recovery Act. But the Supreme Court of the united States of America ruled that it was un-constitutional
from its start… and to this very day … the icon of the Fabian Society, is = a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The Fabians boast that they use the word “social-ism” to deceive people as the precursor to communism.
every country that has tried the dairy supply quota scheme has rejected it. Only Canada refuses to de-Stalin-ize
Gordon you should have been a poet, that way you could still raise as much awareness without the ruffle feathering. Surely you can get motivated to do “social work” without the prickling from the Marys and Mcafees of the world eh?
Ora Moose … I tried being ‘nice”, once. It didn’t work
after 3 decades as a court-certified political activist, my stance now is what Alexandr Sozenhitsen said = ‘if you haven’t been in gaol yet, you haven’t even begun’
I did get sentenced to 90 days in the slammer, for being part of the directing mind of Home on the Range cowshare, but me and Michael never did have to serve it, because we got a conditional discharge. but the Campaign for REAL MILK is a walk in the park, compared to where I’ve been.
I pursue this issue because it’s so simple – a] it’s crucial for reviving understanding of the agricultural and food laws of our God.
and b] – the raw milk issue is inter-twined with exposure of the monstrous racket of the vaccine industry
c] providing REAL MILK to real people has immediate impact. It heals people this very day
Gordon, I think it takes multiple tries at being nice before you get good at it, but how would I know. I too am familiar with gaol due to good doers crusading for “what’s good for you thereby I’m forcing it on you.”
I also think you actually drive more people to the opposite side by a) being so confrontational and b) invoking religion to back up your arguments. How many Blacks/Muslims/Hindus/Atheists do you think would agree with you? Or even the whitest white people, which I am not. Do you care? Yes, enough to continue posting on here. One thing we do agree on: Raw milk, period.
what non-whites think about the Campaign for REAL MILK is irrelevant. If you’ve read my posts, you cannot help but understand that my approach is a religious crusade, using the evidence from real science to validate the food and agricultural laws given to us by our God. One of the main themes of the New Testament, is = Healing. Fresh pure whole milk, un-cooked, heals individuals as godly stewardship of the land, heals the nation
at the pleasure of David Gumpert I continue to post – because it’s obvious that nearly everyone who’s actually on the ground, doing the chores, producing REAL MILK, is a white Christian. As Barry Goldwater put it, ‘politics is like duck hunting. You go where the ducks are’.
Read the Bible to learn how UN-popular prophetic types are at this stage of the national cycle of the Israel-ite people. Confer also with the essay “Isaiah’s Job” by Alfred J Knock,
Extra credit reading for Gordon:
Worlds best cheese award is won by Rogue Creamery in Central Point Oregon. It’s a Blue Cheese and it’s Organic and Raw!
Awesome!! The French are pissed!
The USA finally got on the best cheeses in the World Map!
The best cheese in the world is the one you make yourself, no substitutions aloud so be quiet doing it. Raw and of course organic ZERO chemicals or additives don’t need any.
Letter From The Editor: A warning notice about FDA and CDC
It’s ironic; yet not surprising that it took Food Safety News (FSN) this long to realize that the alphabet agencies mentioned in its above referenced letter are a “cesspool of corruption”… FSN is now realizing what many of us have realized has been going on for a long time.
If a politician demonstrates the resolve to clean up unelected government agencies, or in Donald Trump’s words “the swamp”, he or she had better be cunning, use a calculated approach and not bite off more then they can chew… The “Deep State” has six ways from Sunday to get back at an individual (politician, lawyer, doctor, reporter, parent or farmer) who decides to takes a stand against them or their oppressive policies… FSN had better keep an eye out over their shoulder.
Finally….something I can agree with at Food Safety News.
With all seriousness. Under this administration none of the federal agencies are up to par. All have suffered and their leadership is in serious question. The USDA has been gutted and operates for MEGA industry only. Screw the small farmer. Many of their scientists have resigned or been fired.
The EPA us in tatters.
Trump ran his entire campaign on tearing down and ripping apart our government.
The one area that our government must be really good at is food safety. Sadly….our FDA and USDA will need huge help in early 2021 in order to rebuild capacity and public trust. They are like rudderless planes flying with drunk pilots. Out of control and that is intensional.
Trump was sent by the frustrated masses to break Washington into little pieces. He sure did.
so-predictable, Mr McAffee. your take being ? = all was well when your tribal chieftan was in power, then everything went to hell the very hour PRESIDENT Trump took over … is that it? In Fact … capture of the bureaucracies by the industries they were set up to regulate, happened long before Mr Trump came on the scene.
despite the rank voter fraud by which masses of 3rd world racial aliens/ invaders cast illegal ballots for your champion, Hillary Clinton, the masses of white Americans, overwhelmingly chose Donald Trump to preside over the country because they deplored how Barry Suetoro aka O’Bongo had veered it towards outright communism.
Should Citizen Trump stand for election again in 2020, he will win in an even greater landslide. Largely because guys like you are floundering around, one-foot-nailed-to-the-floor, still gnawing your tongues in hyper-chauvinism, refusing to admit that Trump better personifies the Will of the People, better than anyone carrying the banner for the Demon-Rats.
the recent federal election in Canada is illustrative. Justin Trudeau * had been the Prime Minister. He lost his majority in Parliament and lost a million votes compared to the election in 2015. Largely because the Dominion of Canada is now split in to 2 factions … moral + fiscal conservatives versus globalists. Rural Canada aka the Heartland where white Christians are still the majority= Conservatives, versus the large cities now majority non-whites, who vote Liberal.
stick to talking about milk. Markee ; on that topic, you are an expert. But when it comes to politics, you studiously refuse to take in more and better information, the term for which, is : “ignoramus”
* no mere co-incidence that Justin Pierre James Trudeau was sired by Fidel Castro. The strange and bitter fruit doesn’t fall very far from the poisoned tree
There’s only one human race.
that news item is likely a hoax. those little girls are obviously of different races … as can quickly be proven by analysis of their DNA. Has the media ever lied to you before?
in the science of Western culture, our understanding is : there is the human species, which is separated in to races. The test of a species is that individuals within it, can reproduce with each other. Same as breeds of cattle. For instance ; human beings are a species differentiated from orangutangs. Although they look fairly similar, bovines cannot breed successfully with moose.
the Bible spells-out the religion of the Israel-ites in which interbreeding with other races, is a death penalty offence.
what the God of Israel has to say about ‘race’ is the very opposite of what the false teachers/ hirelings / pulpit parrots in so-called “Christian churches” say, today. He blessed Phineas for stopping the plague of race mixing. Phineas’ reward being : an everlasting priesthood. So where is that priesthood, now? As old Georgie Gordon put it= “I don’t know how long ‘forever’ is, but I know it ain’t up yet”
the blessing God Almighty gave to Phineas, is : “peace’. The root cause of the race war in America is: two different races being forced to live in much-too-close conditions. Confer with what Abraham Lincoln, then Marcus Garvey had to say on that topic, 100 years ago
is that God un-able to keep His promises? Or is it that that promise is conditional up us – Israel-ites – keeping our part of it?
Guess Watson only believes parts and parcels of the Bible i.e. he does not believe in Adam and Eve.
My wife said if Castro fathered Trudeau, then Castro did a very good job,LOL!!
As usual, some of your “theories” are very laughable, better stick to something you know, driving a taxi.
before throwing -in her lot with Monsieur Castro Trudeau, your long-suffering wife would do well to hear what his cousins have to say about Justin’s babydaddy ie. Fidel Snr : namely Mario and Lincoln Diaz Balart. Who are … for many a year … Representatives in the House for the million-or-so Cubans who fled the communist utopia, where … to this day … they don’t get the quantity nor quality of milk they had before the Glorious ?! Revolution
the genius of the race traitors in the high places of the govt. of Canada, is : doing by stealth what Fidel Castro visited upon Cuba by force of arms. As it recedes over the horizon of history, we realize that the Cold War distracted white Christians from noticing how our institutions were being infiltrated / sabotaged.
the Dauphin = Trudeau Jr = is about to be charged with obstruction of Justice. There’s more than enough evidence in the Dion Trudeau 2 report to put him away.
and PS = your wife has my entire sympathy = if she’s at all interested in the facts, it would be worth her while to check out the many, many photos available on the internet, illustrating Justin Trudeau at the same age as his sire, Fidel. Convincing beyond doubt
Watson you completely full of BS. What a fool you are.
the many, many photos available on the internet,=That is your main problem Watson=you spend way too much time on the internet= really affecting your sanity=my wife said to tell you=she has no suffering, but IF you have a wife = she really feels pity for yours.
actuallly, Herr Dutcher … When we wrapped the internet around our little cowshare, is when the it all took off, in BC. The Campaign for REAL MILK is a textbook example of dis-inter-mediation … local producers directly in touch with consumers AND financial transactions made immeasurably easier.
it starts with people taking charge of their own health ….. The internet gives them access to more and better information. We saw miraculous improvements in the health of people of all ages, when they started drinking it. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you Mr Dutcher ?… never having handed anyone a bottle of REAL MILK you’ve produced … never having posted anything objectively helpful to do with health or animal husbandry or nutritional benefits of REAL MILK
The work I’ve done on this issue since 1995 keeps on paying dividends. via the miracle of the internet, just this week = I was able to put 3 new inquirers in touch with a supplier of raw milk. … what have you done lately along those lines ?
You know little of which you speak, esp. concerning my life,but you are steadily quite humorous.
Bravo Watson, beat your own drum,AGAIN!!
right you are, Herr Dutcher. Amplifying the message is one thing I am good at. It’s a precious talent in politics. As well as utilizing the internet to co-ordinate folks getting raw milk, getting out in the real world, holding REAL MILK Information sessions, is part of what else I do too.
As laughable as it is, convening a political meeting’ was part of the charge against me of “contempt of Court’….
For which Michael and I received a 90 day gaol sentence. a handy illustration of the nature of the enemy… which is why Freedom of Speech is my main theme
A political campaign requires individuals who define the parameters of the Rules of Engagement. Guys who are prepared to ‘go to the mat’ ( a wresting term) … such as me.
On the public stage it takes big broad gestures to communicate to those in the back rows of the media theatre. But you wouldn’t know that … safe + warm + smuggling raw milk for thy-self from out of state. One of those who hide out … getting it for yourself, but won’t lift a finger to enable others to enjoy the milk … one of the chickenshits who wallow in the luxury of America, but won’t lift a finger to protect LIberty. Meaning : repudiate absurd regulation of private enterprise. Of course – saying that, I’m only using info. you posted here
you’ve self-identified as one of those sent to wear out the saints. A mocker, who has nothing practical to contribute
Confucius say “Those criticizing ought to get out of the way of those who are actually doing the work”
You had one “Fact” in your diatribe( your 90 day jail sentence), but none concerning me or what I do, btw, my milk comes from the same state and same county I live in.,LOL!! You know nothing of what we produce on our farm,nor does spending time in jail make you “One of those doing the work”. I also am not one to ring my own chimes as you do, so sorry you feel the need. Maybe you should try learning something instead of “preaching from your high horse” all the time, I am no more a chickenshit than you are a saint( Big Sigh!!), you’re the one that is very wearing,LOL!! Carry on Watson!!
Deans Foods is the largest processor not the largest producer.
DFA is going to gobble them up.
Why is Dean called a “producer”, is it a cow?
Dean Foods, America’s biggest milk producer, files for bankruptcy
It is no wonder they are filing for it, have you tasted store bought milk anytime in the last ten years or so?? It tastes terrible, no wonder no one wants to drink it. A good friend of ours put a bottling plant on his farm and cannot keep up with the demand, he sells a full cream milk too.
Unfortunately they do have sell it pasteurized though.
Hope this doesn’t double post but my first try got swallowed:
New book, Ending the War on Artisan Cheese (Chelsea Green Publishing, November 2019), Catherine Donnelly defends traditional cheesemaking and exposes overreaching government actions that limit food choice under the guise of food safety
Another fake food: Vegan egg substitute, ‘JUST Egg,’ coming to MSU dining halls
“Co-Author of Vaccine Bill Expresses Remorse; Grandchild Diagnosed With Autism”
“Stone reflected on his past bill, SB 277, that was coauthored with Senator Richard Pan and passed in 2015, “When we were considering SB 277 it was the time I had my first grandchild. It was then determined at my granddaughters one year birthday she was autistic. It happened at the same time she received the MMR vaccine… Stones’ voice cracked this week as he spoke how SB 277 divided his family. It created some serious significant friction between my children and myself,” said Stone. “I can’t tell you how much it hurts me to see my son and daughter in-law, to visit my six year old granddaughter who still wears a diaper. She has never held a conversation. When I tell my granddaughter I love you, I would give a million dollars to hear her say grandpa I love you.
Milk History article in Smithsonian
Swill milk, was merely a reflection of a greater systemic problem back in those days… Some of the concerns mentioned in the article suggesting that pasteurization “was just a superficial intervention” and that “Wholesale pasteurization” was “lulling consumers into a false sense of security” is more then likely correct.
“The New York Association for the Improvement of the Condition of the Poor” established in 1844 found that, “living conditions in factory cities were crowded and dirty. Homes were unheated, and poorly constructed with many people living in cellar apartments with dirt floors that were often wet and muddy. Food supplies were unreliable, impure, and limited to such a degree as to cause nutrition problems. Diseases were untreatable, sometimes even unrecognized. Hospitals and physicians did not take precautions to prevent the spread of infections…”
By the early 1900s, a wide range of improvements began to drive the infant mortality rate down. The pasteurization of milk in my opinion was given more credit and favorable publicity then it deserved. Swill milk was essentially nutritionally compromised and unhealthy… and pasteurization in no way improved on that. What undoubtedly did make a difference was improved living conditions and feed quality for the dairy cattle… and likewise for the populous, the introduction of central heating, which meant that people, especially infants were no longer exposed to cold drafts for hours. Clean drinking water, which eliminated a common path of infection. More and a greater variety of food meant improved nutrition. Sewers were being installed in the cities and refrigeration was becoming more widely available.
Ken, need a “Like” button,LOL!!
Where is the FDA interstate commerce prohibition on lettuce ?
Where is the warning label. Lettuce strikes again.
What do you think Mary?
Mark, maybe we should all stick with pasteurized lettuce eh?
Most of us support here support organic/raw, but don’t often take any action. Here’s an opportunity, it can’t hurt:
“Under pressure from organic dairy farmers, farmer and consumer groups, and Congress, the National Organic Program (NOP) recently re-opened the comment period for the 2015 proposed rule on Origin of Livestock. ”
I strongly believe warning labels should be placed on all bags, containers of prepackaged leafy greens as a high risk food for E.coli 0157:H7. Consumers should also be educated that buying bulk leafy greens and washing them is low risk and the inconvenience of having to wash these food items is worth it in the long run. Like hamburger meat that is mixed all together, one bit of contaminated meat is now mixed in with all the rest contaminating all of it. The same dynamic happens with prepackaged, prewashed leafy greens, but no kill step.