Canadian raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt reports he is being pursued, yet again, by regulators in Ontario. “After 28 years in court, my friend Glen Jarvie investigator for the Government returned with court papers and charged us once again,” Schmidt posted on Facebook a few days ago. “March 22nd is our 29th year in court to defend us for providing people with food they need and want. I am excited.” Accompanying the post were photos of the plainclothes cop, Glen Jarvie, in his car monitoring the farm and approaching the farm with court papers.

Dozens of comments supportive of Schmidt followed on Facebook, most of them outraged that the Ontario government continues its relentless pursuit of a farmer who sells raw milk privately, and has no record of having made a single individual ill from his milk in the 29 years of government raids, court hearings, fines, and even jailings of Schmidt.
“Maybe we should get some truckers involved,” said one of the commenters. “This is so ridiculous.”
Wouldn’t that be a great idea, thought I. But it will never happen. How do I know? Because it hasn’t yet in the nearly 30 years that Schmidt has been fighting his lonely battle. It’s not as if the truckers are unaware—Schmidt has received huge amounts of publicity across Canada for his willingness to stand up on behalf of food freedom. And it’s not as if Schmidt hasn’t been supportive of them—his Facebook page is loaded with tapes of anti-government speeches and interviews on behalf of the truckers.
But the issue of the day is vaccines, and objections the truckers have to being required to be vaccinated or quarantined and tested on returning from trips to the U.S.
Why would one public health issue raise little more than a few deep sighs, and the other have people completely transfixed? For the simple reason that vaccines have become a right-wing cause celebre over the course of the pandemic. As Politico, a middle-of-the-road site, put it Sunday:
“But while the Canadian standoff against Covid-19 restrictions paralyzes Ottawa, it’s becoming viral online as a rallying cry for leading U.S. Republican politicians, far-right influencers and white supremacist groups who have transposed the criticism of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to an international audience for their own political gain.
“Politicians from former President Donald Trump to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) have championed the nationwide protests in Canada, which began in response to Ottawa’s vaccine mandate for truckers entering Canada. It has quickly escalated into a global movement incorporating a loose set of anti-establishment causes, coordinated on social media and encrypted messaging groups.”
Proponents of raw milk and food rights have never found a way to politicize their issue in this way….not that Michael Schmidt would have wanted to. He has always envisioned the issue attracting support from all parts of the political spectrum, and eventual compromise based on everyone’s sense of good will, linked to the issue’s intrinsic merit. Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works these days. He’s been fighting a government-imposed monopoly system of producing milk, which is difficult to explain. Also difficult to explain is that his raw milk has never proven a danger, despite public health claims to the contrary. But the truckers who haul all that state-mandated pasteurized milk have had little inclination to care about a lone miserable dairy farmer, no matter how badly persecuted he has been.
Vaccine mandates, though, are inconvenient and annoying, especially when the public health crisis necessitating them has been going on for two years. And with the growing sense that the public health problem is less severe than it was months ago, why the hell should anyone have to continue with unpleasant requirements?
Moreover, there’s political glamor in protesting vaccine mandates. It arouses visions of hidden conspiracies and ready villains like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci. You can be like former raw milk activist Sally Fallon Morrel and co-write a best-selling book blaming the pandemic on 5G Internet connections, or like supplement seller Joseph Mercola and be labeled the top spreader of Covid misinformation. Too much fun!
I have to think that Schmidt and many of his supporters assume that the political chaos the truckers hope to reap will somehow translate into reduced food regulation in Canada, which will enable Schmidt at long last to freely distribute his raw dairy. Maybe, except that food freedom doesn’t seem to be a priority of the American and other extremists trying to grab hold of the Canadian trucker ride.
Anyway, I hope the trucking protest ends peacefully for Canadians, and they get what they want from their public health authorities and politicians. And I hope that maybe they’ll be inclined to spare a horn honk or two for Michael Schmidt.
We owe the trucker convoys, the farm tractor convoys and all the people who have lined the highways from coast to coast in support, a great debt of gratitude. As the participants in this peaceful nation-wide outcry will attest, these protests are ultimately about the erosion of freedom as a whole… vaccine mandates were merely the trigger point. Indeed, these protests are directed at those governing institutions responsible for failing to uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms… namely, the Justin Trudeau Government and most Provincial Governments who are fixated on using coercive and divisive tactics that disrupt and undermining small businesses, individual anonymity and livelihood, and the economy as a whole.
Ontario Provincial MLA Randy Hillier provides a relevant perspective of what is occurring in Ottawa…
“For the simple reason that vaccines have become a right-wing cause celebre over the course of the pandemic. ”
Excuse me?
I am far from “right-wing” and I am completely opposed to this lunacy of injecting my body with an experimental substance, with no proven efficacy, on the off-chance that it will “prevent” illness.
No longer experimental. Fully approved vaccine.
Heavily manipulated data to push this MRNa technology at “Warp Speed” & then literally coerce the entire population with all sorts of unhealthy junk food, liquor, pot, & even money for something that had multiple treatment options from the get-go. This technology was patented, along with other patents, well ahead of time. The Gain Of Function research was exported out of the U.S. to China after the CDC was told to stop! There was a coordinated effort involving politicians, FDA officials, CDC scientists, & many others to fabricate a pandemic (plandemic), cause mass hysteria, suppress treatments, make billions upon billions in profits, usher in a “solution” via the jab, & initiate a depopulation agenda. This is a virus that’s 99.9% recoverable with safe, cheap, effective treatments. No need for an experimental concoction that has no longterm studies, & has never ever been used before. When all other treatments are much safer, much more effective, & have been around for decades. The virus is a spike protein. Guess what? That jab is Spike Protein! With graphene oxide, nano lipid particles, aborted fetal cell lines that have been modified to replicate. Meaning divide. That brings on cancer, auto immune disease, blood plasma issues, & a host of other problems. It also was made to cross the Blood Brain Barrier. No foreign substance is supposed to cross that barrier! That’s what it’s there for. This is a bio weapon made to kill lots of people. It actually didn’t kill as many as they expected because their are treatments that work well!
Furthermore, why are hospitals paid to follow the CDC protocol which murders people with Remdesivir & other drugs on the protocol? It has been known since Ebola outbreak that Remdesivir shuts down the kidneys in 5 days. This is the hospital protocol currently being followed. After you die, the hospital gets $100,000 or more & full protection from any lawsuits. And why do the “vaccine” makers get full immunity from lawsuits? Hm-m-m?
You may be far from ‘right wing,’ but prominent American politicians have tried to plug into the aura created by anti-vaxx sentiments–people like Sen. Rand Paul, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Any number of additional Republican governors have refused to allow rules for masks in schools and in public places. I don’t know of any Democratic politicians who have been nearly so anti-vaxx.
David, none of the GOP politicians that you mention are anti-vaxx. Shame on you for spreading misinformation if you know the truth. And shame on you for only following news sources that feed you misinformation if you don’t.
Every one of them has rightly had some concerns about the vaccine. Every one of them is vaxxed. And every one of them is anti-mandate – just like the trucker convoy that you disparaged.
My question is, why are you vehemently opposed to the government interfering and preventing us from eating the foods that we want, but totally supportive of the same untrustworthy government coercing people to inject something they don’t want isn’t their bodies?
Kieron, Do you use a cell phone? Do you understand how it was created and how it works? Otherwise, I would assume that you would not dare to use it, with the potential threat of non-ionizing radiation and other non-proven hazards. Thus, unless you are a virologist, epidemiologist or other scientist that is competent in immunology you have no ability or right to determine the efficacy or safety of the vaccines. Considering the millions of vaccines administered, without major complications, they are as safe as can be. No single vaccine, or other minute substance injected into a body will cause challenges two years down the line, it will be immediately seen.
What a completely ignorant statement.
1) you don’t have to be a climate scientist to understand climate change. You don’t have to be a school teacher to understand education issues. You don’t have to be a nutritionist to understand food. We have the ability to learn very narrow subject, and go deep, at the fastest rate in history right now. We can read studies of effectiveness and understand them.
2) This is a great example disprove your vax safety statement. There are many similarities between this vax rollout and COVID, but one of the differences is that it wasn’t an entirely new and never before approved tech:
“However, the trial followed the patients for only 1 year after LYMErix™ vaccination. This reassuring side-effect profile allowed vaccine licensure, but left open key questions about long-term effects.”
They thought everything was fine because they only tracked adverse effects for a year. The only reason it was pulled from the market is that media started covering the adverse events. Contrast that with today’s media that is excusing adverse events like blood clots.
FDA doesn’t like saying anything negative about any vax ever, lest it lead to more vax hesitancy. That’s not science. That’s propaganda.
Real science withstands scrutiny, fake science demands censorship.
” … vaccine refusal has become a rightwing cause celebre …” ?
well >>> put Mahatma Ghandi in that bag, too.
early in his life, he promoted mass inoculation by govt. edict.
Later, he deeply regretted having been part of it.
He said
“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in their conviction”
at our rallies in front of the Legislature in Victoria BC, we have Indigenous folks who show up stand up and speak up to ensure that it’s understood by anyone who cares to get the FACTS, … the notion of our dissident voices being All “white supremecists” is calculated slander on the part of the lame-stream media
Hey, how did Ghandhi suddenly become an expert on vaccines? Well, if he can be an expert, then how about Bill Gates?
I wouldn’t underestimate his knowledge… Ghandi was very much aware of the ingredients used in vaccines and how they were manufactured, as well as the horrendous side effects that his people were experiencing following injection… the process was indeed barbaric!
I knew a woman who developed cancer at the site of her smallpox injection and ended up having to have her arm amputated…a side effect that was not all that uncommon. Other side effects included syphilis, TB, encephalitis, and eczema vaccinatum just to name a few. As Dr Robert Mendelsohn pointed out, “The United States finally has abandoned smallpox immunization because the risk of serious complications”.
Dr. Charles E. Page of Boston (1840-1925) stated, “I have been a regular practitioner of medicine in Boston for 33 years. I have studied the question of vaccination conscientiously for 45 years. As for vaccination as a preventative of disease, there is not a scrap of evidence in its favor. Injection of virus into the pure bloodstream of the people does not prevent Smallpox. Rather, it tends to increase its epidemics and makes the disease more deadly. Of this we have indisputable proof. In our country (U.S.) cancer mortality has increased from 9 per 100,000 to 80 per 100,000 or fully 900 per cent increase, within the past 50 years, and no conceivable thing could have caused this but the universal blood poisoning now existing.”
In a public statement was made by J. W. HODGE M. D. of Niagara Falls, New York who coined the term vaccination delusion summarizes…
“After a careful study of the history of vaccination and the extensive experience in its use, I am thoroughly convinced that:
“( 1) Vaccination is utterly useless as a preventive against smallpox, that millions of vaccinated persons have died of smallpox.
“( 2) The practice of this degrading rite is enforced by doctors as a dogma without being understood; that like other infamous dogma it is good only for “fees”
( 3) Inoculation as unanimously believed in and practiced by the “regular” doctors for 100 years was guilty of multiplying smallpox….
“( 4) Smallpox epidemics were checked by cessation of inoculation and not by the introduction of vaccination.
“(5) Smallpox continued to increase under vaccination until sanitation and improved nutrition came into more general use.
“( 6) Health measures have controlled smallpox, and vaccination has claimed the credit.
“( 7) Vaccination protects from smallpox only when it kills the patient before smallpox develops.
“( 8) Vaccination has been the means of disseminating (spreading) consumption, cancer, syphilis, and many other fatal and loathsome diseases.
“( 9) Tuberculosis is a disease common to cattle and to human beings and has frequently been conveyed by vaccination from the former to the latter, by way of vaccination.
“(10) Edward Jenner shaddled a legacy of disease and death on the human race and incidentally made $150,000 by the transaction.
“(11) Many doctors and some editors are making money by propagating this curse. (vaccination)
“(12) Vaccination is called ‘successful’ when it succeeds in making healthy people diseased.
“(13) Disease as the result of vaccination is the logical harvest from the seed sown.
“(14) Vaccination has no scientific basis upon which to rest its claims and no analogy in any ascertained principle or law in nature.
“(15) The so called ‘spontaneous cow-pox’ (from which vaccine is made) is a myth; the disease so named, being tubercular or syphilitic in its nature.
“(16) When vaccination kills its victims the facts are suppressed and the death certificates name other diseases as the cause.
“(17) Compulsory vaccination has been abolished in England, Switzerland, and certain other countries, while laws sustaining this crime still disgrace the statute books of many states in free (?) America.
“(18) Vaccination is one of the foulest blots on the escutcheon of the ‘nobel art of healing’ “.
The left does consider Gates an expert on vaccines. He is interviewed by left wing media all the time about vaccines.
And you just presented a straw man, arguing against something she didn’t even claim.
“The left…”? “He is interviewed by left wing media….” You have some links?
I brought up Gates after someone said that Gandhi was against vaccinations, to make point that neither of these leaders was a medical expert, but had strong views on vaccines. Not sure what the “straw man” you refer to is.
Gandhi was around for the first wave of vaccine propaganda and negative side effects – 100 years ago!
I’d say that the vaccines have become a cause celebre of the leftwing. Despite ALL evidence that lockdowns, masking, asinine 6 foot declarations and injections have proved to be completely useless, fruitless, the left have obediently adorned their masks (despite even the CDC admitting they don’t work) to virtue signal, they keep their children cloistered in their homes out of the sunlight(Vit D), they avoid public areas unless of course they have their “digital papers” and they march right up for a third and fourth booster because a lying leader says it’s the patriotic thing to do. The data is clear. The injections don’t work and the countries with high vax rates also have high hospitalization rates of those vaxxed and increased all-cause mortality rates. We are now seeing in the UK, Israel that they have a negative efficacy. The more vaxed you are, the greater your chances of infection. Embalmers seeing a sudden appearance of strange clots in the bodies of vaxxed individuals never seen before(and not reported in mainstream). Children getting myocarditis. 23,000 deaths reported in VAERS but actual numbers believed to be at 20 to 40 times higher. So if standing up against forced injections of neither safe nor effective drugs/gene therapies is being right wing then sign me up for the right.
Bob, I didn’t write the post to get into a debate about vaccines….though I certainly appreciate it is what lights up the right wing more than almost anything these days. Moreover, it clearly infuriates you guys no end when ordinary people take well established public health precautions like wearing masks, social distancing, and getting vaccinated. There are all kinds of testimonials that American hospitals in recent months have been filled largely with the unvaccinated. Here’s just one:
But what about how those of us who take precautions feel. A NYTimes columnist stated it well recently:
“There has been remarkably little polling on how Americans who are acting responsibly view those who aren’t — the posturing and occasional violence of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers get all the headlines — but the available surveys suggest that during the Delta wave a majority of vaccinated Americans were frustrated or angry with the unvaccinated. I wouldn’t be surprised if those numbers grew under Omicron, so that Americans fed up with their compatriots who won’t do the right thing are now a silent majority.
“Oh, and don’t tell me that how you behave during a pandemic is just an individual choice. I don’t claim any special expertise in the science, but there seems to be clear evidence that wearing masks in certain settings has helped limit the spread of the coronavirus. Vaccines also probably reduce spread, largely because the vaccinated are less likely to become infected, even though they can be. More crucially, failing to get vaccinated greatly increases your risk of becoming seriously ill, and hence placing stress on overburdened hospitals.
“Also, think about the burden of proof here. You don’t have to have 100 percent faith in the experts to accept that flying without a mask or dining indoors while unvaccinated might well endanger other people — and for what? I know that some people in red America imagine that blue cities have become places of joyless tyranny, but the truth is that at this point New Yorkers with vaccine cards in their wallets and masks in their pockets can do pretty much whatever they want, at the cost of only slight inconvenience.
“What this means, in turn, is that those who refuse to take basic Covid precautions are, at best, being selfish — ignoring the welfare and comfort of their fellow citizens. At worst, they’re engaged in deliberate aggression — putting others at risk to make a point….”
Another disingenuous argument here: “Moreover, it clearly infuriates you guys no end when ordinary people take well established public health precautions like wearing masks, social distancing, and getting vaccinated.”
Nobody cares if you do those things. They may mock you for it, but nobody is infuriated. You could inject Lysol and nobody would get mad.
What is infuriating is those who want government to force all of their neighbors to do those things when they have no desire to. They want their neighbors to lose their jobs if they don’t comply, want them to lose their rights to participate in society, or to travel. And they think that makes them the good guys in this scenario.
Steve, good to see you back. At least some of your irritation with statements I’ve made goes back to previous posts here over the last few years. You complain about government mandates affecting masks, social distancing, vaccinations…”What is infuriating is those who want government to force all of their neighbors to do those things when they have no desire to…” We’ve discussed a fair amount here about the conflict between individual rights and community rights. I’ve argued that there needs to be a balance, especially when you’re dealing with a pandemic sickening millions and killing hundreds of thousands, just in the U.S. Here is one post I did early in the pandemic about masks and social distancing.
Vaccinations are more complicated because, as you say, they involve injecting something into your body. Once again, the situation is complicated by the enormity of the problems created by a pandemic–a fast-spreading disease. Should businesses hosting people in close quarters have the right to limit their clientele to those who have been vaccinated, like Florida-based cruise ship operators wanted to do, but which the governor opposed? I happen to think businesses do have that right. The courts backed the governor, and I respect that (though a good number of cruise ship operators chose to originate cruises outside of Florida, where they could limit passengers, and avoid the huge upheaval of mass illness on their voyages). The federal government wanted its workers to be vaccinated, to limit the danger of serious illness. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled otherwise, and those mandates not allowed. I respect that as well, since when all is said and done, we live a country governed by the rule of law (as much as some people disdain that).
I think some of the conflict about all this is regionally based. I’ve noticed that people who live on farms and in rural areas tend to be very opposed to any kind of health-related mandates. I live in an urban area (Boston), where hospitals have been overloaded with covid cases, and there’s been a tremendous amount of cooperation within communities about wearing masks and keeping socially distanced, as well as getting vaccinated. Complicated matters, as much as you might wish for the situation to be otherwise.
Collectivism. Please study it. It’s a stairstep to communism. Never ever give up your individual rights. Life is for living. Using a failed bio weapon as the means to separate vaxxed from unvaxxed is a crime against humanity. If you want to be so fearful of a virus that is documented 99.9% recoverable with early treatments that have been around for decades, & are already proven safe for longterm, then you do you! Nothing should be mandated to be injected into anyone’s body for the “good of all”. No one should ever be forced to play Russian Roulette with their health for the implied health of others. Nor should anyone ever be forced to be collateral damage, & take one for the team, should anything go awry. Especially when the manufacturer has full immunity from liability! Insane!
Bob, not completely useless.
Johns Hopkins determined that the extended shutdowns reduced deaths by 2%. We destroyed millions of lives, sent millions into poverty, to save about 2000 people.
These vaccine mandates are not about preventing the disease and reducing transmission… they are about, “get vaccinated or you loose your job”, or as in the cases below, “get vaccinated or you won’t be able to get a heart” etc…The inevitable result of a germaphobe focused ideology that seeks absolute control and will accept nothing less then absolute compliance.
“Unvaccinated Americans are Removed from Organ Transplant List”
“A young father of two children with a baby on the way, who was first in line for a heart transplant, was removed from the transplant list and denied the life-saving procedure when he failed to get the COVID-19 vaccination at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The patient, DJ Ferguson, has been hospitalized since November with a hereditary condition that caused his lungs to fill up with blood. DJ and his doctors are concerned about the vaccine’s link to heart inflammation because he would be at risk of dying should he suffer any more inflammation in his heart.1
‘These concerns are validated by the recent study published by CDC and other researchers that found the risk of myocarditis after getting the COVID vaccine is 133 times greater than the general risk of myocarditis. The actual increase in myocarditis is likely much greater considering this statistic was derived with data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which, according to the researchers, routinely underreports adverse events from vaccination.”
“Vaccine mandates, though, are inconvenient and annoying, especially when the public health crisis necessitating them has been going on for two years.” Death and permanent disability due to the experimental injection are more than ‘inconvenient and annoying’. The mandates are illegal, and the risks they pose are far greater than the supposed benefit. In actual fact, the uninjected pose zero risk to anyone.
Vax mandates are just taking away your medical freedom. Where’s the harm? How could one size fits all medicine possibly end badly?
An excellent and hilarious nonmainstream media report from downtown Ottawa…
“The government treats us like mushrooms; they feed us BS and keep us in the dark.”
Bill Gates and his World Economic Forum’s aim is to outlaw all small family farms. The media will no longer cover Michael’s oppression by authorities. After 28 years, the media has learned that covering it , even in the negative light, increases the demand for raw milk. If 30 – 50 truckers, cowboys, quads, bicycles, and moms with strollers near Michael’s will parade with signs stating: ’29 years and not one illness’, ‘Pasteurization kills enzymes, etc.’, ‘Small Farmers need freedom’, ‘Consumers need Food Freedom’, then the Alternative Media will give it coverage. To learn more and to get information to educate others and Politicians go to a new web site –
Well, I definitely have seen fewer Canadian media at Michael Schmidt’s court events in recent years. It’s hard to know if the media have given it less attention because they don’t want to encourage raw milk sales or because the case just seemed to go on forever, without resolution, and became boring to them.
But I think you have a great idea–for truckers, cowboys, and others to mount a noise parade with signs of support for Michael when he goes to court. And your new ArtisanDairy web site looks great.
Mister Ghandi’s opinion re the poisoned needle, was informed by his first-hand experience in the field conducting the campaigns. Then, what he saw in adverse reactions. And your source of information on this topic?
I strongly recommend you acquaint thy-self with the works of Rudolph Steiner … you know … same guy as was one of the leading lights in Anthrosophy. Lately known as > the Waldorf School : people who led the way in the Campaign for REAL MILK
in the 1920s, Steiner and his friends were the ‘antennae of the race’, on the issue of how Big Pharma was practicing ‘regulatory capture’ of the institutions of America, particularly = re the quackery of “vaccination”
this SCAMdemic, and attendant co-ercion to submit to the poisoned needle is the greatest medical mal-practice in all history. What irony that the Complete Patient – from which website I learned how to spell IATORGENIC medicine, missed the story
could very well be that Ghandi was reading what Rudolf Steiner et al. had to say, in those days
Ghandi’s field of practice was Not science, LOL!! he was a lawyer, do you go to a lawyer for medical advice Gordy? I know i don’t, nor do I go to a medical doctor for legal advice,LOL!!
There is a large difference between being in a “field of practice” and being “in the field conducting a campaign”. You don’t have to specialize in a field of practice in order to realize that an invasive procedure such as vaccination is not working and that it’s causing harm. Being born and raised as a Hindu, having a basic understanding of how vaccines were manufactured and the ingredients being used in those injections would raise a great deal of concern among anyone of his faith. Tell me, does one have to specialize in a field of practice in order to understand the value in drinking raw milk? My experience with those who specialize in fields of practice related to food consumption tend to disparage the consumption of raw milk.
The following article stated that Michael Schmidt “likened his movement to that of Mahatma Gandhi and civil rights activist Martin Luther King. The article quotes Michael, “It’s not the milk, it’s the principle of personal freedom… Indeed, a principle that has been grossly violated during this so-called pandemic. The article goes on to state, “Gandhi propagated simple living and high thinking and, incidentally, drank raw milk to set an example of the goodness of what is natural”. In truth when it comes to raw milk or injecting an invasive substance into the body, it is all important to understand “what is natural”.
Ken, your comparison does not hold water, you are comparing apples to oranges.
John, let me state it another way… Both you and David use the argument that Ghandi lacked the expertise to draw the conclusion that he did about vaccines… A narrow-minded argument in my opinion that slams the door on personal experience and acquired knowledge. It is interesting that you and David would take such an approach being that both of you consume raw milk despite the expertise of those who claim that raw milk should not be consumed under any circumstance. It appears that the emphasis on expertise is certainly convenient when it come to defending one’s opinion…
I only pointed out that embracing Gandhi as a vaccination expert isn’t all that different from embracing Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, today. But I didn’t initiate the discussion about Gandhi….that came from Watson.
“We sterilized all of these Native American women. That seems bad.”
“Are you a doctor or an ethics expert?”
“Then shut up. You couldn’t possibly know enough to have a useful opinion here. What we are doing is obviously right or an expert would have said something.”
‘Experts’ and ‘authorities’ can lie and be misinformed, just as a child can understand and speak the truth. Experts aren’t the sole keepers of the truth. Peer reviewed is a mechanism that can and has been used to censor logic and truth from experts with differing and unpopular views.
One thing I will say about this: Exactly why I never just accept the interpretation of anyone’s important work, neither would I listen to this crap about Steiner, it reminds me of the Weston Price foundation’s corruption of Dr. Price’s work for their own greed. Read Steiner and Price if you want to understand what they said.
Excerpt: The Steiner Waldorf education movement is sometimes linked to suggestions that our schools take an anti-vaccination stance. This is incorrect. Vaccination is a medical, not an education issue and no school is “anti-vaccination”. Schools play their part in supporting good public health generally through the promotion of healthy eating, active life-styles and strong emotional health. Some schools have facilitated the giving of the flu vaccine when requested. As a school movement we continue to fully support the national effort to tackle the spread of Covid 19, following all Government guidance provided to schools.
Was Rudolf Steiner a theosophist?
Steiner later claimed that he never had considered himself to be part of the Theosophical movement. Even while the leader of the German section of the movement, he made a great point of his complete independence of philosophical thought and esoteric teachings from the Theosophical Society’s esoteric path.
Why did Steiner split from theosophy?
Steiner split from the Society after a dispute with the society’s president, Annie Besant, who stated that her protégé, Jiddu Krishnamurti, was reincarnated Jesus Christ. Steiner said this was nonsense and years later, even Jiddu denied the claim.
A good down to earth article that emphasizes the diversity of the truckers and protesters and about what the Truckers Want.
The writer of the article states, “I live in downtown Ottawa, within view of Parliament Hill, and have spent the past 10 days or so bundled up and walking around the protests. I have spoken to close to 100 protesters, truckers and other folks, and not one of them, (contrary to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) sounded like an insurrectionist, white supremacist, racist or misogynist”.
I read the article you posted. I will be very curious to see who is funding all of this, on the US side, there is a lot of talk that it looks like funding may be coming from Russia. Putin would love to see both our governments fall apart. One person in the article stated they would love to see the Canadian government fall apart, really??? I don’t think they “Really” want that to happen. Historically, when one government fails, another moves in and takes its place, not always a good thing either. This is just plain foolishness!!
Another thing I noticed that folks were saying they have all this debt, whose fault is that?? No one forced them to sign those loan agreements, that is just fiscal irresponsibility, and actually irresponsibility on both sides, the lenders and the borrowers. Living within ones means is not that hard, do you really need a $500.00 smart phone?? My grandfather used to say that people’s biggest problem is separating their wants from their needs, and that holds very true today too. I would say “That IS” one of the biggest issues most people have today, AND, that is NOT the governments fault!!!
There seem to be totally divergent views of what has been happening in Ottawa. This from Al-Jazeera:
“Residents of Ottawa have been harassed and spat on; businesses have had their windows smashed; staff and volunteers at a shelter have been intimidated and called racial slurs; and healthcare workers and patients have said they had trouble getting to and from hospitals.”
And this from the Guardian about the political forces that inspired the trucker protest:
“The so-called “freedom convoy” – which departed for Ottawa on 23 January – was the brainchild of James Bauder, an admitted conspiracy theorist who has endorsed the QAnon movement and called Covid-19 “the biggest political scam in history”. Bauder’s group, Canada Unity, contends that vaccine mandates and passports are illegal under Canada’s constitution, the Nuremberg Code and a host of other international conventions.”
David, if these demonstrations across the country had not been peaceful the police would have shut them down… In fact the police have acknowledged that despite a handful of agitators the protesters have been peaceful and cordial, even when they, the police, seized the protesters fuel supply and were attempting to prevent Ottawa residence and outsiders from bringing fuel in to the. You cannot rely on MSM who have gone out of their way to malign the protester. My son lives within a 15-minute walk of the parliament buildings and has attended the protest with his children several times a week. He stated that he has seen nothing but peaceful demonstrators of all backgrounds
I very much agree with Major Stephen Chledowski’s statement in the following video. Considering his rank, education and the implication of breaking rank, he must have thought long and hard about what he was about say. By choosing to conscientiously object to politicians who have violated the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms via their use of coercion against the Canadian people, he has certainly demonstrated an extraordinary act of heroism and self-sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty. Indeed, similar to, yet unlike Edward Snowden in that he has chosen to stay in Canada and face the music. The Canadian people need to stand up and defend this man…
Ken Conrad,
I completely disagree with your assessment that my statement is narrow minded, not at all,LOL!! I will stick to my guns when I say a person does not go to a lawyer for medical advice, nor does a person go to a medical doctor for legal advice. Personal experiences do not give anyone the expertise of an education and years of hands on scientific studies, I may go to court in a lawsuit, but what I learn from the experience of said court appearance does not give me the knowledge needed to be a lawyer, no more than my experience in dealing with cancer would give me the knowledge to be a radio oncologist. You are comparing apples and oranges, as I originally stated. Science does not say raw milk is dangerous, that is someone’s “opinion”, opinions do not make truth.
Good fiddle music on a cold (-18C) night in downtown Ottawa… Free pancakes all day tomorrow. This makes up for Ottawa’s annual Winterlude which was cancelled this year because of the government’s fear driven narrative.
“considering the millions of vaccines of vaccines administered, without major complications, they are as safe as can be” ?? !! Man, you are not living on the same planet as I am
over a century of this gross medical mal-practice : Big Pharma successfully hid the enormity of its unspeakable failures.
educate yourself
the movie Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 would be the place for you to start
An example of how common-sense science got it right and the politicization of science got it wrong.
“The pandemic is over in little La Crete Alberta, a northern town with a 14-hour round trip from the capital city of Edmonton. It’s over because La Crete never let the coronavirus — or the government in Edmonton — decide how the residents live their lives.”
herewith a list of ‘major complications’ as reported on the government database that you seem to have missed
“rare” you’re going to say…. not “rare” when it’s your baby you hold in your arms, dead after taking the poisoned needle
The most recent update of the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database shows that there have now been 3,573 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines.
Using the exact same search parameters for all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30+ years before the COVID-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorization in December of 2020, we find 2,519 fetal deaths, the vast majority of which followed vaccines produced by Merck.
Here are the yearly averages: 82 fetal deaths per year following non-COVID vaccines – 3063 fetal deaths per year following COVID-19 vaccines.
To get a more accurate percentage of how many more fetal deaths are following the COVID-19 vaccines than all other FDA approved vaccines, we have to also factor in the number of doses administered.
The U.S. Government’s Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) complies data on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and a report that they published on 12/01/2021 shows that there were over 4 billion (4,092,757,049) doses of vaccines administered in the United States between 1/01/2006 through 12/31/2019, a year before the COVID-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorizations. Using that date range
I repeated the exact same search for fetal deaths recorded in VAERS during that time, and VAERS reports 1,369 deaths from among those 4 billion+ doses administered between 1/01/2006 through 12/31/2019. The CDC reported this past week that there have been 543 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered as of February 3, 2022. So from 2006 through 2019, there was 1 fetal death recorded in VAERS for every 2,989,596 doses of vaccines administered. From December, 2020 through February 4, 2022, there has been 1 fetal death recorded in VAERS for ever 151,973 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered. That’s a 1,867% increase of fetal deaths recorded in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines.
I’ve run out of superlatives to use in the English language to describe this.
You neglected to mention this introduction on the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database:
“The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients…While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.”
For whatever reason, the advent of the Covid vaccines sparked a huge amount of hysterical speculation about dangers….nearly before the vaccines were even administered, and even though they didn’t have any of the toxins that have supposedly made previous vaccines dangerous. I’m sure you’ve seen the accounts of adverse reactions on Facebook and other social media–supposed examples of people who died from the vaccine, without any evidence. Remember, people die all the time from things like cancer, heart attacks, strokes, accidents….and prenatal deaths. While people have had adverse reactions from the vaccine, it’s impossible to use the VAERS to come up with reliable data, because it also includes unreliable reporting. But we’ve had this discussion a number of times here, and it’s an endless loop, so let’s leave it at this.
“’Scientific fraud’: Drs. Robert Malone, Ryan Cole react to CDC hiding data”…
“Dr. Cole testified that he has observed in his lab over the past year a startling uptick in incidences of clotting, auto-immune diseases and cancers. “We physicians and scientists have one responsibility, and one responsibility only, and that is the health and wellness of humanity, no matter the inconvenient cost of telling that truth,” he said… Cole noted that Israel’s top vaccinologist, Cyrille Cohen, is arguing the science indicates the vaccines should be stopped.”
Professor Cyrille Cohen who is head of Immunology at Bar Ilan University and a member of the advisory committee for vaccines for the Israeli Government noted during an interview that, “We Know that it, is almost impossible to stop a respiratory virus to infect people” … Indeed, a well understood concept that I was taught when I attended Guelph University in the 1970s and one I became keenly aware of when managing livestock.
This doesn’t surprise me, Absolute control, the precursor to absolute power…
Justin Trudeau has granted himself extraordinary and tyrannical powers under the Emergencies Act a.k.a. the war measures act. “He has empowered banks to freeze any and all assets deemed to be supporting freedom protests in Canada. Moreover, according to Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, banks must now report any person they believe to be working or participating directly with the convoy to the RCMP. To this end, the government is expanding the Anti-money laundering rules to include crowdfunding platforms, such as GiveSendGo. “We are broadening the scope of Canada’s anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover Crowd Funding Platforms and the payment service providers they use,” Freeland stated. Cryptocurrency will also be affected, essentially allowing the government to regulate all trade of the asset”.
Trudeau seems to be acting under an act passed by parliament, so it’s legal, even if rarely used. If it’s used “tyranically,” it will be up to parliament to rectify the situation. However, I daresay you and others here screaming about “tyranny” in Canada’s vaccine policies have little comprehension of what true tyranny is like, having spent your entire lives living in one of the freest countries on earth.
Canada is indeed one of the freest countries in the world and the peaceful demonstrators are intent on keeping it that way, despite the attempts of a juvenile condescending divisive Prime Minister such as Justin Trudeau, a Klaus Schwab Protégé.
Trudeau, who heads a minority government has been assured support for implementing the Emergency Measures Act (EMA) by the leader of the socialist NDP party and he likely realizes that he needs to move forward quickly because of dissenting MPs within his own party. Additionally, with the exception of Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario who expressed his support for Trudeau (not surprising), the premiers of Quebec, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba quickly dismissed the enactment of the use of the EMA suggesting that the such a move was unnecessary and/or excessive. The Act has to be passed by Parliament within seven days… will see how that goes.
As I stated, the vaccine mandates were merely the “trigger point” for this peaceful nation-wide outcry against the erosion of freedom as a whole. In fact, many if not most of the demonstrators and their supporters across the country have received this so-called “vaccine”, albeit under duress with the threat of losing their jobs, or in the case of university students, with the threat of not being to participate with in class learning. Additionally, the arbitrary and overbearing nature with which these covid restrictions and directives were implemented and enforced from quarantining, to mask wearing and testing, along with the censure, censorship and harassment of individuals or groups who voiced opposition were all motivating factors.
Here’s a report from the Columbia Journalism Review on how your sweet cuddly protesters are behaving toward media:
“The ‘Freedom Convoy’ and the press
By Jon Allsop
Late last month, as groups of Canadian truckers and ideological allies started to converge on Ottawa in protest of vaccine mandates and an assortment of other grievances, reports started to filter through of hostile behavior, on the part of some participants, toward journalists covering the convoy. Dale Manucdoc, a reporter with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto, texted the contact number of a local convoy representative to request an interview and received messages, from a different number, targeting him with a racial slur and telling him that he would “swing” as a “traitor.” Another journalist, Frank Gunn, reported being spat at by supporters of the convoy; Evan Solomon, of CTV, was about to film a live shot when a protester threw a beer can that narrowly missed his head. (“I could use a drink,” Solomon quipped, “but not like this.”)
As the days went by and the protests spread, the harassment of journalists intensified, both online and off. Canadian lawmakers passed a resolution “deploring” the intimidation. Some outlets assigned security guards to accompany their reporters in the streets, while other news crews took their logos off of equipment or downsized their cameras to make it harder for protesters to identify them. This week, Elizabeth Payne, a reporter at the Ottawa Citizen, told the Committee to Protect Journalists that she’s avoided wearing a mask while covering the protests for fear of provoking backlash, and that downtown residents whose lives have been disrupted by the convoy have “begged” her not to identify them in her stories “because they’re getting death threats.” Last night, the Canadian Association of Journalists convened a Twitter Space to discuss the rising hostility toward reporters in the country, a trend that predates these protests and has been particularly acute for women and journalists of color. “It’s totally surreal to me to need security to report in my hometown,” Raisa Patel, an Ottawa-based reporter for the Toronto Star, said of covering the protests, adding that harassment also follows her home. Newsroom managers, she said, don’t seem to realize “how much work we’re doing on our own personal time to keep each other safe.”
From their early days, the protests have attracted intense interest from Canadian media. (Too much, some have argued.) Major US news organizations have increasingly grown interested, too, particularly after one group of protesters blocked a bridge at the Canadian border near Detroit that serves as a crucial trade artery. American outlets showing up “was like oxygen to the protesters,” Seán O’Shea, a journalist with the Canadian outlet Global News, wrote yesterday. “Many in the group loved the attention. They especially doted on the Detroit Fox TV reporter.” O’Shea added that his team at the bridge “interviewed many people,” and that “they variously hated government, hated mandates, didn’t believe there were any COVID-related deaths, repeated conspiracy theories, and kept asking us when the news media was going to start telling the truth.” Late Sunday, the bridge reopened after police finally cleared the protesters. Portions of Ottawa and other locales, however, remained snarled up. Yesterday, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, declared a rare, nationwide state of emergency, saying that it would give law enforcement more leeway to deal with disruptive elements.
On the US side of the border, right-wing media figures, in particular, have gleefully flocked to the protesters’ cause. Tucker Carlson—whose online store is selling “I ❤️ Tucker” t-shirts edited to say “I ❤️ Truckers”—has called the convoy “the single most successful human rights protest in a generation”; according to Media Matters for America, a liberal watchdog group, Fox News had devoted nearly fifteen hours of airtime to the story by Sunday night, much of it on Carlson’s and Sean Hannity’s shows. “This is unparalleled for a Canadian event,” Alex Panetta, CBC News’s Washington correspondent, said last week, of the volume of coverage. “You could not genetically engineer in a lab a storyline better scripted for conservative media in the US.” An anonymous Canadian official told the AP that Fox has “fanned the flames and contributed to misinformation.” Last night, Carlson referred to Trudeau’s emergency declaration as “a defining moment” in “the history of the English-speaking West,” and called Canada “a dictatorship.”
It’s not just US media—sympathy for the “Freedom Convoy” movement, as supporters call it, has started to snake out globally. Sympathy demonstrations—albeit often small ones—have already taken place in the UK, France, New Zealand, and elsewhere (with authorities in the latter country blasting Barry Manilow and “Macarena” in a bid to get protesters to disperse); there’s been talk of a copycat convoy on US soil, too, with a ragtag coalition of organizers eyeing a possible March start date after plans to disrupt the Super Bowl on Sunday fizzled. In recent days, reporters who cover extremism and misinformation have worked to track the proliferation, and organic extent, of online convoy discourse in the US, tying some of it to scammy overseas content farms in Asia and Eastern Europe. The specter of foreign interference has shadowed Canadian convoy discourse, too, though some critics have cautioned against such narratives. “This occupation movement is Canadian, made up of Canadians,” a group called the Canadian Anti-Hate Network wrote last week. “There may be boosting, bots, money—but nothing concrete. Don’t absolve responsibility. Canada did this.”
The true global reach, and backing, of the convoy movement remains somewhat murky and contested, and protesters who have latched onto it do not all share the same motives or aggressive behavior. As is increasingly the case in the right-wing culture wars, however, meaningful boundaries between countries are (perhaps somewhat ironically) starting to melt away here. “Canada is in the import/export business,” Panetta, of CBC News, said last week. “You’re taking in American ideas—and other countries’ ideas—and you’re propagating them out to the world.” These ideas include disdain for the work of the mainstream media, a trend that is far from uniquely “American” but has, in the Trump era, taken on a form, rhetoric, and visibility that has bolstered anti-press rhetoric worldwide.
Nor can we draw clear boundaries between the internet and the offline world, and this, too, has direct consequences for members of the press, as they face sharply specific threats in both domains. There is not much that’s new here—reporters have long faced intimidation while covering protests, a trend that has already intensified across demonstrations against COVID measures in numerous countries. A month ago today, AFP journalists covering a far-right protest against vaccine passports in Paris were surrounded by dozens of people who assailed them with death threats and wounded the two security agents assigned for the journalists’ protection, with one taking a bottle to the head. The same day, Canada’s convoy movement was officially born.”
As you well know, we ought not judge an entire group of people by the actions of a few. And that is exactly what the state funded MSM (CBC 1.4 billion dollars) in Canada have done from the very beginning with their biased and aggressive attempt to malign the protesters as a whole. By the way that 1.4 billion dollars will soon be 2 billion if polititians vote in favor of Justin Trudeau’s recomended increase.
The New York Times had a commendable article with respect to the freedom protesters in Canada.
The article states in part, “The arrests in Windsor on Sunday were the first major police action since truckers and other Canadians protesting vaccine mandates laid siege to the area around Canada’s Parliament three weeks ago, inspiring copycat demonstrations across the country and beyond.
‘But the police have done little to intervene where the movement began: Ottawa, Canada’s capital. On Saturday, the protest there swelled in both size and energy, giving the downtown streets the air of a giant — if illegal — party as vastly outnumbered police officers stood by and watched.
‘Thousands of protesters flooded the streets so thickly that it became almost impossible to move. Music played on various corners, and people danced in intersections. Vendors set up along the edges of the crowd, making quick sales of small Canada flags and T-shirts that rudely told Prime Minister Justin Trudeau where to go. Calls of “freedom” rang out repeatedly.”
Unfortunately, the article did not include a statement made by the officer in charge of dismantling the Windsor border blockade who stated that the arrests were done “peacefully”, according to a Windsor Star article.
If you want to know what real tyranny looks like, you need look no further than Russia and Vladimir Putin. You may remember the name Alexi Navalny, the dissident who wanted to run against Putin to lead Russia. First, Navalny barely survived a poison attempt by Putin’s intelligence service. Then, when Navalny recovered and returned to Russia, Putin had him arrested, and sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison. Just yesterday, Navalny was put on trial in prison for some sham violations, including insulting a judge, and he faces an additional 15 years in jail. This from the Financial Times:
“Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, President Vladimir Putin’s most prominent opponent, could face another 15 years in prison after a new trial against him began on Tuesday.
“Prosecutors allege that Navalny — jailed last year for parole violations after recovering from nerve agent poisoning that he accuses Putin of ordering — stole 356mn roubles worth of donations to his Anti-Corruption Foundation, which Russia banned last year.
“In an almost unprecedented move, the trial is being held in the notoriously harsh IK-2 prison colony east of Moscow where Navalny is serving his two-and-a-half-year sentence.
“The hearing is being held in conjunction with separate charges of insulting a judge during misdemeanour proceedings after his arrest last year….”
Yes, that’s what real tyranny looks like– anyone spewing serious dissent must be eliminated.
As long as we downplay the lesser forms of tyranny and fail to stand against them, then the Russia/China/North Korean forms of tyranny is what we will end up with.
This statement by Thomas Jefferson’s defines Trudeau to a T… “A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a people who mean to be free”.
fascinating to see you go to bat, running interference for Big Pharma, Mr Gumpert.
like old Ivan Illich put it :
“every human institution winds up doing exactly the opposite of what it set out to do”
the Complete Patient was very useful, in its day
apparently = that day is now over. You’ve learned. You’ve grown. You’ve moved on … so now we count on you to tell us what the Eastern Establishment wants us to believe. Which is a real shame. With your talent, you could’ve written one of the best books on medical malpractice >>> as it unfolds before our very eyes
when the Minnesota officials came out with their absurd speculation = that 40 times more people actually got ill from consuming raw milk, as was shown on an official database = you sure weren’t taking that same line of argument you are now… re the poisoned needle …
You’re correct, I came to different conclusions regarding the government’s data and interpretations regarding raw milk and vaccines. In the raw milk study, the underlying data appeared valid, showed real illnesses; I believe it was collected from various state agencies around the U.S. No one seemed to question its validity. It was the analysis and conclusions that became suspect when I looked closely at it. The data from VAERS database is suspect from the start. The government database even contains a prominent warning to that effect. Seems pointless for a novice like me to attempt to figure out which of the data is accurate and which isn’t.
Just to go a step further, I have always attempted to be open-minded about these health-related issues, and not be trapped by ideology and preconceived ideas. You, on the other hand, have a different attitude entirely.
we have mounted our PROTESTation on the street in front of the BC Legislature, for over a year and a half. Our gaggle of dissident voices is an oasis of Sanity, midst’ the NON-sense… a Breathe Freely Autonomous Zone. Last Saturday, there were over 2000 people MASKLESS dancing for joy on the lawn. Two weeks ago, it was 5000 warm bodies. I underscore >>> the police are on our side.
one of the thrilling parts of the GATHERINGs, is … strangers meeting and embracing. Particularly, people who did grow up under communism. Mostly in Eastern Europe. They are near tears as they commend us for asserting our right to resist Red Fascism as personified by Bonnie Henry Provincial Medical Officer who utters the diktats by which children are being smothered with the God damned muzzles. Bonnie Henry being an Agent of the World Health Organization, imposing Agenda 21.
No mere co-incidence that our PROTESTation is at the very base of the Memorial to Canadian Armed forces. For the last couple Saturdays, for a solid hour, a drummer beat out Leonard Cohen’s “Democracy is coming to the USA”. As a bagpiper played, girls launched in to steps to the Sword Dance
Atop the plinth, is the figure of a soldier bayonet thrust out, in the combat garb my grandfather was in, when he was gassed at Ypres in WW One. As well as another icon commemorating Cdn Forces participation in the UN Police action in Korea. Where my old man’s jeep was blown up by the commies.
point being : this authentic populist movement from the West – shoving Central Canada back in its place – referencing Canadians at war, has deep emotional power. The boy Crime Minister wants ‘war’ ? He has summoned-up a thundercloud. He’s going to have to deal with us.
my position is based on 50 years’ of paying attention to the Medical MALpractice merchandised as Vag-zeen-A-shun
seeing the experts on the topic, in person
until you read The Poisoned Needle by Eustace Mullins, you know nothing about this issue.
Of course !! you’re going to blow off Mr Mullins, the second you read his name. So I’ll give you Herbert Spencer’s quip in advance
Quite the read about Eustace Mullins:
Gordon, I’m quite surprised you would quote Herbert Spencer, given that he was a very strong believer in Darwin’s theory of evolution and especially Social Darwinism. ( which radically goes against some of the beliefs you have purported to believe in!!) Another good read though:
all of which verbiage, amounts to nothing but a ad hominem smear so the press-ti-tutes can avoid dealing with the central issue … a crybaby bleat like that is laughable evidence of committment to keep on carrying water for the Establishment. The very opposite of what truly responsible journalist, ought to do
it is beyond argument, our institutions have failed us in the SARS2Covid19 HOAX. Not least = the socalled “Legacy media” in Canada, which are affixed to the public purse by way of direct subsidies… nothing but a propaganda outfall for the govt.
I figured you’d object to the Columbia Journalism report– way too much documented fact and way too little in the way of delusional conspiracy theories.
Alright Mr Gumpert, below is a matter of fact that ought to penetrate your smugness as a professional journalist. I’d be surprised if you don’t = at minimum = agree that the Free Press is the People’s Friend, the Tyrant’s foe
The net import of that Columbia Journalism piece, is : one long bleat from crybabys who are encountering authentic opposition, it exemplifies why people in America have no confidence in the socalled “legacy media”. Here, the Crime Minister bought subservience from those businesses by handing them $600 million dollars per year subsidy. if there’s one thing we do know fersure about journalism, it’s that
Here’s a FACT for ya : One of the hallmarks of Tyranny, being : an official outlet for the Central Party line. Yet … although the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is subsidized straight out of the public purse, to the tune of over a Billion = with a B = $$$ per year! Rebel News has more viewers than the CBC
For bonus points = I give you this week’s top official smear tactic = rumor that
“”” a truck with 2000 firearms was stolen””” Two thousand firearms ?? in a truck in a yard with a chainlink fence around it????? In Canada, that very idea is laughable.
I doubt if the RCMP nor the Canadian Army has more than 100 long guns collected in any one armory. Such report is sheer DIS-information calculated to pollute the discourse. But your pals in “the media” will parrot it as Gospel Truth
For over a year, I have handed out thousands of copies of Druthers tabloid, gratis, on the grounds of British Columbia Legislature, and everywhere. It being one of the few hardcopy newspapers providing FACTS about the SARS2Covid19 HOAX. It is our Samizdat
Druthers relies for funding, on simple contributions.
Yesterday, the bank with which Druthers deals, froze its accounts. That was done at direction of Crime Minister Trudeau, alleging that the newspaper is aiding/abetting terrorism … Mussolini defined fascism, as – state control via corporations [ my paraphrase ‘ ]
is using the banking system to interfere with a newspaper’s practical ability to publish a political opinion, an act of a Tyrant, in your book?
One of these days, Watson, you’ll learn the fine art of thinking before you start babbling. You clearly know nothing about the dangers journalists encounter covering demonstrations, or you wouldn’t blather about “crybabies who are encountering authentic opposition….” In your delusional world, journalists are somehow part of the government, when in reality most journalists are highly professional and have nothing to do with government supported media; yes, you have some government funded media in Canada, but even there, like at UK’s BBC, the journalists are mostly highly professional, and often report events at odds with government edict. In the U.S., of course, we have almost no government-funded media (public broadcasting gets tiny government allotments), and journalists have been heavily attacked at demonstrations, such as for George Floyd in 2020. This from the same CJR that I quoted from yesterday, except in June 2020:
“IN SIX DAYS AND NIGHTS OF PROTESTS across America in response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, journalists have been assaulted, harassed, pepper sprayed, shot with rubber bullets, and arrested on live TV. The volume of incidents and their increasing severity have led some to suggest that President Trump’s anti-media rhetoric may have triggered the violence. The reality is that aggressive, militarized policing across much of the country, combined with a growing number of protesters who are hostile toward traditional media, has made covering protests an increasingly dangerous assignment…”
So, yes, demonstrators from both the right and left attack journalists when they think the narrative doesn’t favor them. One big difference between the attacks in Canada and the U.S. is that the police seem not to have been involved in Canada’s attacks on journalists, while in the U.S., police were the main participants. Maybe has something to do with the fact that cops tend to be right wingers?
Ottawa press release on behalf of Ottawa freedom protesters given by Danny Bulford, ex-RCMP and ex sniper observer on emergency response team, Vincent Gircys, ex-OPP, and Eddie Cornell, CAF Veteran.
It’s becoming ever more apparent that the ‘freedom convoy’ of truckers has really been an extreme right wing political event, with ever more pushback from real truckers out there hustling to earn a living amidst the economic vandalism of the fringe. Here’s another report:
“In just a matter of weeks, Canadian truck drivers protesting coronavirus vaccine mandates became the unexpected darlings of the global right wing.
Republican politicians showered the truckers, who descended on the Canadian capital, with praise. Copycat convoys gathered from New Zealand to France.
The protests against U.S. and Canadian regulations barring unvaccinated truck drivers from crossing the border began Jan. 28 — and soon attracted a range of anti-government activists, far-right figures and opponents of pandemic restrictions more broadly
“But even as the vocal group of truckers, known as the “Freedom Convoy,” grabbed the world’s attention, many of Canada’s truck drivers were scrambling to distance themselves from the movement, which they view as radical and fringe.
“In their view, the protesters’ actions — including shutting down cross-border trade and laying siege to the capital — have hurt rather than helped drivers in the industry, and failed to advance the labor issues most truckers care about. They point out that only a small percentage of Canadian truckers have joined the demonstrations, and the vast majority of drivers are already vaccinated, according to trucking associations and Canadian authorities….”
If you were to mingle with the protesters in Ottawa you would soon realize that your “extreme right” analogy is false. There are people of different races and creeds from the left center and right who reject the Canadian government’s compelled medical intrusion into their lives and for this reason have chosen support the truckers. There are also several MPs from the liberal caucus who unlike Justin Trudeau have gone out to meets the truckers and their supporting protesters and have drawn the conclusion that they are not as Trudeau and the media describes them. I’m curious, what motivated you to use that “extreme right” analogy?
Reputable journalist aside, the media industry has a serious credibility problem in large part because it has become exceedingly biased, lacks transparency and in essence has veered away from its traditional role of serving the public, choosing rather to serve a political agenda. The public is fed up with all of this including reputable journalist who are increasingly being marginalized and swallowed up and spit out by the very news organizations that employ them.
I believe Marco Rubio sums it up well, “Never has the political class or the mainstream media that covers them been more out of touch with the American people than they are today”. And that certainly applies in Canada as well.
demonstrating the proverb “The Lie is halfway ’round the world before the Truth gets its boots on”
here is the URL to a man giving first hand report of what he saw, regarding the incident of a Nazi flag among the Truckers’ camp
he sez the man showing it around, was using it as a prop in his rhetorical, challenge : ‘is this what you want?’
baby steps, Mister Gumpert. You are learning. Good to see you understand the difference between the US of A, versus the Dominion du Canada, where every single one of the corporations which publish newspapers, run tv stations, are on corporate welfare. They literally get a cheque in the mail out of the public accounts
which makes them – effectively – part of the government
Canadians are at the stage they were in Russia, just before the U. S. S. R went down … Solzhenitsyn put it
we know they are lying
they know they are lying
they know we know they are lying
we know they know we know they are lying
but they are still lying
Hahaha….Your delusion knows no bounds, Watson, now somehow equating yourself and your fascist comrades with the symbol of Soviet resistance. Not sure if you’re aware, but Solzhenitsyn spent about 20 years in the 1970s and 1980s living in exile in Vermont after being expelled from the Soviet Union. He considered living in Canada, but decided it was too sterile and apolitical, as this account suggests: “At first, Solzhenitsyn looked to Canada as a potential new home, favoring its remoteness, opportunities for privacy, and the fact that it had a “proper winter.” Natalia, however, had reservations. As she later recalled, she convinced her husband that “although Canada is a most beautiful country, it is somewhat like a pillow. It is a little too boring, and it is too far geographically and in terms of culture.” No, I don’t think he saw Canada as anywhere close to approaching Russian tyranny.
Truckers press conference with their lawyers… This is very much worth listening to.
while you miss the biggest story of your career … a conspiracy to perpetrate medical mal-practice on a scale previously … un-thinkable, guys like me are out in public, putting hard copy of the expressions of true Patriotism, in hands eagerly reaching out for it
Mr Gumpert, you and your pals in The Establishment Media are so far-removed from what the Free Press is, you wound up on the wrong side of history, on this one
see if you can muster the simple nerve to answer my question : do you and the Columbia Journal condone the guy who cut off banking services to a newspaper so as to hinder its publication?
if Donald Trump had so much as even alluded to doing that, there, that as a throwaway comic line … you would’ve gone apoplectic
“yes” or “no” ? is govt. interference in the Free Press right or wrong?
let’s see how hip you really are >>> name the President of the US of A, who did the same thing, to over 300 newspapers which were criticizing his administration. Was that reasonable in the context? or was it an outrageous ruination of the First Amendment rights of those journalists?
Not sure what you are referring to about ‘the guy who cut off banking services to a newspaper so as to hinder its publication…” GoFundMe cut off fundraising by the Canadian protest organizers. but that had nothing to do with the government, since GoFundMe is a privately owned organization, and can do business with whomever it pleases.
REAL MILK in Hawaii
see the bit at the end about the author. Mike Maharrey my kind of guy
Hawaii House Committee Passes Bill to Legalize Limited Raw Milk Sales; Foundation to Nullify Federal Prohibition Scheme
HONOLULU, Hawaii (Feb. 16, 2022) – Last week, a Hawaii House committee passed a bill that would legalize limited direct-to-consumer sales of raw cow milk. Passage of this bill would not only start to open Hawaii’s raw milk market; it would take a step toward nullifying a federal prohibition scheme in practice and effect.
Rep. Mark Nakashima introduced House Bill 2028 (HB2028) on Jan. 24. Under the proposed law, milk producers could legally sell raw milk and raw milk products directly to consumers subject to rules adopted by an oversight board. Sales would be limited to farms or facilities with no more than two milk-bearing cows, The law would also implement labeling standards for raw milk.
Under current law, Hawaii maintains a total ban on the sale of raw milk for human consumption. Last summer, the state also imposed a ban on raw milk as pet food. The Hawaii Department of Health called raw milk sold by pet stores “a public safety issue” because it could be mishandled and consumed by humans.
HB2028 was amended in committee to include provisions legalizing the sale of raw goat milk for pet consumption.
On Feb. 8, the House Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs Committee passed HB2028 as amended by an 8-2 vote.
The enactment of HB2028 would not only take the first step toward opening up the raw milk market in the state; it would also move forward efforts to nullify a federal raw milk prohibition scheme in practice and effect.
Impact on Federal Prohibition
FDA officials insist that unpasteurized milk poses a health risk because of its susceptibility to contamination from cow manure, a source of E. coli.
“It is the FDA’s position that raw milk should never be consumed,” agency spokeswoman Tamara N. Ward said in November 2011.
The FDA’s position represents more than a matter of opinion. In 1987, the feds implemented 21 CFR 1240.61(a), providing that, “no person shall cause to be delivered into interstate commerce or shall sell, otherwise distribute, or hold for sale or other distribution after shipment in interstate commerce any milk or milk product in final package form for direct human consumption unless the product has been pasteurized.”
Not only do the feds ban the transportation of raw milk across state lines; they also claim the authority to ban unpasteurized milk within the borders of a state.
“It is within HHS’s authority…to institute an intrastate ban [on unpasteurized milk] as well,” FDA officials wrote in response to a Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund lawsuit against the agency over the interstate ban.
The FDA clearly wants complete prohibition of raw milk and some insiders say it’s only a matter of time before the feds try to institute an absolute ban. Armed raids by FDA agents on companies like Rawsome Foods back in 2011 and Amish farms over the last few years also indicate this scenario may not be too far off.
When states allow the sale of raw milk within their borders, it takes an important step toward nullifying this federal prohibition scheme.
As we’ve seen with marijuana and industrial hemp, an intrastate ban becomes ineffective when states ignore it and pass laws encouraging the prohibited activity anyway. The federal government lacks the enforcement power necessary to maintain its ban, and people will willingly take on the small risk of federal sanctions if they know the state will not interfere. This increases when the state actively encourages the market and nullifies federal prohibition in effect.
We’ve seen this demonstrated dramatically in states that have legalized industrial hemp. When they authorized production, farmers began growing industrial hemp, even in the face of a federal ban. Despite facing the possibility of federal prosecution, some growers were still willing to step into the void and begin cultivating the plant once the state removed its barriers.
In the same way, removing state barriers to raw milk consumption, sale and production would undoubtedly spur the creation of new markets for unpasteurized dairy products, no matter what the feds claim the power to do.
It could ultimately nullify the interstate ban as well. If all 50 states allow raw milk, markets within the states could easily grow to the point that local sales would render the federal ban on interstate commerce pointless. And history indicates the feds do not have the resources to stop people from transporting raw milk across state lines – especially if multiple states start legalizing it. Growing markets will quickly overwhelm any federal enforcement attempts.
HB2028 now moves to the House Consumer Protection and Commerce Committee where it must receive a hearing and pass by a majority vote before moving forward in the legislative process.
Mike Maharrey
Michael Maharrey is the Communications Director for the Tenth Amendment Center. He is from the original home of the Principles of ’98 – Kentucky and currently resides in northern Florida. He is the author of the book, Our Last Hope: Rediscovering the Lost Path to Liberty., and Constitution Owner’s Manual. You can visit his personal website at and like him on Facebook HERE
I’m glad to learn Hawaii is liberalizing raw milk access. If it follows through, it will be joining a growing number of states that allow direct sales. But this Tenth Amendment guy is a little behind the times about a federal prohibition of raw milk. Trends have been going the other way for the last 5 years or so. The FDA seems ever less inclined to crack down on raw milk. The problems with the Amish (primarily Amos Miller) have been instigated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s not to say the FDA won’t make trouble in certain situations, but overall, it has definitely been more low key on raw milk in recent years.
Andrew Scheer former leader of the Federal Conservative Party, addresses Trudeau’s move to shut down parliament preventing Members of Parliament from questioning his use of the Emergencies Measures Act…
David, truly hope you can take the time to listen to Andrew Scheer’s full statement…
Rebel News journalist Alexa Lavoie attacked by Ottawa police
“Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie was struck and injured by police while covering the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa… I just spoke with Alexa Lavoie, our brave reporter who was just assaulted by Trudeau’s police. She tells me a cop hit her three times with a club and then shot a tear gas canister at her leg from point-blank range… Alexa says she was specifically targeted by a cop who saw her camera. She says he came up to her and beat her and pushed her down. She says he tried to knock the phone out of her hands, to stop her from filming.”
Trudeau has a hate on for Rebel News ever since Ezra took him to court twice for trying to prevent Rebel News reporter from attending election debates. On both occasions Trudeau lost and everytime a Rebel News reporter tries to ask him a question he becomes visibly irritated.
Many of the Ottawa police refused to participate in the attack of peaceful protesters so the government brought in police from across the province as well as police on Clydesdale horses. Several of the protesters were trampled by the horses including an elderly native woman with a walker who was reciting peace love.
Interview with Candice Sero, an aboriginal Mohawk residing in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in Hasting County was in Ottawa protesting vaccine mandates when she was trampled by Toronto Police horse units and kicked by other police while on the ground.
Senator Denise Batters Gives Riveting Speech On Public Emergency Vote
“Ontario judge defends mom’s stance not to jab her kids, rebukes blind obedience to gov’t experts”
Indeed, “How did we lower our guard and let the words ‘unacceptable beliefs’ get paired together? In a democracy? On the Scales of Justice?”
“It was the father’s opinion that the mother should do what Canadian health officials have recommended, but the judge disagreed with the father’s reasoning and offered a scathing critique of his arguments and the state of free expression in Canada.”
““When did it become illegal to ask questions?” Justice Pazaratz wrote. “Especially in the courtroom?””
“He began the judgement by asking if the term “‘misinformation’ is even a real word … Or has it become a crass, self-serving tool to pre-empt scrutiny and discredit your opponent?””
“He castigated the use of the term “misinformation” and called its usage “childish” and “sinister.””
Those who are pushing this January 06 insurrection narrative should be ashamed of themselves… Unfortunately, they won’t, because their ego driven mentality inhibits their ability to be humble and rational. This is the same ego driven totalitarian vindictive scenario that continues to play itself out in Canada with respect to the incarceration, and the seizing of bank accounts of the peaceful freedom convoy protesters of and their supporters.
“Cynthia Hughes – Seeking Justice for January 6th Defendants”
My sincere condolences to the Michael Hartmann’s family…
I’m afraid there’s really no comparison between the Canadian truckers and American insurrection leaders. The Canadian truckers didn’t conspire with top political leaders to overthrow the democratically elected government to install unelected tyrants. This from a federal judge who ruled on admissibility of text messages by a legal adviser to Trump in last few days: ““Dr. Eastman and President Trump launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history. Their campaign was not confined to the ivory tower—it was a coup in search of a legal theory.” — Federal Judge David O. Carter, CD Calif (3/28/22)
The bigger question more Americans are asking: Why isn’t the U.S. Justice Department acting on the avalanche of evidence pointing to the most serious case of treason in American history?
the short answer to your query
“Why isn’t US Justice acting on the avalanche of evidence pointing to the most serious case of treason in American History”, is : because if the Accused are allowed to mount a proper defence to the charge(s), they will be able to adduce in vive voce testimony via the witness stand, facts proving that the laughable “insurrection” was concocted then directed by agents employed by various state agencies, not least, the FBI.
strikes me you’re just a babe in the woods, Mr Gumpert, when it comes to understanding how un-utterably crooked socalled “law enforcement” is, in the US of A. Or = could be you long ago threw in your lot with them as an agent of dis-information, when things get too obvious?
There are a number of possible reasons the U.S. Justice Department isn’t acting on the huge amount of evidence pointing to treason, and I’d say the reason you suggest is way down on the list. Three of the likeliest reasons: First, there would be lots of bad reaction from Trump’s supporters. Second, an indictment and trial would be a media circus, and thus a distraction from the issues the Biden Administration wants to remain focused on, such as its legislative agenda and reducing inflation. Third, and perhaps most significant, DOJ wants to feel it has an airtight case.
In the meantime, the House committee investigating Jan. 6 seems to have amassed quite a treasure trove of serious evidence, some of which it has disclosed. Today came word that recordable communication activity at the White House quieted significantly a couple days before Jan. 6, and reached complete silence during 7 hours while the attack was taking place Jan. 6–no phone calls or other communication by Trump.
Of course, none of us know where this will ultimately wind up. As far as your speculation I am ‘an agent of dis-information,’ perhaps you want to consult with the other reader who thinks I’m making money off the clicks of readers on this site to fund my retirement, and compare notes.