The media are full of advice about how to prepare for and avoid the corona virus, such as these articles in the New York Times and Washington Post. They include instructions on thoroughly washing hands, suggestions for what over-the-counter drugs to have on hand, and of course, recommendations to get the flu vaccine.
But none of the articles offer any guidance for ways to support and strengthen one’s own immune system to reduce the odds of getting sick from the virus. In fact, I came across one advisory from Harvard Medical School that ridiculed some immune-supporting options: Under the heading, “Misinformation is Rampant,” the article included a warning about “unfounded recommendations to prevent infection by taking vitamin C….”
Vitamin C has long been recognized for its immune-system support. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) concluded in a 2017 paper on PubMed about Vitamin C and immunity: “Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system.”
We’ve seen evidence over a number of years now that raw dairy supports immune function, via European studies indicating it reduces incidence of allergies and asthma in children. Bee pollen, chicken broth, and other vitamins (like A and D) have also been associated with strengthened immune systems.
Why would the media, and the public health experts the media draw on for advice, be so reluctant to encourage immune system support? I suspect it’s a combination of things, including their traditional ambivalence about nutritional supplements and a reluctance to be drawn into specific recommendations about foods and supplements that can give the immune system a boost. Plus, in their heart of hearts, many at the CDC likely still don’t buy the connection between food/nutrition and immune function. And last but not least, they don’t want to potentially stir up the anti-vaxer crowd, since part of the expected “solution” to the corona virus is expected to be a vaccine.
The bottom line of all this is the same as it is for much of the rest of health care: We are responsible for overseeing our health, for determining what advice being offered by the health establishment is beneficial and which isn’t. The fact that this coronavirus is rapidly becoming a worldwide health crisis doesn’t change that long-term reality.
I believe this has been blown completely out of proportion. Wuhan is a city with serious pollution problems and also a roll-out test city for 5G, covering the entire city with those frequencies. So, there should be no surprise that people’s immune systems were severely compromised from the get go. It seems that those dying are for the most part, older, sicker individuals, like those cruise ship passengers. Most are NOT dying or even getting that severely ill. Seems like a wonderful way to scare folks into lining up for more vaccinations, though. They have been repeating the mantra that even if the current flu vaccine has no effect on this particular virus, getting it will somehow make your illness milder and shorter. All nonsense. The vaccine they are developing for this would be a genetically engineered DNA vaccine which will alter the receiver’s DNA (and their offspring). I’ll pass. The hysteria is the real virus here.
What is 5G?
Well said, Bob.
5G is the new, higher frequency WiFi service they are planning on installing everywhere that will require a lot more cell phone towers to operate so that our wireless works faster. They will claim that there is no evidence of any health risks but that it mainly because zero scientific research has been done long term to determine if there are, in fact, any negative consequences to people’s health. Switzerland has put the installation of their 5G cell towers to a screeching halt due to concerns about health issues. Research the area that you are living in. 5G might already be there or is planning to be installed.
Thank you Bob! I am humbled that there are at least a few smart individuals left in the world! It’s all about hyping up & scaring so everyone will accept yet another vaccine! Follow the money!
And that cruise ship is also equipped with 5G, I’ve heard.
From everything I have learned, Coronavirus is not a virus in this case but caused by 5G. Wuhan was a test city for 5G and all of these things that are happening to people happened after they turned it on. 5G puts out 60 gigahertz which effects the body’s ability to utilize oxygen. This is why some people have been found with no other symptoms except for they are blue! And many others are coughing a dry cough with no phlegm which can be caused by oxygen depletion.
One so called “nutrient” public health officials relentlessly promote is F via water fluoridation. It is questionable if F is even an essential nutrient. Fluoride is among the most toxic elements on the periodic table.
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada
Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Sources of Fluoride for Water Fluoridation
Fluoride exposure from infant formula and child IQ in a Canadian birth cohort
Exposure to increasing levels of fluoride in tap water was associated with diminished non-verbal intellectual abilities; the effect was more pronounced among formula-fed children.
“Something Is Burning Up The Peach Crops Around Here.”
The Fluoride Deception Chronicles the Peach Crop Cases
Joseph Heckman
In the summer of 1943, farmers in Southern New Jersey, along the shore of the Delaware estuary, began to report that “something is burning up the peach crops around here.” Although damages were not limited to orchards, this crop injury ignited a court battle between a group of New Jersey farmers and several federal agencies that became known as the “Peach Crop Cases.” In addition to the damaged peach crop, these farmers also experienced horses too sick to work, sickness and death of poultry and cattle, and farm workers vomiting from eating locally grown produce. The severe crop and livestock damages were downwind of the DuPont Company fluoride plant at Kearney, NJ that was releasing large amounts of hydrogen fluoride as a result secretly manufacturing elemental fluorine, uranium hexafluoride, and other fluorocarbons that were needed by the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb. National security concerns by U.S. government officials effectively blocked efforts by chemical and legal professionals that were helping the farmers gather information in support of their lawsuit. A confrontation that takes place in a South Jersey orchard between the farmers’ lawyer and military officials initiates this rhetorical question by the lawyer, “Since when are the farmers of the United States the Enemy.” Eventually, because the farmers were denied the data they needed from the government to build their legal case, they settled the lawsuit out of court. The Fluoride Deception, by Christopher Bryson, devotes about ten pages to how “the Garden State peach growers unknowingly left their imprint on history.” In addition to the information revealed concerning the Peach Crop Cases, The Fluoride Deception is a fascinating book worth reading. It details how science, secrecy, and public relations were used to influence the public image and perceptions regarding fluoride pollution because of this chemicals critical importance to the military industrial complex. This book also provides new historical information surrounding controversial issue of water fluoridation. Book reviews of The Fluoride Deception were published in Nature on March 17, 2005 and in Chemical & Engineering News on August 16, 2004.
Thank you I agree.
Vitamin C
there are five immunological systems in the body, 4 of them need Vit C to function well. Linus Pauling, (who was called the father of modern chemistry until he came out in favor of Vit C as the most health-giving supplement you can take along with other important ones), says the adult body needs 5 grams a day when HEALTHY. Most people get less than 5% of that in their processed food. Vit C and Vit B are water based; they flush out of the body in 24 hours. That’s a negative; you need to take them every day, but a positive is that Vit C and Vit B are never toxic, no matter how much you take.
How and when
The cheapest way to buy Vit C is by buying bulk powder on the internet. One heaped teaspoon is roughly 5 grams. You can mix it in water if you like to drink sour things, or you can add it to fruit juice or tomato juice to hide the sourness.
It’s a fallacy to say ‘only take Vit C on a full stomach’, the best time to take it is over an hour since you last ate or drank, do not take C on a full stomach; The first hour after eating, you have hydrochloric acid in your stomach helping you digest the food you have just eaten, Vit C is also acid (Ascorbic Acid), and you do not want to add acid to acid and screw up the stomach’s ph.
Of course, I am not suggesting Vit C as a replacement for Raw Milk, but either one drunk every day, or both drunk every day (at least an hour apart,) would be such an excellent health protection.
Oh and by the way, thank you so much for being such a focal point for us all, I’m sure everyone who reads this blog is grateful to you.
There appears to be a status quo or mindset that interferes with the conventional health establishment’s ability to be objective and non-partisan…
The following statement drawn from a report entitled, “A Reappraisal of Humoral Immunity Based on Mechanisms of Antibody‐Mediated Protection Against Intracellular Pathogens”, provides an essential clue as to why health bureaucrats avoids addressing immunity… “Clearly, defining protective efficacy of an Ab (antibody) molecule in a predictive fashion is currently beyond the state of immunological science and may not be possible with current reductionistic approaches to scientific problems.”
In other words, based on this inability to predict protective immunity the medical bureaucracy for the last 200 years continues to be fixated on simplistic narrow minded self serving solutions that focus on using unnatural, disruptive and toxic methods, all of which clearly demonstrates a profound inadequate understanding of the immune system… hence the need to weaponize fear in order to manipulate and compel the masses and promote a profit driven agenda… a scenario that certainly complements their so called biosecurity measures.
Thanks, David. Excellent blog article for me to share with everyone.
The reason that the FDA does not give any recommendations for immune building is because that would mean they would have to admit to the failure of modern medicine and anti biotic abuse.
The FDA nearly had a heart attack when fecal transplants were shown to save huge numbers of lives. They freaked. The FDA is about killing things. Not preventing, building or growing things
Suggesting that the gut biome is relevant is tantamount to medical and pharma treason.
All the EU science points to raw milk and raw Kefir as being the ultimate immune foods.
Just look at the breast feeding studies. Breast milk is raw milk.
I can not wait to get the FDA into the federal courts.
Breaking News! The FDA completely denied the petition to allow raw butter over state lines. They used 110 year old data from 1906. They used pasteurized butter data to attack raw butter. They denied and denied and then denied again. Then they lied and lied. It was dishonest and intellectual fraud. I can not believe they wrote what they wrote.
Remember last year when Whitehead and Lake published their research in PLOS Showing the huge 357% increase in raw milk consumption coupled with a decrease of 75% in reported illness? They even noted the RAWMI Effect having an impact on raw milk risk
Reduction! just learned that the FDA and CDC got so upset that they sent a joint letter to PLOS adamantly demanding that the research be retracted.
I think we pissed them off.
I am very proud of the work done at RAWMI.
Clearly we are making progress.
In there letter of rejection for raw butter, they said that legalization of raw butter fails to advance public interests or the interests of the FDA.
Like I care one damn bit about their pharma interests. I care about public health benefits. And building immunity. Something they know and care nothing about.
We now join the battle in the federal courts. We are going to completely expose their dishonesty and dark bias. A bias that refuses to accept new scientific evidence and discovery, which injures the public.
That’s why the FDA and CDC does not speak of building immune systems. It’s about the gut biome and our adaptive immune system.
It’s about to get real for the FDA.
Speaking of “breast milk”… You have to give these scientist an “A” for effort in the realm of academic foolishness…
I suppose that these scientist think that if a highly intricate substance such as breast milk is a product of chance mutation, then they should at least make an effort to mimic its production in the lab and perhaps even make it better… a.k.a. sterile and free of microbes.
“A Bold and Controversial Idea for Making Breast Milk”
Thank you Mark, for ALL you do on our behalf! I am greatly appreciative & am so glad you are here to educate the masses! Keep up the good fight & let us know how we may help!
Is there anyway to see a copy of this letter?: ” FDA and CDC got so upset that they sent a joint letter to PLOS adamantly demanding that the research be retracted.”
This little piece has gone viral globally. The comments and endorsements from respected Australian FSANS and CSIRO dairy expert Dr Ron Hull were wonderful.
Share it. Let’s blast this all over.
While the FDA and CDC develop a vaccine for 12 months from now, that will be a year too late. Let’s use the oldest vaccination known to man. Raw milk!!
A FOIA letter must be sent. I don’t have a copy of the letter. I was told of the letter by Mary Child’s an NPR reporter that spoke with the CDC and FDA when she did a recent story on raw milk. She sent me an email describing that the FDA and FDA were freaking out and adamantly demanded that PLOS immediately retract the peer reviewed and published article.
PLOS is no longer publishing and closed. I guess it stays put.
Retractions have become the new way of “Book Burning”
Here is another example:
Retraction By Corruption – Seralini Study
The good news is that we now have a second publication that backs up the first.
Berge and Baars raw milk risk 2020
The FDA has a history of book burning.
For the record, an exchange I had with the FDA.
“Celebrating 100 Years of the Federal Food and Drugs Act”
by Dr. Suzanne White Junod, Historian, Food and Drug Administration
Nov. 2, 2005
Rutgers University
Sponsored by The Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy of Rutgers, The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, and The Alpha Eta Chapter of Rho Chi
I attended this seminar and asked some questions concerning Wilhelm Reich. A colleague was also there tape recorded the following:
Here’s the transcript:
Dr. Heckman:
Hi. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the FDA ordered the banning and burning of books by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, including titles such as The Mass Psychology of Fascism. I would like you to comment on how the FDA views the case against Wilhelm Reich, in hindsight.
Dr. Suzanne White Junod (Historian from the Food and Drug Administration):
Oh I can’t speak for the Agency, but as a historian, one of the more clever uses of the 1938 act was not in the Reich case, it preceded that. It was a follow-up on the ads – and radio ads – saying one thing, and labels saying something else. In the 50’s in a case against blackstrap molasses, (name unclear) I believe, they got the labeling authority to essentially respond to anything that was sold with the product, to be considered an extension of the product labeling. It allowed us to go after some very, it allowed us to take care of the problem of people saying one thing on the package label and broadcasting other things all over the place. The Federal Trade Commission had some authority over that as well, it wasn’t just FDA. And so when the Wilhelm Reich case came along, they were simply using a well-established legal tool at that point to expand their reach over all sorts of products. And I have no doubt that there were some special issues involved there as well, and political and everything else. But they were using a legitimate tool under “labeling” to go after him. (pause) And there was concern about book burning and all that but. (pause) It did calm down; the manufacturers have gotten the word that you can’t write a book about something and then, a specific product, and put it with it.
Audience member:
To the gentleman who said that. The psychiatrist? The orgone box and all that? Wilhelm Reich?
Dr. Heckman:
The orgone accumulator.
Audience member:
Yeah. Okay, (to Dr. Junod) but it really wasn’t a food or drug product.
Dr. Junod:
It was a device.
Audience member:
.so it’s really extending it.
below is the URL to a good article about Kristin Canty.
She uses the term “ancestral health” … a politically-correct way for what I’ve been saying on this forum for years = the engine of the Campaign for REAL MILK is = white people re-discovering the food and agricultural laws of our God. Of course, that got me profiled as the resident “racist” ( and all the kneejerk attendant epithets ) meanwhile she’s the successful entrepreneur. Doesn’t bother me a bit ~ that’s the price pioneers pay.
one of whom was Wilhelm Reich. A genius a century ahead of his time. Who made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ days before he died, in federal penitentiary, after the FDA literally burned his books in which he’d published his findings as a scientist
Rest in peace ’til the Resurrection
Celebrating Rare Disease Day. Since 2005, there have been at least 44 children who have developed HUS, a rare disease, after drinking raw milk contaminated with E.coli 0157:H7, a STEC.
“The greatest crisis that America faces today is the chronic disease epidemic in America’s children”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense
“The epidemic of poor health in American children started after 1986, coterminous with the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which resulted in an explosion of the vaccine schedule. For American kids born in 1986, only 12.8% had chronic diseases. That number has grown to 54% among the vaccine generation (those born after 1986) in lockstep with the expanding vaccine schedule.”
These chronic diseases alluded to above include resulting gut disorders that lend to acute illnesses such as STEC Ecoli 0157H7. As Mark correctly queried, “Have you considered why those kids got HUS”? If not then you should, if you have then you and those who are likeminded are more or less ignoring the facts and choosing rather to focus on a narrow course of action that is counterproductive and undermines overall good health. Focusing on a specific microbe that reside in and on a particular food is misleading in that it tends to distract one attention away from the root cause…
Have you counted all the kids that have been saved from: ear infections, doctors visits, colds, the flush, asthma attacks, hospital ER visits and illness? Have you considered why those kids got HUS. Have you considered the thinned or missing mucus layer in their gut which allowed Shiga Toxic infections to start the HUS cycle. What do kids get thinned or missing mucus layers. It’s the diet, anti biotics and other gut destructive American behaviors. Tons of sugar and candida!!
People are using raw milk to improve their immune system and reduce the potential threat of virus or colds. Strong science shorts this practice.
You would be very happy to know that two very large well designed peer reviewed studies. Show that RAWMI practices have dramatically reduced incidence of illness from raw milk.
You would also be very happy to know that Opdc leads the world ? in testing every batch of raw milk for STEC Ecoli 0157H7. Milk must be negative before it is bottled or sold.
3500 kids die each year in the USA from Asthma. Raw milk reduces asthma. A lot !!
HUS is also caused by leafy greens. Why not pick on leafies. They don’t even have a warning label.
It is important to do a current comparable risk assessment and not just harp on raw milk.
It’s risks have changed and gone way down in the last 16 years.
Mark, STEC E.coli 0157:H7 can lead to a rare childhood disorder–HUS. The new statistics are somewhere between 10-15% of children go on to develop HUS. Raw milk, leafy greens petting zoos, water parks, hamburger, etc. are vehicles for STEC transmission….you know the pathogen in the cow poop. The food or other type of exposure is not what causes the illness and it surely is not related to sugar and candida or everyone would be getting sick.
The pathogen is what makes a person ill. As to why one would become ill and another wouldn’t is complex and also related to the level of pathogen exposure (ate the same contaminated food multiple times). You are by no means an expert on STEC or HUS and shouldn’t be talking about it as if you are. The only thing you are an expert on regarding STEC is getting sued because your milk was contaminated with cow poop and made children ill….even with your RAWI RAMP safety standards in place.
I know many families where 4 or 5 in the family got an E.coli infection, but only 1 developed HUS. And sometimes it is not the youngest child in the family. What we have figured out in our HUS Moms group of 182 moms is that there could be a connection to developing HUS if red hair runs in the family. Wouldn’t that be something if carrying the recessive redheaded gene made a child vulnerable to developing HUS. Research is needed on this topic.
A consistent statement in articles related to STEC-specific bacteriophages… “little is known regarding their isolation and effects”. Increasingly Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is being isolated in various environments where a fecal relationship is absent…
“Stx-phages: Drivers and mediators of the evolution of STEC and STEC-like pathogens”
“Bacteriophages, also known as phages, are viruses that infect bacteria. Until recently they have been ignored by most of the scientific community, but their impact upon our world is enormous. They are the most abundant lifeform on the globe and drive the diversity and abundance of bacteria around us, including, in many instances, the pathogenic profiles of many of mankind’s most feared bacterial pathogens. This article focuses on how a group of bacteriophages, Stx-phages, which carry the genes encoding Shiga toxin, have driven and are driving the emergence of Shiga toxin-producing pathogens such as the infamous Escherichia coli O157:H7. Since the emergence of this foodborne pathogen as a cause of significant human disease in 1982, more than 500 different serogroups of E. coli have been reported to produce Shiga toxin, as well as a few other organisms. These events and many more are all controlled by the biology of Stx-phages.”
This one is for Gordon. I know you are so happy for me.
the thing for you to do, ma’am, is : prioritize. Determine the incidence of illness consequent from a particular foodstuff, other than raw milk. Then put your time and talents to better use than being a perpetual harridan
Your friends at the Food Safety group have the FACTS, at hand … instead of just your surmise that your son got ill from drinking raw milk. With FACTS at your disposal -and analyzed objectively – you’ll soon learn that the risk of harm from whole, fresh raw milk, from a conscientious artisanal producer, is logarithmic magnitudes less than most other foodstuffs in commerce.
set that FACT alongside the undeniable improvements to people’s health that REAL MILK is making, as 12 million Americans drink it daily, and your squawks are revealed as a petty 14-year-old grudge … irrelevant anecdote.
Did you notice that while you’ve been riding your hobbyhorse ’round in circles, nearly all the states in the U S of A figured out a way for people who want it, to get real milk? What is it that 43 state legislatures – thousands of best-intentioned folks – appreciate, that you cannot grasp?
Thank you Gordon. I read congratulations I’m so happy for you. You have such a kind and loving heart.
Are you suggesting that we as a modern society eliminate all cows and other mammals that “may” carry pathogens? You appear to suggest that other foods are not the problem and that the real problem is mammals ?
Have you gone Vegan? Just wondering ??
What’s is your comment on the two latest peer reviewed and published research papers about raw milk safety progress in the last few years.
The incidence of illness from property trained farmers that use high standards and perform frequent testing is nearly zero.
Is that progress important to you?
Mark, where did I say we should eliminate cows and mammals that carry pathogens??? Let me use Cat’s words from her recent research article. Maybe you will receive the information better coming from her. “THE CURRENT HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH RAW MILK ARE MOSTLY DUE TO THE FAECAL CONTAMINATION OF MILK WITH ENTERIC BACTERIA SUCH AS SALMONELLA ENTERICA, CAMPYLOBACTER SPP., VEROTOXIN-PRODUCING ESCHERICHIA COLI. In other words, don’t let the cow shit get in the milk because it may contain deadly bacteria. But you know this right? It is the very reason you have a ramp program and is the focus of the reason for RAWMI, so don’t play dumb. And yes, I support education for raw milk farmers as to how to produce safer milk. Safety standards are important. Raw milk is not going away, so make it as safe as possible. This does not mean parents should get lulled into a false sense of safety because safety standards are used by the dairy farmer. Parents need to make an informed decision before giving raw milk to their children. This involves knowing all the pathogens that can find their way into raw milk and the illnesses each pathogen can cause. Do you explain this to your customers?
be assured that Organic Pastures does a far better job of informing its customers about the speculative risk of harm from consuming its product, than the Pharmaceutical companies do, as to the risk of adverse incident occasioned by getting vaccinated.
Strongly recommend you look in to what Robert Kennedy jr. has to say about that.
Watch VAXXED2 to learn about a clear and present danger to American children PROVEABLY millions of times worse than a few outbreaks of disease per decade arising from raw milk
Mary, Parents are being lulled daily by doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and government officials into a false sense of safety when they are told repeatedly that vaccines are safe and effective, that pasteurizing milk assures safety and is just as nutritious as raw milk, that infant formula is equally nutritious as breast milk and a safe way to feed a newborn, that giving antipyretics to their child is a safe and appropriate way to manage a fever, that genetically engineered food ingredients where antibiotic resistant genes (ARMs) and microbes such as ecoli are manipulated into those same ingredients are safe and effective and that adding toxic industrial fluoride waste to drinking water is a safe and effective way of eliminating caries etc… Indeed, and under the pretense that decisions made with respect to the use of all of the above is better left up to them and not the parent.
These are crazy times.
Expo West was just cancelled the day before it was scheduled to start. 80,000 people attend that massive international food expo in Anaheim. Tens of millions spent for the huge show. Huge displays erected. This is mass hysteria.
Hard to believe.
Total over reaction.
A handful of immune compromised people die from Covid 19. When 16,000 people died of the flu just this year. This is the biggest emotional overreaction I have ever seen.
To get a prospective. The flu kills 43 people day. Covid 19 ( so far ) kills one per month. ( average numbers to get perspective ) I no
No one is thinking. People must subconsciously know or think that their immune systems are totally shot.
Drink up your raw milk Kefir. Build that immunity!
“The ability of consumers to purchase whole, less processed and unprocessed foods as a nutritional tool to encourage prevention of disease, and strengthen immunity through gut micro biome diversity,”
As of three hours ago, this became official National Farmers Union policy. It was verified by vote of the entire membership of NFU at the annual convention in Savannah Georgia.
Yours truly wrote it and got it passed the NFU policy committee then to the floor for a vote.
There was a battle on the floor. Certain states delegates did not want any part of this policy. Looking at the delegates really gave them away. They were the highest risk in the room and clearly the most immune compromised.
One of their arguments was: we just don’t want this kind of new science in our policy book.
Speechless ?. What do I say? Science deniers? We had a post grad Botany and Biologist / farmer on our side. the good old boys on the other.
“News Media Attacks Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 Coronavirus”
“..,the naysayers are too late. Vitamin C is already being used to prevent and treat COVID-19 in China and in Korea. And it is working.”
‘Living Proof’ 60 Minutes: Swine Flu and Cancer Cured with Cheap Vitamin C
Can anyone answer this question?
Why doesn’t the flu get as much attention as Coronavirus. The flu had killed 16,000 this year, the Coronavirus is weak and has nnot reached a dozen yet. Appears to be effecting those with compromised immunity and the aged. Why did congress just come up with $8 billion dollars for this weak virus when the flu is a massive threat?
Is this a pharma profit thing?
Is this a hysteria thing?
I don’t get it.
Mark, this one’s for you (apologies to anyone that might be offended, it’s called satire)
David, feel free to delete if deemed inapropriate.
High Alert Spring Health Threat
Scientists are warning of a bad tick season for the spring of 2020, as a newly discovered hybrid tick has been identified that is potentially 10 times more likely to infect people with a new, much more dangerous version of Lyme disease.
The new disease has been labeled “Coronatick virus,” and experts warn that extreme caution may be required as this new tick hybrid spreads, which could happen rapidly as the deer they latch onto roam in search of food with warming temperatures.
The new disease was first identified at Mass General in a patient that developed severe flu-like symptoms, and seems to be immune to existing antibiotics. People infected may have to wait up to a year until a vaccine can be developed to prevent and treat the disease.
“We were stumped when analyzing what these symptoms were but they are very similar to the common flu, only much more deadly,” said Dr. Bill Melater. “Unfortunately, it may have already spread widely before we even had any knowledge of it.”
Health authorities are advising people to wear knee high boots when walking in the woods, and checking themselves after returning home. If you find a tick on you, carefully remove it and take it to your doctor so it can be tested for the disease.
As word of this health threat gets out, be sure to get yourself some of those high boots, before shelves become empty due to public hysteria. L.L. Bean has already ramped up production sharply, to try and meet the expected growing demand. Home made protection can be temporarily achieved by wrapping your lower legs in shrink wrap.
The only good news is, that the new disease cannot be transmitted from person to person except through exchange of bodily fluids, so be careful who you kiss. An alternative is to just use kisses on the cheek instead of passionate french kissing.
Ah, so much for spring fever and romance blooming. Be careful out there.
When you refer to 16000 deaths from the flu this year do you mean the first two and half months of 2020? If so, you might want to take that figure, wherever you acquired it from, with a grain of salt. As this Request For Correction (RFC) to the CDC from Pediatrician Dr. Kenneth Stoller states, “US data on influenza deaths are false and misleading”…
Voting to usurp minority rights has no place in a just society… H.L. Mencken’s words certainly ring true with respect to the vote in Main to eliminate philosophical and religious exemptions, “Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
“Vaccine Exemptions Defeated In Maine, A New Law Dividing Parents Is Upheld”
Good article… “Tantalizing Evidence of a Brain Microbiome”
“The poetry of all life as interdependent is indeed unfolding in the hallowed halls of research science. It is becoming more and more inaccurate to vilify microorganisms as the evil “other” that invades and infects us. Through discoveries like this, we are being initiated to a new worldview that asks us to live in harmony with the natural world, to perceive our interdependence, and to end the wars we are fighting in hopes of finally one day beating those invisible assailants into submission…as they are, in fact, inextricably in us.”
I included you in the email I sent to the CDC Dr Megin Nichols. She was quoted today by NPR.
I invited her to connect with the board at RAWMI and get some current information. Her entire quote was driven by late 1800s and early 1900s story telling of the dramatic horrible dangers of raw milk. While I agree that there was a Milk Problem 100-140 years ago….we have made some progress since.
I asked her to please read up on the literature and join us in the 21st century.
Enjoy this. The LOCALISH ABC news piece is awesome. Finally a raw milk piece only 5 minutes long that is unbiased and totally awesome. It will receive 20 million views and be seen in all the airport LOCALISH viewing screens and in taxis in NY City.
We have a real food fight going on. We have kicked the bee hive. The establishment is really pissed that we are claiming that raw milk builds immunity through gut biome biodiversity and the microbiome.
People don’t freak about dying from the flu at very high rates…..then we go spend $8 billion when a dozen people die from COVID 19.
Where is our brain? Well it is following our gut. Its lost!! We have lost it. Our country has gone stupid. If we had a president that embraced science, he would have seen right through this, instead we are going to hell on the stupid immune depressed train.
Well well well. The CDC reached out to me today. I had voiced my concern that CDC Dr Nichols had
Not been referring to current peer reviewed data.
So their media relations guy called me. We will see where this goes. One thing I have learned from all this. NPR is a close partner with the CDC.
I called them on this and their lack of interest in current data and peer reviewed research.
David is getting cc on the emails.
the official figures presented show 40 confirmed cases of illness from drinking raw milk, in 3 years … utterly Infinitesimal in the big picture of the health of a country of 55 million people. Rhetorically : by comparison = there will be more than 40 cases of stomach cramps on any given day, in the Great State of California, alone, arising from worms in sushi … why not go after them if you have so much spare time on your hands? oh, that’s right. That’d be ‘racissss’
Mary thank you. Rawmi has been trying to assist in the UK. Been to several of their raw dairies and have provided some feedback both to FSA and the Raw Milk Producers Association.
We will see where this goes. You will notice the 100 Coliform Standard. That seems pretty high.
This is no surprise…
“Right now, the USDA budget exceeds the farmgate value of all the food produced in the U.S. Notice I said farmgate value… Right now, the farmgate value averages only 9 percent of the retail dollar. In other words, 9 cents of farmgate value becomes $1 at retail. That’s a big difference. That percentage has been declining steadily for decades. The single biggest reason today’s farmers are hemorrhaging financially is this issue. They no longer receive a significant portion of the retail value. To my knowledge, no one, and I mean no one on the national political stage says a peep about this issue.
5 minute mini-presentation video = Sally Fallon speaking at Pacific Rim college in Victoria last summer
… raw milk is “white blood”
Hey all you raw milk producers. I found a new technology to test Campylobacter.
Techlabs became FDA apprised for its rapid campy test last year.
Less than $10 and less than 30 minutes with a very high accuracy and sensitivity. The gamier rate on culture confirmed Campy is 30%. This test is far more accurate in the 95% level. No culture enrichment required. No reader complete kit is self contained. On farm quick and cheap. It is approved for fecal samples. But off label is ok for raw milk. Slightly different dilution.
More to come. Doing some validation tests late this week at our contract lab.
In the past campy took 3 days and $40.
This is a big change up. Stay tuned.
Rawmi will pioneer this use of this testing.
I meant to say failure rate for culture campy testing is 30%.
Does this sound familiar Mark…
Mar 05, 2020, 13:27ET
In summer 2019, ICAN submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the CDC requesting “All studies relied upon by CDC to claim that the DTaP vaccine does not cause autism.”
ICAN also submitted this same request for HepB, Hib, PCV13 and IPV, as well as requesting the CDC provide studies to support the cumulative exposure to these vaccines during the first six months of life do not cause autism.
Despite months of demands, the CDC failed to produce a single specific study in response to these FOIA requests.
ICAN was therefore forced to sue the CDC in federal court, where the CDC finally conceded, in a stipulation signed by a Federal court judge, that that it has no studies to support that any of these vaccines do not cause autism.
In the stipulation, the CDC was only able to identify 20 studies:
-One relating to MMR (a vaccine ICAN did not challenge)
-Thirteen relating to thimerosal (an ingredient not in any of the vaccines ICAN queried)
-Five relating to both MMR and thimerosal
One relating to antigen (not a vaccine) exposure.
On the CDC’s list of studies was a recent review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), paid for by the CDC, which conducted a comprehensive review for studies relating to whether DTaP does or does not cause autism. The result was that the IOM could not identify a single study to support that DTaP does not cause autism. Instead, the only relevant study the IOM could identify found an association between DTaP and autism.
In other words, the CDC listed a review in response to the FOIA requests that proves that there are no studies to support that DTaP does not cause autism.
The campy testing technology will take some time to validate. It is not sensitive enough. Fecal samples are very high bacteria count. Where raw milk counts are very low.
The system that Techlabs has engineered is designed for very high bacteria counts
So we are going to work with some researchers at UC Davis to adjust the sensitivity. To allow for campy in milk.
The technology is here. We just need to adjust a bit.