
I fought the law and the law won, I fought the law and the law won.
from song by The Bobby Fuller Four, 1965
Prosecutors like to make a statement about the importance of a particular criminal case by coming up with as many felony charges as possible against the accused criminal. The more felony charges they come up with, the more significant the case in this line of thinking, and further evidence they are doing the job the public hired them to do.
So, prosecutors in the case against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev listed 30 different felony counts against him. I noted the number, because four years ago, when Ventura County prosecutors went after former Rawesome Food Club owner James Stewart, they listed 37 felony counts.
True, the charges against Tsarnaevthat he used bombs to kill peoplewere a bit more serious than those against Stewart, and the Marathon Bomber will get a minimum of life imprisonment. The charges against Stewart mostly had to do with alleged securities law violations and fraud, growing out of the acquisition of the Healthy Family Farms land acquired by Sharon Palmer back in 2008, using funds borrowed from at least seven families, some of whom were members of Rawesome, along with mortgage funds secured from a bank. Stewarts maximum potential penalty was only about 40 years of hard time.
Palmer was hit with 39 felony charges, which I suppose makes her more dangerous even than Stewart. Larry Otting, a Rawesome member who helped arrange the $1.2 million mortgage for Sharon Palmer, was saddled with a dozen charges.
The reason Im recollecting these prosecutor scores is that I spoke with James Stewart last week, and he told me that he had finally put the last of the Rawesome Food Club legal problems behind him. The price was high, though: to settle the 37 felony counts filed against him, the 68-year-old former Rawesome owner had to plead guilty to a felony, and accept three years of felony probation, meaning he’ll be forever “a convicted felon.” (Adding insult to injury, Stewart has to pay the state several thousand dollars over the three years to keep him on probation.)
It was all part of a plea dealStewart could have gone to trial and tried to prove his innocence to a jury of his peers, or he could cop a plea. This deal was actually better than one offered Stewart in 2012plead guilty to 14 of the 37 felony counts and spend six months in jail. Stewart rejected that one out of hand. (Stewart also spent four months in Ventura County jail in 2012 in connection with failing to show up for a hearing, and having his bail revoked.)
But this time, he decided the jig was up. If I didnt plead guilty to one felony from 37, they could have convicted me of 37 and sent me away for from 15 to 20 years, Stewart told me. Also weighing on him was the reality that he couldnt afford the $100,000 to $300,000 in legal fees necessary for a full trial.
So Stewart pleaded guilty to one count of grand theft (from Rabobank, the bank that loaned the money for Palmers farm). It was take-it-or-leave it, he says. Rabo never filed a complaint against me, he says. A Rabo employee who testified at a pretrial hearing said she had never even seen me. Indeed, no one in the case, including the prosecutor, could associate Stewart with much of anything associated with the people who loaned money to Palmer, except suggesting to a few that they consider helping Palmer out so she could buy the farm. Stewart says he tried to convince the prosecutor of the craziness of the charge he was pleading guilty to, but the prosecutor was adamanttake it or leave it.
Actually, the likelihood of Stewart being convicted of 37 counts by a jury were very slim. But the grim reality of such a situation is that a jury can find you innocent of 36 counts, and convict you on one, and then the judge, who likely isnt pleased you chose a jury trial and tied up his court for days and days, can send you to jail for two or three years on the one conviction. And that is the real reason the prosecutors often file so many charges–to intimidate defendants into making a plea deal, and giving the prosecutors another notch on their holsters.
In the meantime, real estate mogul Larry Otting had, early in the case, made a deal with the Ventura County prosecutors to plead guilty to a single felony charge of bank fraud in excess of $500,000, in exchange for testifying against Stewart and/or Palmer in the event a trial took place. He is scheduled to be sentenced sometime in early June, and is hoping the felony is reduced to a misdemeanor and that he is let off on probation.
I couldnt reach Sharon Palmer, but Otting said she is also trying to work out a deal by pleading guilty to a single count; her situation is more complicated, though, because she has had two previous convictions, one of a felony related to the sale of real estate by a company owned by her husband back in the 1990s, and then of a misdemeanor in Los Angeles in the original Rawesome case back in 2011. The prosecutors are also pressuring Palmer to sell the farm so the Rabobank can be repaid the mortgage loan; the farm has been on the market for more than a year, without selling.
The Rawesome legal mess goes back nearly five years. Los Angeles County originally filed charges connected with illegal raw milk sales against the Rawesome ThreeStewart, Palmer, and Victoria Bloch (a Weston A. Price Foundation local leader who worked for Palmer) in 2011 after Rawesome was raided for a second time in two years by local, state, county, and federal agents. The three eventually pleaded out, settling for small fines.
The Ventura County affair turned into a different animal, however. The county didnt want to let go, even after Palmer paid back the seven families that had loaned her several hundred thousand dollars.
I chronicle the entire affair in my book, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Food Rights, including the dispute within Rawesome over whether Sharon Palmer was supplying the food club with eggs raised commercially. This dispute led to a major falling out between Stewart and the late Aajonus Vonderplanitz, a nationally known raw food advocate.
Did the law win against Stewart and the other Rawesome-connected people caught up in this official excess? Technically, Ventura County comes out the victor, having used State power and money to legally beat Stewart, Palmer, and Otting into submission. But morally, ethically, and especially historically, Id say the law lost. Just look at the food rights landscape today, and you have to say that Ventura County, and any other locale in the country would have a hard time mounting the assault on law-abiding citizens that Ventura County (and earlier, Los Angeles County) mounted against the Rawesome people. California prosecutors have apparently made clear to California regulators they dont want to go after state dairy farmers selling raw milk via herd shares. In Illinois, the situation is much the same. In Minnesota, state agriculture authorities have been met with huge public resistance in their campaign even to conduct an inspection of a local dairy farmer selling raw milk. How much did the crazy messed-up Rawesome affair influence other prosecutors? Likely a good deal.
So, Id say in the Ventura County case against Stewart, not only didnt he break the law, but the law lost.
Mister Stewart the rest of us who took on the Powers-that-Be, did NOT set out to break the laws to do with REAL MILK in order to test them. Rather, we proceeded in good faith to do something of great benefit for our kinsmen … the very opposite of the criminal mentality.
thank you, David Gumpert, for applying your talents + time to the books, explaining how unspeakably perverted the IN-justice system is. One of these days when you’re looking for another topic for a good book, I urge you to contact Conrad Black … his experience is a classic morality lesson : one of the “princes” who ruled Canada, he spent 3years in a US prison. Quite amusing to read what he has to say about the legal racket, with that special perspective!
My hat is off to James Stewart … a magnificent example of why we do what we do. God Bless you, James for standing in the gap and taking the “lumps”. I recommend the Book of Job … you seldom hear anyone talk about its happy ending.
John Remington Graham, a former professor of law, who has served as both a public defender and a public prosecutor, has spoke with their aunt , Maret Tsarnaeva, one of the few speaking the truth about their trial:
My research on the Boston bombing, which I regard as the most blatant false flag attack in history, has completely disillusioned me of any belief in the integrity of the judicial system in America .
Absolutely right, Gordon, about the song. I’ve been humming it wrong all these years! I’ve corrected it in the post.
One thing I learned from my life in America is this, when leading anything that is considered societally marginal, you had better keep your act 110% clean. Your tax filings, your accounting, your business dealings, everything you do better be spotless. Guaranteed the FDA would work with the IRS or others to incarcerate a raw milk dairyman just to make a point and create an example.
I totally agree that cops and state regulators have lost much of their clout. When CDFA approached local county district attorneys, the DA’s refused to play ” raw milk police for the state”.
So….it appears that the police state and its powers have weakened. Observing the video of recent cases of violent police brutality and shootings of unarmed citizens exposes the facts. Some cops are simply dirty filthy animals that have serious mental illness. Yes…true sickos that used to get away with their murder and abuse by false documentation and spineless supervisors and support from the Blue Line of fellow police that would support violent abuse.
I am so happy to see that technology has evolved to allow the power of video be placed in the hands of common people. The truth now exposes police abuse. This abuse is just the public portion of the deeper corruption with in government. America is now facing the facts and police powers are now being questioned. The pendulum of power swings back towards the people. In Fresno just a few weeks ago, the assistance police chief was indicted for drug sales and huge corruption.
As the old saying goes….power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Cops have lost much of their power and now wear camaras. Soon, bad cops will be fired…watch this happen. It is a matter of time.
We are winning….but the cost has been high. The Internet, documentaries, good books, legally compliant raw milk are leading the way for others.
Mark, thanks for the correction on Rabobank. I’ve corrected the post. And also for making the connection to law enforcement issues perking around us. We’re getting an education into the true extent of police brutality via the videos. Next to perk may be these prosecutor tactics of making it nearly impossible for defendants to defend themselves as intended by the U.S. Constitution.
For a paycheck…for a promotion, for recognition?? To advance a carreer?
I have not yet seen price suction of those procesuters that with held evidence that would have freed the innocent!!
Is it that positions of power attract tragic sicko personalities ? Society must adopt new morsl rules to vet those that are cloaked with authority and power.The Police, district attorneys, judges all must be filtered by protocols to assure that their intent is pure, constructive, driven by forgiveness, altruism and true service.
One must ask….what is it about carrying of a badge and gun that attracts those that has interest in carrying a badge and a gun….is it interest in flashing that badge and shooting that gun….? I have seen the best of police and the worst. Society must take an active role in limiting police powers and selection of who they let be police.
This goes for the dairy inspectors and their bosses as well.
The problem is this….society has become so complacent and lazy. Juries fail to set presidents that adjust the standards and morals. They just trust the police reports. Now we find out that police reports are simply..” CYA reports” and “piled on” long lists of felony charges are simply fear and intimidation tactics to drown people’s lives, force compliance and cover the misconduct of the police and enforcement agencies.
Video now exposes it all and the truth is so ugly and so far from what society imagined was going on that change must now happen and it is. Video has changed dairy raids and dairy enforcement …we have seen this.
The police reports are so filled with lies that society is literally in shock. Times they are a changin!! Thank you Steve Jobs….your gifts continue long after your passing. Truth and a better democracy may be coming ….at least I pray it is.
Apathy certainly does play a role in allowing for the current depraved behavior to continue, i.e. the abuse of justice and human rights. So, what is it about society that allows it to become so complacent?
Clearly Robert F Kennedy Jr. has his moral values, which prompt him to recognize and address deception and injustice at the various government, media, corporate and judicial levels. Rand Paul has his as well. Yet both of them are having one hell of a hard time gaining any traction for their cause as far as it concerns those people administering the above institutions.
What moral values do you think are currently being used to vet, the media, police, district attorneys, judges, and dairy inspectors etc.? It certainly doesnt appear to be the Judeo Christian values that served as the bases for the United States constitution. Indeed, Steve Jobs technology will only be of lasting value if people recognize their true Devine root, which your constitution so eloquently states.
The trouble with cops wearing cameras is that I think they just turn them off when it’s inconvenient for them. Private citizens with phone cameras, etc., are going to be the saving grace.
The line up of speakers on the panel was impressive and included: Dr. Tanya Altmann MD, a mom that has a Baby and Me work out club, a naturopathic nutritionist, a Gardner that focuses on getting kids to dig in the dirt and grow food, an expert on child rearing and birthing. Wow!! And lastly….little old me….the only guy in the line up and an organic raw milk producer.
Each speaker spoke about various issues that surround children and parenting. A major emphasis hit right at home….the immune system and the critical role of whole unprocessed food nutrition and exposure to sun & good dirt!!
I knew I had the loving admiration and support of all the panelists when there was a consensus that kids needed to play out in the sunshine and get in the dirt!!! Yes…the dirt and eat some even!!! They even said….eat some bacteria in the dirt!!!!
I invited them all to our annual Camping with the Cows event May 23rd to really get some good organic dirt and actually see a farm that makes all products on siite. The response was great.
Ok…I am holding out on you all…the huge thing that happened was a real shocker to me…but no one else noticed except for me. Dr. Altmann, is the official spokes person and media speaker for the APA. The American Pediatrics Association….the same docs that officially wanted all raw milk banned nationally in late 2013. The group that I sent a letter to in complaint!!! Here she is sitting next to me having a great conversation about children’s immunity, raw milk, gut function and breast feeding!
I had a few minutes to really chat with Dr. Altmann and she even came to the opdc tasting booth and downed some OPDC raw milk. We talked about our Test & Hold rapid pathogen detection program and the differences between pasteurized milk and raw milk…she was all ears! She said she really liked seeing that the products had been tested before release among lots of other very nice things.
Dr. Tanya Altmann, ( UCLA trained fellow in pediatrics ) even worked for the California Milk Board as an official medical spokesman and has held extremely high level medical media spokesman positions! She is the mainstream media “go to doc” for official positions and advice about all things for kids and foods and kids. See http://Www.drtanya.com for more about her work and her blog.
After we discussed the different kinds of raw milk and even spoke about RAWMI and RAMP plans with testing results posted on line….she really warmed up…and maybe became a bit swept away.
Why do I say swept away? Because Dr. Altmann has left her big city practice of pediatrics to start a healthy child practice with home calls…a socalled Concierge Medical Practice that emphasizes nutrition and prevention as well as intervention for illness. At this event today, Tanya was surrounded by a whole new world of enlightened moms that know better and embrace raw milk…the swift social and very conscious current swept her away literally. This was a whole new world for her… far removed from the FDA dogma and national APA policies dictated by 100 years of bacteria hatred and love of pharma and antibiotics.
I even got a really nice picture with Tanya with her drinking some OPDC raw milk.
I do not want to put words into her mouth…one nice chat and a day on one Moms Club speakers panel does not make her a supporter of even the safest raw milk….but it was a fantastic start to a “detente with the APA” and perhaps she will know better about safe raw milk when she speaks about raw milk in the future. She did say that moms share with her that they feed their kids raw milk and she did not really know that much about it and it generally caused her to be concerned. Now she does know a whole lot more..I loaded her up with great information and most of all she heard it loud and clear from a bunch of moms that she hopes to have as clients…that they love raw milk and that their kids thrive on it! This was a big wake up call for her. At least I think it was. The Berlin Wall was taken down piece by piece and it took some time and the APA will not change their political positions and alliances overnight.
I did invite her to our Camping with the Cows event…she has several kids and I think they would love it.
What a great day!!! Wow….I am really impressed by these events.
Show up, stand up and speak up. Never know who you might educate !!
Truer words were never spoken and sharp even by Gordon and then we are gone without warning.
I know it’s a heavy weight Mark but you are my hero of sorts and I don’t mean a sub sandwich. Glad to hear it’s being heard. I bet you too could write a good book too. Fly on and don’t crash it would shatter us all conspiracy theorists.
Watch and listen, really listen It will be enlightenining.
I personally attended 25-30 Boston Marathons in the80s and 90s and liked it way better when there were NO barriers so you could sit on the sidewalk and clap until your hands were raw cheering on runners that were practically dieing and burning last fumes, police were just a small nuisance on horses that wished they were somewhere else. Road apples galore.
THAT is a very good question, and one many of us have been wondering for some time – like, say, 30 years or so now? The POlice are everywhere they’re NOT needed, but never around when they’re supposed to be (if you actually want them around, that is – people are getting to the point where they’d rather not deal with cops). This whole business of “if you see something, say something” is pure bull puckey. We’ve become a paranoid nation of gossips. Reminds me of the old Norman Rockwell photo called “The Gossip” – – and ain’t it the dyin’ truth. Look up the photo and you’ll see what I mean, it’s pretty self-explanatory.
Naw, just more asses showing their stupidity.
Perhaps it is the laws that they are told to enforce? If you don’t like the laws, work to change them.
Or perhaps the idiots and criminals are coming out of the woodwork? I’ve seen idiots antagonize not only cops, innocent bystanders.
I’ve read comments that cops are too busy going after petty stuff…if it’s MY petty stuff they are stealing, then hell yes, I want the cops to get them and yes, I would prosecute.
Sadly, the current society appears to think everything should be handed to them on a platter and they don’t have to be accountable. Seems, for each person who doesn’t want a cop around, there is someone who does.
The media distorts things so much they are no better than those rags at the check outs in the grocery stores.
Take away the law and this country would sink into cesspits like these hot spots; http://www.warsintheworld.com/?page=static1258254223
When some drug addict followed my daughter to the front door, a female cop stayed with her until my son got there (I was in another state).
When the wheel broke on my moms wheelchair in downtown Sacramento, the horse cop got off his horse and picked mom up and put her in the car. When we had the intruders, in Dallas, the cops were great.
If you are only having run ins with bad cops, I would wonder why is that? And if they are bad cops what are you doing to change that?
Life is full of choices.
Ken Conrad
I’ve already responded to him personally, but wanted to acknowledge it for all to see, to show how passionate he really is about safe, raw milk. If I’ve interpreted correctly what he told me, I’m on the right track, and just need to continue what I’m doing. Eventually, the milk will be used for raw milk aged cheese (currently being made into fresh cheese with pasteurized milk), so knowing my numbers now will help in the not too distant future.
Mark, please feel free to verify this for me. If I get the actual copies, I’ll send those to back up the numbers I sent. I’ve already explained why I can’t send the ones I have now (don’t want anyone getting mad at me for doing so). I also need to get the last handful of milk checks, because they will show the consistency as well. Thanks again.
My comments to you were private, but since you shared, yes….your numbers are really good. As I shared with you the trick is to be consistent between testing samples. Testing once per month tells you whst happened 1/30th of the time. It is the other 29 days that we wonder about. These other 29 days are managed by RAMP plans to assure that practices during all of the days of the month match testing day.
Your numbers are really good….coliforms at 1 and SPC at 2000, with SCC at 69,000… That’s awesome!! If it makes sense to you, you are invited to apply to RAWMI for Listing. If test data is important to you and development of a plan to make your numbers consistently rock solid…RAWMI is for you. Thanks for reaching out to me.
This book makes me wonder what has happened to American Journalism.
When Silent Spring was published back in the early 60’s the story finally got out about the problems with pesticides. Why not now in the case of GMO’s?
Apparently the media refuses to tell the full story about GMO’s.
For the same reasons invasive, toxic methodologies such as vaccines spawned came about ARROGANT SELF-SERVING TWISTED TRUTH!!!
Yes, your comments were private, but I mentioned some time ago about my numbers (as least what was being tested before I went ‘offline’ for a bit), and was questioned by a few here at TCP. At that time, I was still new to what went on in the ‘raw milk’ world. I will keep in touch personally, because I have other questions for you concerning RAWMI, and listing. I know it might not make sense to you, but keeping up my quality makes for an even better finished product, even though the intended use won’t be raw fluid consumption.
Test data is, and always has been important to me. I have plenty of old milk checks from when I first got involved in dairy, and I have looked over them many times to show how fairly consistent things have been from then to up until last year. I’m now in the process of fine tuning everything to keep it that way. By knowing where coliform counts are for example (and the maximum allowed for raw milk in CA), I know what to look for to prevent a potential problem.
“a troubled agency, a cesspool of corruption” … hopelessly corrupt and dysfunctional. says Robt. F Kennedy Jr
By Catherine J Frompovich : from the Activist Post
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an attorney-at-law, author, and vaccine investigator, spoke before the New Jersey State legislature regarding the oppressive bill that was introduced to do away with religious exemptions for mandatory vaccinations for children in that state. However, before Kennedys presentation, he addressed the media with a dissertation that everyone in the USA needs to hear, especially every legislative body at any level of governance and, particularly, regulatory agencies dealing with health, healthcare and vaccines/vaccinations.
Kennedy explained that he is not against vaccinations per se, and his six children all are vaccinated. His vaccine research began because of his work with educating about mercury contamination from coal burning power plants. At the lectures he would give, mothers would tell him about mercury being injected into their children via vaccines, and that he should investigate what that mercury does to kids, since many of them told of their childrens health problems after being vaccinated.
That was the beginning of his research, which ended in his book, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak.
As a result of all the research his team did, he came to the conclusion the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a cesspool of corruption and a sock puppet for the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry! As matter of fact, these are his exact words: “a troubled agency, in fact, a cesspool of corruption.” Its pervasive and hopelessly corrupt and dysfunctional. Based upon that, Kennedy contends that no one should be mandated to take vaccines because the science cannot be trusted.
It looks like I cut off part of the link when I pasted it. Here is the complete address.
April 13, 2015 4:29 PM
I will be speaking on our Test & Hold program, rawmi stuff, in addition to touching on kids immunity and gut health. This is going on the 5th week that Claravale has been down and it really reinforces the notion of planned raw milk food safety systems. It also really reinforces the idea that a community of raw milk producers is better than going it alone. In a community there are so many more resources to out reach to and depend upon. Our Test & Hold program would not have happened if not for Edwin and his Test & Hold program, Penn State research and use of milk filter testing, and the work of Dr. Berge and many others.
Raw milk takes a team and a community….in fact, raw milk is a community!!
I’m very much looking forward to the Take Back Your Health conference. There are going to be lots of great speakers (besides Gary, you, and me). I encourage those in the L.A. area this weekend to try to stop in.
Very painful to see what is happening to Claravale.
We are getting calls from Claravale customers that are totally frustrated by the 100% information black out and no answers at the Claravale website. “It is as if Claravale does not exist” one person told me. They refuse to answer their phones!!??
If I was Claravale, I would be talking to my customers and staying engaged 100%. I would also be engaging a full-on 911RAMP rescue plan to figure out exactly where the Campy is coming from. Testing milk filters and also testing each and every one of the cows to figure out if it is Campy Mastitis.
I just hate to see Claravale out of this market….we need everyone healthy, safe and producing raw milk. We do not need operations that are operating under complete radio silence and languishing under extended shut downs. Just sayin….
sometimes, never come back so enjoy them now
I hear you.
A raw milk producer is very much a public entity. It is living brand that consumers trust and rely upon. When a raw milk producer leaves and does not leave behind a story,… consumers wonder what the heck happened. Right now…Claravale consumers wonder what the heck happened.
And what if someone comes a-calling? Do they have the gates closed and locked?
Someone please explain what this means. I am reading that the samples were positive YET no illnesses associated with the milk… And again, ONLY 5 are supposedly sick form the milk and 100s if not 1000s drink it. What is wrong with those peoples immune system?
If they keep the farm shut down long enough, the farmer looses so much money they cannot recoup and closes permanently. What a tactic.
And now onto the growing season! Bring on the sun
According to good friends at the CDC….there are more than 2 million campy cases per year. Other sources say up to 8 million cases per year and 98% of all retail chicken has a positive test for campy.
Two things really feel unjust with regards to raw milk and campy:
State tests take nearly a week to return results. PCR BAX tests come back in 48 hours, but the state does not use these fast tests. They instead use very slow tests that makes the pain of a recall extreme. All that a producer needs is two tests back to back for reinstatement. If each of those tests take week…that is discriminatory and true torture. A torture not endured by chicken that is sold with known near 100% contamination with the same campy.
Recalls are one way that the state suppresses raw milk that is for sure. Even if there are no illnesses….if a random bug is found….a recall is initiated.
On another note it states, For fifty years, antibiotics have been used to treat food-borne bacterial infections. They are also added to animal feed as growth promoters. The exposure of bacteria to antibiotics over the years has resulted in the selection of resistant types. Illness will not be so easily controlled by antibiotics in future, as resistance genes spread geographically and between bacterial species without human intervention. This comes at a time when ideas and biochemical possibilities for replacement antibiotics seem to be in short supply.
In Canada, there is an additional concern. The number of older and immuno-compromised people in the population, who are most susceptible to food-borne illness, is increasing. Thus, we have the daunting situation that new and virulent pathogens continue to arise against which neither the immune system nor antibiotics are effective.
While the implementation of HACCP (Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Points) is very important, alone it is not enough. In order to protect Canadian food, the industry, and consumers, the development of non-antibiotic therapies to hold the line against emerging pathogens is urgently needed. The suppression of pathogens in animal reservoirs will be critical. It is not an unreasonable long-term objective to control human pathogens, like Salmonella, Campylobacter, and EHEC, in farm livestock. Emphasis in brackets mine
In other words what they are saying is that, Past attempts to control microbes have failed, and because of those attempts, we have made the problem worse. Indeed we have nurtured a predicament whereby we now have to backtrack and attempt to make amends for what we should have been doing all along, i.e. learning to live in harmony with the microbial world.
I only wish!
Unfortunately they and tptb have not relinquished their attempts to manipulate and control. They are still more or less stuck in that persistent, unrelenting mode. Their continued drive to inject more and more toxic vaccines into every man, woman, child and animal is a case in point. Their ongoing and increasing use of immune disrupting herbicides and pesticides is another.
And as far as their recognition of the value of probiotics is concerned, although it is a step in the right direction, one can only hope they do not adopt it as a gimmick to further emphasize their obsession with control. Their comments however suggesting that probiotics represent, One way that pathogens might be controlled in future, or that, This knowledge is essential for the logical development and patenting of novel probiotic bacteria, is not reassuring.
I couldnt agree more however with this next comments, which is indeed the piece de la resistance with respect to all life forms including how we rear our calves and raise our children. Indeed, one could more or less substitute the word calf or child with chick, Under natural conditions, the gut microbial community of a free-range chick develops rapidly from the time of hatching. The chick is soon infected with bacteria from its mother, fellow chickens and the environment. Contrast the chick reared under commercial conditions, there being no contact with older birds. Hatched under near-sterile conditions, fed antibiotics, brooded in clean barns disinfected to control pathogens, where is the chance for a young chick to meet eligible bacteria and develop a healthy meaningful relationship? Deprivation leaves chicks more susceptible to colonization by Salmonella than perhaps luckier chicks, which are naturally or artificially inoculated with probiotic bacteria.
Suppression of pathogens is a fantasy harbored by a few that just don’t know better even if they know a lot. Knowledge is very selective depending on your choices or those made for you by others with ulterior motives that aren’t yours or mine.
Sometimes you just have to step back and take a new perspective outlook or inlook one can only hope that those in control will influence fellow chickens to meaningful relationship with the rest of the world.
We need to force trphe use of rapid testing technologies that are FDA approved.
As far as campy mastitis is concerned…not cheap. It is $72 for one PCR BAX test and it takes 2 days ( 48 hours ) Not sure how a per cow protocol would be set up.