The first significant outbreak of illness from raw milk this century occurred in late 2005 from milk produced by a small dairy in Washington state, Dee Creek Dairy. At least 18 people, most of them children, were sickened by E.coli O157:H7, and a few were hospitalized.

As state test results pointed the finger at Dee Creek over a period of several weeks, one party remained firmly in denial. Sally Fallon-Morell, founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, wrote a lengthy article in 2006 in which she pointed at a number of other potential culprits to explain the illnesses among customers at Dee Creek. There was a mysterious “presence of a car parked across the street of the pickup house. A driver sat behind the steering wheel,” according to Fallon-Morell The car drove off about 20 minutes after being spotted by a Dee Creek customer.
The Ecoli O157:H7 might have come from other sources besides the raw milk, she speculated. “Just two months before the Dee Creek incident, in September 2005, E. coli O157:H7 was found in water samples in a north Spokane water district, prompting a health alert.”
She speculated further that the “ultimate source of the virulent Ecoli strains could well be genetically engineered soy, created by using fragments of E. coli micro-organisms as a vector for gene insertion, fragments….”
I was reminded of this long-ago example by an announcement that Fallon-Morell is co-author of a new book (with Thomas Cowan, a physician) also based heavily on denial: It’s called “The Contagion Myth,” and it argues that Covid-19 isn’t caused by a virus, but rather by 5G wireless networks.
But they don’t stop there—they also insist that the Spanish Flu of 1918, which killed about 50 million people worldwide, also wasn’t caused by a virus. They don’t let the fact that there was no 5G wireless stop them; in a web post, they say: “Scientists from the U.S. Public Health Service were never able to prove that the Spanish Flu of 1918—which burst on the scene with the worldwide rollout of radio towers–was contagious…” So how did the Black Plague get going in the 1300s, electromagnetic rays from the sun?
The whole thing is so outlandish that Amazon has refused to sell the book. Fallon-Morell complains about “censorship,” but likely the issue for Amazon is not wanting to put out blatantly false information.
For me, the discouraging thing about Fallon-Morell’s book is much the same as for her position on the Dee Creek illnesses: the endless denial of reality and basic science.
Some might argue that it’s wise to be skeptical of government scientists, and I can go with that, but there is a big difference between skepticism and denial. I’ve expressed lots of skepticism on this blog about declarations from the CDC and FDA about the dangers of raw milk, but I accept the basic truth that raw milk can make people very sick. Many others appreciate this distinction, which is why the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) has achieved acceptance and helped improve raw dairy safety protocols.
But total denial is a refusal to accept much of reality—especially unpleasant reality– regardless of the evidence. So we have denials of institutional racism, of mass deaths from the Holocaust, of mass school shootings, of Russian disinformation to upset the 2016 presidential election, of the theory of evolution, etc., etc.
Yet many of the same people who deny such events and occurrences embrace conspiracy theories for which there is little or no substantive evidence. Many of these people have lately come together into a cult, known as QAnon, which preaches, among other things, that Donald Trump is leading a secret effort to eradicate a worldwide pedophilia ring run by liberals, and that the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax designed to get government infectious disease scientist Anthony Fauci rich. Curiously, it has attracted support from a number of food-rights activists who used to be active in WAPF and often commented on this blog. One of them is Ann Marie Michaels, best known as Cheese Slave, who does periodic updates on the QAnon cult on YouTube.
About half a dozen other food rights activists have unfriended me on Facebook over the last few months when I took issue with some of their conspiracy theories. For example, QAnon people made a big stink several weeks back about a French movie, “Cuties.” They wanted Netflix to ban it because they argued it was “soft-core pedophilia.” When I argued on one food rights activist’s Facebook page that “Cuties” appeared from its trailer to be a creative look at how a bunch of poor 11-year-old girls strive to become popular, she unfriended me for endorsing pedophilia. (I don’t want to name her or others who have unfriended me, because they haven’t publicly declared their commitment to Qanon like Ann Marie has. Suffice it to say that selecting pedophilia as your main cause sets up a dynamic where anyone who takes issue with you on anything must favor pedophilia; who wants to argue with that?)
The whole subject of denial and cults is, of course, tied up in the unsettled political and social scenes playing out in American life. But I find it curious that people who were once outspoken about food rights and are outraged by Facebook and Twitter crackdowns on misinformation are increasingly subsumed by the expanding conspiracy theories put forth by cults like Qanon and endorse banning a not-especially-noteworthy movie).
More fundamentally, I suspect the growing attraction of denial and cults has to do with the emotional difficulty increasing numbers of people are having accepting the reality of change—ever-faster technological change, social change, scientific change, political change. So people escape these realities by embracing delusions like those offered by QAnon, which at their most basic amount to a desire for a super (cult) leader to tell them what to do. In political terms, it’s the lure of fascism.
I haven’t unfriended you on Facebook. LOL. Thanks for highlighting SFM’s interpretation of Dee Creek. Some many believed this BS.
David,Mary, Dr Cat, I so totally agree with you. The long list of outright cult like issues are abhorrent! They are an affront to common intelligence and basic morals.
My wife and I have considered moving to another country but then because of our love of America decided that true patriots stay and dedicate themselves to education and grounded solid truth.
Qanon, Trumpism, Fascism,Cultism, denialism, blamism, greedism,
When Hard core Trump supporters say that they will follow Trump even if they get sick or die! That is pure Jim Jones cultism and that is cyanide laced cool-aide.
My question Is this. When will one of our great scientists study this human failing and figure out why seemingly normal healthy people Believe such incredibly stupid things.
Chem trails is my favorite. Anyone with a third grade education knows that all air temps above 18,000 feet are freezing and jet fuels when burned make C02 moisture and gases. Those gasses freeze and make ice. Hence jet exhaust makes an ice particle trail in the sky. Yet…so many of our WAP type customers believe our government is spraying us to death.
There is good news. With Covid, there is a lot less spraying. The jets are grounded lol ?!!!! I have to laugh….to keep from crying.
Dr Cat, it is so sad to see mass hypnosis and 35% of a once great country coming to its knees. I am ashamed that our honor and leadership in the world has been greatly reduced.
The good news is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are grounded ethical moral
And smart leaders. Hope is near and we will begin to rebuilt our once proud nation and it’s people. They will build back better.
Scares the hell out of me that 35% of our citizens are so susceptible to the culture of cults.
There is something there. I am over joyed that 65% know better and are voting in droves.
Mark, your sanity on these issues has started to renew my faith in real food folks. So many seem to have gone over to the dark side. I was shocked this spring when AnnMarie texted me a photo of herself in a MAGA hat. I heard from a friend that she was affiliated with QAnon, quickly found the “discussion” group she hosted on Facebook (until they were banned and now are apparently on Parler), and was incredulous to find her husband also embraced that toxic nonsense. I went back and reread her account of the implosion of VGN and it occurred to me that going through that kind of financial crisis and personal trauma can tip people over the edge to where they embrace stuff that has no foundation just because it seems to explain something or sometimes just because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
I was shocked to learn tonight, reading David’s blog, that WAPF was refusing to cooperate with mask-wearing protocols at their annual convention. I long ago started to realize Sally was a bit nuts, when she came out as so anti-Paleo a few years ago. I learned a lot from WAPF initially, but felt uncomfortable with the personality cult it has become.
Speaking of which, to anyone who hasn’t read it, I highly, highly recommend The Cult of Trump by Steven Hassan. It’s truly eye-opening and much broader than just the topic of Trump, but I learned a lot about his background I didn’t know before. It also made me realize how very prone to cults American society is. It’s not just in religion, but business, self-improvement, and politics.
I’m glad to see this discussion. I haven’t been here for a long time. I’ve been a follower of Weston A. Price Foundation and Price Pottinger Foundation for over 20 years. I restricted where I went for health information and what discussions I would get into after the blow up with WAPF over the fermented cod liver oil issue. There seemed to be so much criticism without logical thought and what I would consider valid proof. For example l tried Green Pastures products and did not see superior results to anything else so I stopped buying it after a few orders. On the other hand I was not convinced that the lab results “proving” the oil was rancid were valid if the lab wouldn’t put it’s name on the results. I don’t necessarily go along with everything WAPF says, although the work of certain authors seemed to me to be very authoritative, like Chris Masterjohn.
Soft sciences seem to have a real problem in being able to stick to what reality really is. I think food bloggers should all have to take a course in logic, propaganda and inductive and deductive reasoning to help distinguish what is really fact and help to know what is going on in the world. Yes it is true we get lied to by doctors, scientists, the government etc. and depending how young, or old you were when you first realized you were being lied to, the level of disillusionment and despair can be very crippling, especially if you don’t find anyone else for a long time who will admit the emperor has no clothes.
I think most conspiracy theories are are someone’s attempt to manipulate people to get them to do something or get something out of them. However, there are exceptions, such as the death of JFK and we have proof that for centuries that there have been policies to exterminate Black or Native Americans. But once your world view is shattered, when you realize the government, your teachers, whoever has been lying to you, it opens up the possibility that anything could be true. You don’t know what to believe. Follow the money. That’s one good adage. Add to that power and prestige. Try telling that to a Trumpster though, his followers are the ones he uses the most. Those people are scary crazy.
I was a member of the Santa Monica Chapter of WAPF when Victoria Bolch-Coulter and Holly Greenwood were leaders and got excellent instruction in food preparation. That’s where I met Ann Marie. I read her blog for several months around the cod liver oil issue and it was actually reading her blog that forced me to limit what I was going to read from food bloggers in the future. People posted things on her website that could have been gossip and were repeated as truth. Things were repeated there that I know were blown out of proportion from what was posted. I couldn’t trust what I read. Besides, there were a lot of just very angry, vindictive rants.
A few months ago I was just wondering if she was still around and decided to check out her blog. I was shocked to find out she was a Qanon activist, but after thinking about it a bit I realized it made a lot of sense. I’ve seen that in general food bloggers are sloppy about what they write and how they think. They see something written somewhere they repeat it without checking to see it it’s true, and they may even twerk the meaning so the information is different from what the original author meant. They don’t often get into more complicated subjects so I might just make a short comment if they say, for example, making jerky ferments the meat, when it actually dehydrates it removing the water so bacteria can’t grow.
Some people don’t like hearing they did something wrong. I would want to know. I think for some people its more comfortable to be in a group where they’re all in it together, all see everything the same way, and they don’t try to find out what’s happening and don’t want to know anything different from what they think is going on because they want they think is going on to be an excuse for what they’re doing.
I read what Ann Marie wrote about the peace activist from Buffalo and it was all wrong. She made so many sweeping generalizations and false assumptions, but what she wants to think is going on there fits into her world view. It’s easier to find a way to interpret reality so that it fits your world view, it’s much more comforting. . It’s also incredibly arrogant and feels very powerful to think that you know what’s going on in all situations. It’s uncomfortable, but sometimes you just have to admit you don’t know what’s going on in a situation. There’s a saying, “A lie flys around the world before the truth can put its pants on.” Unless I decide to get into some in depth study of Qanon people I won’t be going back to that blog.
Seriously, you disparage Dr Cowan and the Price Foundation? What? Have you even investigated anything? If you have, you wouldn’t show such amazing idiocy as you write in this blog.
David, They are all turning on you. How dare you question SFM and her followers!! I totally get what you are saying. Some of the prominent health experts I have followed for years, I am now questioning their judgement with COVID. They are so antiestablishment I don’t believe they can discern facts from fiction regarding COVID. Some of them are sounding like complete nut jobs.
As for the docs, all goes to show that in every profession there are individuals who gravitate toward extremist positions. We see it among cops, teachers, lawyers, actors/actresses…and journalists.
Not only do I disparage Dr. Cowan, so have California medical authorities. He had his license to practice medicine revoked in 2017, and is presumably still serving the 5-year probation attached to the revocation. You can read my post from 2017 here:
oh, you think that means anything? you go rocks for brains. such a useless piece of filth you are.
Cowan is not the only so-called licensed professional that SFM and WAPF have had on their board, speaking at conferences, being held up as an expert, etc. There is public-info, easily found online transcripts of court cases involving one of their frequent speakers and the individual’s unprofessional conduct while doing business (since stripped of license but still featured as a DVM). I pointed it out to SFM/WAPF when it came to light, years ago. Guess what happened to me? Yup. Banned. Shunned. Excommunicated. Disappeared.
Well, I guess cultists gotta cult. Grifters gotta grift. Liars gotta lie.
Cowan and WAPF did some good work early on, but sadly they lost credibility with me when they put profits over the truth with the fermented cod liver oil scandal. I still follow the work of Dr Price, I have read his book and just decided not to listen to someone else’s interpretation of that work. WAPF’s own greed sunk their credibility. It really made me sad because most folks will not listen to Dr Price’s work and focus on the scandal.
As a European living in Europe, I must agree with David Gumpert in his view on the current situation. The Americans, are showing that Albert Einstein was right when stating ‘There is a limit to intelligence, but not to stupidity’. It is indeed sad to see that US people that strive to obtain pure non-adultered food, will gobble down, without hesitation, the most adultered contorted opinions that they hear or read. It is sad that the food for the body is considered important, whereas the food for the brain is not. It is sad to see that people seem to couple raw wholesome food to politics. It is sad to see people deny truth of science that has been shown with very rigid scientific principles and published after very severe peer-review are considered lies, whereas posts on Twitter or social media are considered the truth.
We in Europe are watching the United States, trying to determine if the nation will sink or float. Unfortunately our opinions of USA has changed from admiration or hate to simply pity.
I had hoped that when working with raw wholesome food that I would be working with very sane stable people, but I fear that possibility has become small, as even the leader of WPA has been brain-washed by Conspiracy theories.
Thank you, Catarina. While the U.S. is the center of this neo-fascist craziness, Europe is not immune. This from a recent NYTimes article:
“Groups have sprung up from the Netherlands to the Balkans. In Britain, QAnon-themed protests under the banner of “Save Our Children” have taken place in more than 20 cities and towns, attracting a more female and less right-wing demographic.
“But it is in Germany that QAnon seems to have made the deepest inroads. With what is regarded as the largest following — an estimated 200,000 people — in the non-English-speaking world, it has quickly built audiences on YouTube, Facebook and the Telegram messenger app. People wave Q flags during protests against coronavirus measures.
“And in Germany, like in the United States, far-right activists were the first to latch on, making QAnon an unexpected and volatile new political element when the authorities were already struggling to root out extremist networks.
“There is a very big overlap,” said Josef Holnburger, a data scientist who has been tracking QAnon in Germany. “Far-right influencers and groups were the first ones to aggressively push QAnon.”
“Officials are baffled that a seemingly wacky conspiracy theory about Mr. Trump taking on a “deep state” of Satanists and pedophiles has resonated in Germany. Polls show that trust in Ms. Merkel’s government is high, while the far-right Alternative for Germany party, or AfD, has been struggling.
“I was astonished that QAnon is gaining such momentum here,” said Patrick Sensburg, a lawmaker in Ms. Merkel’s conservative party and member of the intelligence oversight committee. “It seemed like such an American thing. But it’s falling on fertile ground.”
“The mythology and language QAnon uses — from claims of ritual child murder to revenge fantasies against liberal elites — conjure ancient anti-Semitic tropes and putsch fantasies that have long animated Germany’s far-right fringe. Now those groups are seeking to harness the theory’s viral popularity to reach a wider audience.
“QAnon is drawing an ideologically incoherent mixture of vaccine opponents, fringe thinkers and ordinary citizens who say the threat of the pandemic is overstated and government restrictions unwarranted. Not everyone who now aligns with QAnon believes everything the group espouses, or endorses violence.”
And the cult organizers are smart enough to have come up with a seemingly meaningless name (QAnon), as opposed to something more obvious, like “Trump’s Brownshirts.”
I don’t agree at all with the suggested COVID causes dr C. proposes, but he does meticulously show what sloppy science is being done, and being heralded as ‘truth’. And he is open for corrections to his opinions, but they don’t come.
I agree with you David. I had noticed this denial and cult like behavior also in these people. I used to be a member of the Weston Price Foundation until the fermented cod liver oil debacle. Then when Covid came along I noticed how so many of their ilk went for conspiracy theories. Not a psychologist so not sure certain people are prey to this stuff.
I experienced exactly the same thoughts and objections when I received an email a few weeks ago indicating that the “The Contagion Myth” had been reject by Amazon. (Obviously I haven’t read the book so I don’t know the arguments to refute, but how prevalent is 5G in Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, India and other countries experiencing significant outbreaks…?)
On a different topic, my farmer experienced a significant increase in business this spring, when restaurants closed and groceries were being emptied. Luckily it coincided with the onset of warmer weather, so he had a surplus of eggs and the dairy cows were increasing their milk production. He was quite pleased to have the dramatic rise in orders, and brought in new investors for his herdshare. He’s always commented over the years that any bad news in the state or nation’s food supply is good news for him, since it drives people to seek out local food sources.
One challenge they’ve been experiencing is obtaining appointments at the area butchers for their beef & pork. The butchers have been booked for months in advance, due to the large commercial processors out West closing or slowing earlier this summer, forcing more conventional farms to seek out local processors. He also believes that more local farmers are seeking to find more direct-to-consumer sales, which is also increasing demand for local butchers. It’s not an existential problem, but it’s forced them to push their timeline planning and forecasts much further into the future.
How about researching before spewing. 5G has been rolled out in ALL spots where COVID had the highest amount of “VIRUS”. lol. But you’ll never hear the media say that. That’s why Africa has had so little – there’s very little 5G going in those places. But there are some because of the 5G satellites. There are just 1400 out of 12000 5G satellites operating now. And that’s just with Musk’s company. All the other tele companies are sending up 5G satellites. That’s why they say this “virus” will never end – they know full well that people will continue to get sick in ever increasing numbers. And they can just lock everyone up.
I tend to agree with the potential immuno-suppression effect of RF-EMR exposures and the role it can play with respect to increasing susceptibility to illness… As to whether or not it is primarily responsible for causing viral illnesses, I am not convinced of that. The fact that Dr Cowan is being censured by YouTube is telling and certainly proof that free speech is no longer acceptable in the pharma/digital controlled world. Dr. Cowan as with Edward Snowden deserve a reward for having the courage to stand up against the establishment.
As I stated in regards to your blog article dated Jun 28, 2017 titled, “Hot Alternative Doc Cowan Censured By CA Medical Authorities”, “This growing mentality that the government needs to take control of various aspects of our lives such as determining our need for health care is based on a flawed top down ideology that will lead to draconian measures and that will inevitably severely erode our freedom to choose. The history of human nature and its governments should be proof enough of that”!!! These current arbitrary SARS CoV-2 measures we are subjected to today further adds to that proof.
Before proceeding with further restrictive measures governments had better direct their attention towards objective science rather then to continue to follow the WHO faulty modelling…
In fact, government officials should seriously consider these words by Holocaust survivor and activist Vera Sharav, “If you deny the human individual the right to think and question and assess and make decisions based on their own judgment and experience, then you are creating robots,”
Ken Conrad, Thank you for your comment. I feel David’s Blog serves no purpose anymore since he has pushed his Cult since January 20, 2017. His CA raw milk buddy wants to move from the USA because he hates the Trump Administration. Well, I dislike McAfee, but I purchase his Organic Pastures cultured raw butter than start a liberal “Grab Your Wallet” boycott against OP. California is a progressive liberal money grabbing mess & McAfee shows his CA liberal political cult nasties.
My friends in Slovenia, Germany, & Australia speak about the American media lies- CNN lies out of country, too. They see the mainstream media lying mess in America. Our Chinese friend in Taiwan DID share her problems but China has hurt her.
AnnMarie was a 30 year voting Liberal Democrat and in 2016 she voted Trump. AnnMarie is now a registered Republican. Leave her alone!
Corruption in the D.C. cesspool has been there for years! A Cult runs it & those that blame Trump are arrogant elitist cultists.
If the Progressive Dems lead our country, then B.C., Canada looks interesting as my new home.
What exactly do you dislike?
I am always interested in learning how I can be better.
Opdc has always engaged with everyone and we believe in loving all and serving all. Our foundations are with humanity and compassion. ?❤️?
Your successful commitment to raw dairy & small family farms is commendable. I do not like your politics. Liberal Democrats are controlling elitists using their playbook of incorrect accusations – racism & white supremacy.
I was a community volunteer in an urban city & witnessed the Democratic governed city did not help the Black Community. The Black people & the urban churches tried. The local police told us the neighborhoods will never improve. Do you know Blacks that were able to leave their urban home & never return? These are the people that experienced being used by the Democrats. Think Chicago, as one!
Trusting politicians is not easy – Democrats & Republicans. When organized churches become politically involved, it is a warning of control and fear. Our Federal Government has always been powerful. I know of one successful lawsuit against the Federal Government. It took 10 years & millions of dollars. The lawyer lives in CA.
Good luck to you as you keep your political hatred front & center in CA. Shannon will not #GrabYourWallet.
Dana, I challenge you to listen to one or more of AnnMarie’s “Q Updates” on YouTube, and tell me that is the talk of a typical “registered Republican”….er, wait, I take that back, her musings on the latest “drops” about this or that conspiracy actually have become standard Republican orthodoxy. Take a listen:
David, I do not understand “Q,” False Flags, Pizzagate, 911 Conspiracies and now do not understand your focus on AnneMarie Michaels. Does she have millions of viewers & followers on YouTube or the CheeseSlave Blog? What’s her background? Who is her husband? What is his history? Are AnnMarie & Seth personally connected to European Q followers?
The Lincoln Project Founders would be more interesting – 2 RINO’s! George Conway must have mental health issues – his daughter Claudia has Tick Tock about childhood abuse & George has serious TDS. His family is a mess. My heart & safety thoughts go to his wife, KellyAnne. The other Founder is Steve Schmidt – personal anger issues. He was McCain’s 2008 Presidential Campaign manager and lost. Mc Cain was a poor choice and Schmidt was stuck with the GOP’s “who is next in line?” No backbone Schmidt. McCain wasn’t too bright – “the fundamentals of the economy were strong.”
Your Blog is a Cult that continues to push an obsessive TDS – fascism & dictatorship. It is a political mess. Are you applying for a position at CNN , NYT or the Washington Post??! Did you attack the innocent Nicholas Sandmann, the student from Covington Catholic High School. Should poor children be encouraged to tryout for the next Cuties video? Oh, why did Oprah build a school for girls in South Africa and not in Chicago or any other American city?
Hopefully, Trump will win on November 3rd, and in 4 years the old age Establishment politicians are voted out. We need honest young people in D.C. that will work together. Possible?!! ? The Democratic Party’s 2017 Movement has been dishonest. (The Women’s March was NOT grassroots.) Big progressive liberal monies funded The Movement worldwide.
David, you are East Coast & Mark M. is West Coast and inbetween belongs to important people. Whatever LEGAL (coward Bernie Sanders is a sad DNC 2016 Hillary/Debbie cheating memory) result occurs on November 3rd, I will accept & not be a jackass Dem donkey.
My blog post was about people prominent in food rights who had shifted their focus to the politics of denial and cult. AnnMarie Michaels was one example of someone who has shifted to the cult side. You said she was someone who had shifted from being a Democrat to a “registered Republican.” I said that if you listened to her YouTube recordings, you’d find something far beyond that. Interesting that all that stirred up so many other things for you, like Oprah building a school for girls in South Africa. You guys must stay up late nights thinking up conspiratorial drivel to explain other people’s acts of good will.
David, you could not resist a conspiratorial dig. (I am not impressed with your AnnMarie explanation. Clean Food Movement people are special and your writings were the lifeIine to those of us needing help & truthful answers.) I remember Oprah’s announcement & felt goodness for those young girls in South Africa. She did receive “heat” about her reasoning that the inner city children try to leave their poor neighborhoods via sports or music/rap opportunities. I hope the Cuties find education, as their out. There are many role models to follow. PLEASE do not try accusation racism or white supremacy on my comment. Oprah is a special benefactor to Chicago. She has a loving heart.
“Why Oprah’s School Isn’t In Chicago
Wondering why Oprah didn’t decide to build her new school here in the US rather than in South Africa? Me, too.”
“”If you ask the kids what they want or need [in the US], they will say an iPod or some sneakers,’ she’s quoted as saying (Oprah built $40 million school). ‘In South Africa, they don’t ask for money or toys. They ask for uniforms so they can go to school.'”
I forgot to add white supremacy to the list. I think that some under educated ignorant white people are very scared that they will no longer be in power. They will do anything when inspired by madmen. America has long history of this white supremacy issue. KKK and others.
Love of mankind is sadly lost while selfish greed and elitism is embraced.
This is Our truest threat. This is at the heart ❤️ of humanity.
When Trump abandoned the Kurds my heart broke.
The devil has a special place Reserved for Trump. Right next to Hitler and Mussolini!
All you people are f’ing morons. I can’t wait for all you people to be dead after the election. Go and riot and get thrown in the FEMA camps and rot.
ilo, you could really use some counseling for your anger issues and confusion
Yes, while I believe the science showing that 5G can be damaging especially for children, I am not yet ready to jump into the belief it is the cause for every single disease in the world. Particularly like “So how did the Black Plague get going in the 1300s, electromagnetic rays from the sun?” which reminded me that the Carrington Event in 1859 was biggest EMF disruption ever experienced on this planet and it was followed by devastating… nothing. Crickets.
wow you people are morons. You grab on to some piece of truth and then you twist is completely around. No one says the black plague was caused by 5G. But you’re not open to anything actual facts..
Why don’t you do us all a big favor and use your real name. Your full name no hiding.
If you believe what you believe then stand and be heard.
Mark, I think there’s a little trolling going on here.
My name is Obangyomama. I was born in Nigeria but my parents were communists and wanted to take over America. They raised me to be a psychopath and liar. I even married a transvestite named Michael. We took over the White House and f’ed everybody. We fooled you all. We destroyed America from the inside. We made sure the moslems took over everything. The gays took over everything. We ruined your whole world. Now we are making sure you take a vaccine and DIE. You will all be dead next year. After all, only 500000 people really should be on this earth. And you aren’t chosen.
on second thought, counseling is NOT a solution for you.
The mild-mannered city council in Ottawa is not the sort of confrontational group to lead the resistance against heavy-handed provincial authority.
But after Premier Doug Ford shut down indoor restaurants, gyms, sports and theatre venues as coronavirus feeding centres in the red-zoned national capital region, Ottawa councillors retorted with a unanimous challenge on Wednesday: Prove it.
And the authorities can’t. Or won’t.…/don-martin-resistance-grows…
The above link was not specific to the article mentioned… The following link should work better…
Your post is very much appreciated.
It was exhilarating to not only benefit from the Weston A Price way of eating but to eventually see the mainstream to endorse some of its contrarian tenets. It is human nature to want to be right and to know what others cannot yet see. Which seems to be why so many continue to believe in SFM no matter what nonsense she dishes out. She was right about X so she must be right about everything. And so they were ripe for the taking by The Facebook algorithms which scooped up and steered food and other activists towards Q.
Nuance and uncertainty are difficult to navigate. And (not to sound like you know who) there is often some truth on both sides. But to see people I know to be intelligent deny reality for the sake of certainty is horrifying.
Well, this blog has me confused and intrigued. I should not blog without scrutinizing this whole, confusing, dialog a little more. But, I am. I don’t know much about Qanon. But, I do know that having your medical license revoked may mean you are on to something, the same way, the government keeps coming after raw milk. The dentist, Hal Higgins, claimed mercury was toxic in teeth, had his license permanently revoked. Did Cowan make quakwatch? I tend to like whoever makes that list.
Someone mentioned the lunacy of believing in chem trails, but, goes on to define contrails. Why not explain away chemtrails, for example, that the stopping and starting of the contrails was because …. or those square clouds, and the aluminum is from…, but, you give no reason to not believe the chem trail claims. I really would like to know who that Harvard professor really is that explains all of this weather manipulation, on, I think it was the Steven Colbert show. And, I don’t know how anyone can only bad mouth Trump, as if Hilary, Obama, or any democrat is clean. I am retired military, so, I have an issue with Hilary, classified and Benghazi. Something is a foul. NO ONE would not send support if requested.
But, I have an issue with the majority of government, because, we are being sold out, and that should be in everyone’s face. Being censored alone should be a wake up call. But, shutting down the country based off horribly inaccurate tests. Does that not smack of something very nefarious going on.
What is shocking to me is that this should be a group of critical thinking people and I am hearing a lot of closed minded, self righteous, finger pointing.
But, I can only say, i am disappointed. Because the very existence of the planet is at stake, and for people who question the official narrative to be ridiculed by THIS group, leaves me horrified as well.
I only just found this first site, and, I can’t ignore his points. And, Kennedy’s site, I trust, since the lawyers can be sued for libel., children’
Thank you!?
Barbara said, “But, I do know that having your medical license revoked may mean you are on to something, the same way, the government keeps coming after raw milk. ”
Barbara Taylor, the government does not “come after raw milk.” It comes after farmers who either (1) are breaking regulatory laws which spell out certain requirements for raw milk farmers (such as licensing in some jurisdictions) or (2) have caused an outbreak.
From 2005 to 2016, raw fluid milk was responsible for 66% of all dairy-related outbreaks (see “Dairy” includes processed cheese, ice cream, queso fresco, etc. This is why government is alarmed — many outbreaks occur due to raw milk and yet only a small percentage of Americans consume it. This is also why RAWMI was founded and why it developed its HACCP-based on-farm food safety program – to deal with these dreadful statistics. Conventional dairying practices have been shown to allow pathogens to enter the milk. RAWMI practices help prevent this. See for a table comparing raw milk from conventional dairy farms vs. RAWMI-trained farms.
Well put, Barbara. I have been working throughout the “plandemic” and have remained healthy and without symptoms to which I credit my consumption of healthy foods, my raw goats’ milk and vitamins and herbs.
I definitely do not trust the government narrative and considering the projected numbers of deaths were so off base and now they are basing lockdowns and mandates on “cases”, I am even more distrustful of the mainstream narrative which is lead by the DNC. Joe Biden wants to mandate masks, vaccines (which I oppose and anyone who cares about health sovereignty should as well).
When I see the censorship going on of ideas, knowing what has happened with the government, FDA and raw milk, they have a history of not protecting our rights to the food or medical care of choice. And I’m not a fan of Bill Gates’ gleeful idea of complete surveillance using his technology and his plan to vaccinate the entire world. I’ve had family members who have been harmed by vaccines.
Mark and David, I have followed you guys for a long time for your stance on raw milk freedom and the right of each person to make food choices for their health and all of this goes together. I believe Kamala and Joe would usher in totalitarianism and limit even more our access to the foods of our choice. Think mask mandates. I’m really tired of your vitriol against our president and slavish obedience to the Covid mantra.
Loved this piece. Thank you for calling out this type of denial. So many want access to better, REAL food. When I saw SFM release the book on 5G causing corona virus, it was like…seriously woman? Access to raw milk is so important. It is a source of healing. And we all do not want unhealthy raw milk. SFM is really anti-vaccination, and while I believe there are serious issues in the vaccination industry, not all vaccinations in the history of mankind are bad. It really makes it hard for me to believe a lot of what WAP writes due to their severe refusal to balance facts and reality in a lot of what they put out.
So you don’t like ACTUAL scientific facts? You don’t thin 5G and actually all wifi to be dangerous? You think it’s just some conspiracy theory by nutcases? Well, do you think Scientific American magazine is a nutcase publication? They have just released in their latest issue an article about the dangers of 5G. Yup, that’s right. Actual science again. Too bad you are the conspiracy theorist and nutball.
The vaccination paradigm is fundamentally flawed… the injection of foreign, toxic and degenerative chemical and biological substances into the body, bypassing natural censoring mechanisms, represents one of the most insidious forms of abuse ever perpetrated on mankind. Suggesting that such a process nurtures immunity and good health is absurd.
Very familiar with Steve Hassan’s work and cults in general, incl multilevel opps. I noticed cultish behaviors at WAPF conferences. They promoted so much unproven healing methods and devices, such as raw milk fills in cavities, faraday cages to protect from radio waves, energy healing like Rekei, grounding by walking barefoot, magic elixirs, water cures (homeopathy). I remember when Mr. Morrel, a high-degree Freemason, placed his hand on my liver and diagnosed me. One main presenter had a basket of fruit, had volunteers lay on a bed on stage, and used this energy to determine the specific fruit, to lay on the person, whereon he placed his hand (wand), to heal. It seemed like most of the audience went oooo or wow. There were other forms of witchcraft also.
David, you should know me well enough by now to know I am extremely logical and never make claims about anything unless I find evidence to support it.
Let’s take a look at some of your claims, and then compare them to facts.
You wrote: “Yet many of the same people who deny such events and occurrences embrace conspiracy theories for which there is little or no substantive evidence. Many of these people have lately come together into a cult, known as QAnon, which preaches, among other things, that Donald Trump is leading a secret effort to eradicate a worldwide pedophilia ring run by liberals, and that the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax designed to get government infectious disease scientist Anthony Fauci rich.”
Let’s start with the pedophile ring.
What judge signed off on the raid on Mar-a-Lago, David?
Florida federal magistrate judge Bruce Reinhart. Go ahead and google him.
According to an article in the NY Post today, in November 2018, “the Miami Herald reported that he (Reinhart) had represented several of Epstein’s employees — including, by Reinhart’s own admission to the outlet, Epstein’s pilots; his scheduler, Sarah Kellen; and Nadia Marcinkova, who Epstein once reportedly described as his “Yugoslavian sex slave.”
Do you deny that Epstein was involved in a global sex trafficking scheme? If so, why was Epstein arrested? Why was his partner arrested and convicted? Who went to Epstein Island? We have proof that Bill Clinton went more than 25 times. There are also photos of Prince Andrew with Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre on the island, and her sworn testimony. Along with many other victims. Do you really think they would lie under oath David?
Why were NXIVM sex cult Allison Mack and Keith Raniere arrested? Raniere was sentenced to 120 years. You can read all of this on Wikipedia.
Raniere was found guilty of:
Sexual exploitation of a child and possession of child pornography with regard to minor victim “Camila”;
Sex trafficking of “Nicole”; attempted sex trafficking of “Jay”;
Identity theft against Edgar Bronfman, James Loperfido, Ashana Chenoa, “Marianna”, and Pam Cafritz;
Trafficking for labor and services of “Daniela”; forced labor of “Nicole”;
Conspiracy to alter records for use in an official proceeding;
Sex trafficking conspiracy, forced labor conspiracy, racketeering conspiracy, and wire fraud conspiracy.
Raniere and NXIVM had ties to the Dalai Lama as well as influential Bronfman family, heirs to the Seagram fortune. Both Clare and Sara Bronfman joined NXIVM.
From Wikipedia:
“Clare Bronfman eventually became “NXIVM’s operations director and one of its largest financial contributors”.[1] Raniere reportedly blamed Clare Bronfman for the bad publicity, faulting her for telling her father about the $2 million loan. Ultimately, Clare Bronfman would spend $150 million on NXIVM.[20]
Clare Bronfman installed keylogger software on her father’s computer, allowing NXIVM members to access his email for years thereafter.[21] From 2007 to 2009, Clare Bronfman, allegedly at the direction of Raniere, employed private firms to investigate perceived enemies of the group, including six American federal judges.[22]”
All sourced, David. Do you want me to go on? Because I can. What I have outlined above is just the tip of the iceberg.
Shall we discuss Bill Gates’s ties to Epstein? And Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to Harvard? And the guy who was busted for
Do you want to talk about Jimmy Savile the BBC correspondent who raped children and corpses in UK hospitals and how it was covered up for years by Mark Thompson who left the BBC and went on to run the New York Times?
How about good old Hunter Biden’s laptop and icloud account? If you haven’t seen those pictures and videos, you are lucky. Irrefutable that they are his. And you’ll have to wash your eyes out with bleach after you see them.
Your second claim: “and that the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax designed to get government infectious disease scientist Anthony Fauci rich”
I’m paraphrasing Anthony Robbins here (maybe you think he is a crazy conspiracy theorist too): “Same number of deaths in 2020 as 2019. And the flu and cancer disappeared.”
Read RFK’s bestselling book about Fauci. I dare you. Read Dr. Mercola’s book about COVID.
I bet you won’t. Because you don’t want to hear the facts.
Seriously though — why won’t you? I thought that’s what journalists do. Research everything. All the facts. Will you, David? I challenge you.
David, all you do is engage in ad hominem attacks and you have clearly done ZERO research. You can apologize to me later.
Haha…Let’s make this quick. Judge Reinhart, who signed the search warrant. You conveniently neglect to mention he was nominated by Donald Trump. Christopher Wren, who heads the FBI, which carried out the search….appointed by Donald Trump. You don’t seem to mention that Trump has been connected to Epstein on video admiring pretty young girls. You seem to have lots of time to go looking for infinite threads to connect, or maybe you get them from the various QAnon sites you hang out at. Anyway, real journalists don’t spend their time doing the kind of ‘research’ you engage in, which is the Alex Jones kind. Over and out.
I hit send and forgot to finish this sentence…
Shall we discuss Bill Gates’s ties to Epstein? And Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to Harvard?
And CHARLES LIEBER, the guy who was busted for fraud. Lieber, a nanotechnlogy expert, was the head of the Harvard Chemistry Department, according to the DOJ, “in connection with lying to federal authorities about his affiliation with People’s Republic of China’s Thousand Talents Program and the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in Wuhan, China, as well as failing to report income he received from WUT.”
He was being paid $50K per month.
Wuhan Institute of Technology and the CCP, eh?
And deep ties to Epstein and Gates: